Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I just decided to add a poll question about the FBC cafe to see how everyone feels about it…for fun!!
In response to a request by Cali I am posting this early as Manee doesn’t seem to be around, so I will get a head start on Wed. Cafe.
Thanks Diane, I’m buying a round for everyone on this occasion!
Anybody got anything for a busted tooth. My bicuspid broke on a piece of licorice. Woe is me.
Busted tooth, I’ve had a few and know the pain..does yours hurt…you can always use some wax, such as a candle wax to make a little fill in till you can get to dentist…there are some products available at pharmacy for such things.
It isn’t really all that bad. A little achy. But sharp as heck. Can’t keep my tongue away from the shard that is left.
If it doesn’t hurt much, take a small piece of sand paper and sand the edge of it…or you can use an emery board…I have done that and it helped a bunch for the tongue thing. Sorry…
Oooooh. Sandpaper? It is hurting a little more this morning. I’m definitely going to the dentist. It feels like a cavern in my tooot.
Thanks for the e-first aide though. That was nice.
Super glue if you have the piece that broke off. Don’t eat anything for a couple of hours and get it as dry as you can, put a roll of tissue or something under you lip to hold it out of the way. It will last a few days if you are careful.
nooooo don’t do that…superglue will make the tooth hurt…
Didn’t bother mine any. . your results may vary.
I was going to give you a mega troll rating for that advice…if superglue hits an exposed nerve, yowzer…lol about the troll rating.
I glue my paper cuts and things like that with super glue but haven’t heard of the tooth thing. Just my luck I’d glue my tongue to the roof of my mouth and not be able to talk for days! My kids might like that…
Laura!! ROFLOL. . .I had those same thoughts, so I was very careful.
for some applications. We weren’t talking about exposed nerves however.
I make things and work with superglue every day. 3-4 times a week I’m repairing paper and razor blade cuts with it. I guess it was developed for medical use in VietNam. A commentor somewhere mentioned the difficulty of stitching flimsy slimy liver tissue compared with gluing it.
The next one’s on me boran2…so this is what it tastes like…victory is sweet, is it not?
WOW! The dread menace is goin’ down…
Nice photo!
I am gonna take all my courage in my grubby li’l hands and finally ask y’all
What does n/t mean? Its making me nuts!!!
Not there?
near tea?
namely this?
nanny testy?
no telephone?
nice tattoo?
nuclear tears?
never taught?
no text
If your entire message is in the subject line – end it (the subject line) with n/t, hence no need for other users to open the comment.
Well, I’m over here in I-Deee-Ho whooping it up!! Really feels good to see signs of life again in the dems, progressives, Independants, and the crazy woman in the outback of Idaho. So this is what smiling feels like!!!!
Any results in from California yet on their Terminator Props?
Well I sure don’t know as I never watch local news. I’m national and international, con’t you know….but now I am checking just for you!!!!!!
WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! I just got back from the Democratic Victory Party in downtown Tucson. I’M SO HAPPY IT HURTS!!!! 😀
So that’s where you were….we just can’t stand a few hours without a new cafe so I jumped in there…
Yah victory smells sweet.
So what kind of victory did you have in Arizona?
We now have a Progressive Majority on the Tucson City Council. We defeated Fred Ronstadt (cousin of Linda) and Kathleen Dunbar. Our newly elected Dems are Nina Trasoff and Karin Ulich.
F A B U L O U S!!!!
That’s some dance you’re doin, dude!
ALL politics is LOCAL…this is how it starts…damn, it’s been a long time since I felt a positive vibe.
in lib-rul terr-i’toh-ree.
Laugh of the Night!
Mike Malloy is reporting on Air America Radio right now that the Texas Ammendment to ban gay marriage is worded incorrectly.
The First part of it says marriage is only between a man and a woman. Part “A”
The second part of it says it bans any and all things that look like marriage. “B”
They have banned marriage in Texas. . .he is waiting to get a call from a Texas Lawyer to back it up.
Congrats from north of the border to all of you celebrating victories. To those who aren’t — “La lutta continua.”
Can’t wait until tomorrow when the pundits will start saying that the country sent a message to the repubs.
By the way, the UN voted(historic vote) to end the embargo to Cuba. All these votes in one day is too much for my hart. Any Glicerin arround??
Is that true about the embargo to cuba…that is indeed good news. the embargo I never understood and why it was not lifted sooner. Will the US try to challenge this.
I’m not sure abut this , but I think that the US can only veto the Security council. At least the Argentine paper called it an historic vote. It’s a good day indeed.
I posted a diary at DKos with Tucson election results. Recommends would be most appreciated. I want the WHOLE COUNTRY to KNOW that we won big!!!!!!!!!!!!!
at how diaries sink like lead balloons over there. Things are always moving so fast…oh well, maybe next time. NOTHING WILL GET ME DOWN TONIGHT! 😀
I’ll just sit back and enjoy a fine glas of Frapin champagne, to end on a firy note!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”