Raw story has obtained a letter from Bill Frist and Dennis Hastert to congressional intelligence committee chairs which seeks an investigation into the leak of classified information in the recent revelation that the U.S. is running a covert gulag system in Eastern Europe.
Here is the letter:
November 8, 2005
Honorable Peter Hoekstra
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515Honorable Pat Roberts
Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20515Dear Chairman Hoekstra and Chairman Roberts:
We request that you immediately initiate a joint investigation into the possible release of classified information to the media alleging that the United States government may be detaining and interrogating terrorists at undisclosed locations abroad. As you know, if accurate, such an egregious disclosure could have long-term and far-reaching damaging and dangerous consequences, and will imperil our efforts to protect the American people and our homeland from terrorist attacks.
The purpose of your investigation will be to determine the following: was the information provided to the media classified and accurate?; who leaked this information and under what authority?; and, what is the actual and potential damage done to the national security of the United States and our partners in the Global War on Terror? We will consider other changes to this mandate based on your recommendations.
Any information that you obtain on this matter that may implicate possible violations of law should be referred to the Department of Justice for appropriate action.
We expect that you will move expeditiously to complete this inquiry and that you will provide us with periodic updates. We are hopeful that you will be able to accomplish this task in a bipartisan manner given general agreement that intelligence matters should not be politicized. Either way, however, your inquiry shall proceed.
The leaking of classified information by employees of the United States government appears to have increased in recent years, establishing a dangerous trend that, if not addressed swiftly and firmly, likely will worsen. The unauthorized release of classified information is serious and threatens our nation’s security. It also puts the lives of many Americans and the security of our nation at risk.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
William H. Frist, M.D.
Majority Leader
U.S. Senate
J. Dennis Hastert
U.S. House of Representatives
And my humble P.S. (These guys are too funny).
P.S. Psst! Honorable Chairpersons charged with overseeing the batshit loopy executive branch and all its secret torture programs. While you are trying to figure out who leaked this info, could you also see who ordered these illegal prisons to be maintained in the name of the United States government. I think it might be a (whisper) War Crime! Since you’re going to be looking into the matter, it only makes sense. K. Have fun children. Now run along.
followed by a hallway conversation and a wink and a nod, I’m sure. We need an independent investigation. Senator Roberts sees his job as doing the opposite of what this letter asks.
When I read the title of your article, that some moderate Republican actually was calling for an independent investigation into the Plame thing!…Silly Me!
They are clowns. I like BooMan’s take on the front page. Bring it on. Let’s let the investigating begin and get to the bottom of this corrupt ass administration. Fucking people should be going to jail for what they are doing to our country and the world at large. And if you haven’t watched that Falluja video yet, you have to. It is awful what we are doing. We are the face of evil. Honestly.
hey BJ, you were too fast for me. Saves time if you limit the editorializing 🙂
All you smarty pants blog owners. Take sooooo much time and write smart things and all. Tttthpppttt! I feel like class clown. Just learn enough to be dangerous, and then make smart assed, uninformed commentary.
I like yours better.
Democrats just held a press conference calling on President Bush to not pardon Libby or anyone else found to be involved in the Plame leak case.
Then, after the announcement, MSNBC had that idiot Tony Blankley from the Washington Times who started whining that this would “contaminate the jury pool” for Libby’s trial, or some such rot. What an ass…
This is so far beyond “jury pool.” The only jury pool capable of handling the many atrocities of these pricks is a panel of Judge at the International Criminal Court.
I have never seen anything like all this news in my life. That the people in Paris are rioting, while we are not, makes me wonder just a little about us.