Liberal Street Fighter

We’ve grown up on dramatic presentations of debates, all of us. The Lincoln/Douglas debates are re-enacted every year, with CSPAN providing “coverage”. Debate in Congress is very dramatically portrayed in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and now a live scripted debate just scored in the ratings for NBC’s West Wing.

No, this isn’t another review of that hour (though how thrilling to hear a Presidential candidate proudly proclaim himself a liberal). No, I was reminded more of what is missing from Democrats when they debate, not just in campaigns but on the floor of the House, the Senate and even when appearing on TV shoutfests … the majority of Democrats are completely unable to express positions with conviction.
Much of the debate about the national debate has been about framing, as though it’s only a marketing problem. Perhaps that plays a part, but the recurring tendency to retreat to tired lists of bills and policy procedures, reeled off from memory or teleprompter often comes off as simple tapdancing … a quick presentation while we wait for the show to continue.

Nowhere is this tendency more obvious and depressing than when a Democrat is asked about reproductive freedom. Oh, what mealy-mouthed convolutions come pouring forth, even from someone like Howard Dean, who for many years was able to present his position with clarity and precision: a woman’s health decisions are between her and her doctor and do not welcome intervention of the government. Now, sadly, thanks to the pathetic wretches that are the elected party leaders, we are confronted with verbal gymnastics about how “nobody likes abortions” and “safe, legal and rare.” Thanks to increasing numbers of TRAP laws, “rare” means “completely unavailable”. This is arguably one of the most important debates of our time: which individuals are free and autonomous, and just WHEN does the government have a complelling interest in limiting people’s freedoms? Sadly, only one political party is making the argument, and it is the party that places authority over individual freedom, patriarchy over gender equality. (Make sure to watch Frontline: the Last Abortion Clinic to see how ugly and pervasive TRAP laws have become, and the impact they are having NOW on women’s health and freedom).

Abortion isn’t the only debate within which the Democrats offer a lack of conviction. Defense, labor laws, national security, welfare, healthcare and social security … you can almost see themselves editing what they are about to say before they say it, focus group reports practically flash out of their eyes. People pick up on this. This is why Bush is where he is … he BELIEVES his lies. He made the statement recently that the US does not torture, and made it with utter conviction. There are many good men and women who hold office who share the values of our base (and sadly, many who do not), but they are so gunshy and whipped by years of relentless hammering from the right that there is now a shunt between their hearts and their mouths … sincere beliefs become shrouded in couched phrases and parsed policy statements, and people look at them and see and hear only empty words.

This isn’t a question of branding or framing or some application of cognitive science … this is a question of WHY. WHY do you want this office, Mr. Senator? WHY do you propose this policy, Madame Representive? WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR?

If you have to think about it, you’ve already lost the debate.