So this is what victory feels like…
I had pretty much forgotten what it was like to watch a Republican give a concession speech and watch Republican campaign workers sob on local television. I gotta say… damn it feels good.
Fuck them. Anyone still campaigning for the party of torture deserves to feel sad tonight. Bush’s coattails are covered with malodorous feces. Cheney is polling at 19%. Rove is about to be indicted. DeLay is indicted. Lott just smacked down the soon-to-be-indicted Bill Frist.
Bring it on.
Fuck them. Anyone still campaigning for the party of torture deserves to feel sad tonight. Bush’s coattails are covered with malodorous feces.
What he said.
Yeah man! Bring it on! Great night.
And it will be snowball effect.
Tucson City Council:
Nina Trasoff and Karin Urlich trounced the two Republican candidates. Trasoff was one of the early “Dean dozen” candidates when she ran for a seat on the Arizona Corporate Commission (a state-wide regulatory body) last year. She lost that race, but her campaign, and that of Karin Urlich, was supported by many, many newly energized local Democratic activists. This is great news for Tucson!
YEAH BABY!!! I just got back from the Democratic VICTORY party at Hotel Congress! IT WAS GREAT! This was a complete morale booster for the party. Kickin’ ass and takin’ names!
It’s great to be a Democrat 😀
AND I WORE MY BOOSHIRT (which you can buy here)
WOOHOO! Permanent smile in effect!
shit can stick to Ahnold, I’ll really feel optimistic for a return to sanity next year, at least in my fair state…
This is my last California election. I am moving to Florida and will be working to turn that state blue. If Arnold passes off into oblivion tonight, that would be the best send off I could imagine.
May you live long, learn much, and feel fulfilled . . . Betsy
Just wipe away the blood. It’s really blue.
Best of luck.
and we are moving in the right direction on #4
It looks promising that the governor is getting smacked down…in fact he basically gave a concession speech a few minutes ago!
News anchor said that now we can have some reform in CA – the governor actually doing some real governing!
Back later…
This will bring you some cheer:
“BLOWOUT IN 2006” — Kevin Drum — snippet:
(I’ve just been listening to Jerome A Paris. Oh my. Has he done marvelously well. … he is very empathic yet logical, and very clear in his descriptions.
not sure my heart can hang in there till 11/06…
Ah. But think about how much fun it will be to vote Arnold out of office.
WooHoo!!! Western civilization might not fall after all! (Okay, maybe that was a little over the top.)
Well, at least when it falls, we’ll have a bunch of degenerate, homo-lovin’, pot-smokin’ liberals leading us down the way.
When you put it like that i’d take degeneracy over moral turpitude any day of the week ^_^
The Moderate Republicans just flexed their muscle in Virginia. If I’m reading this correctly the GOP coalition just fractured.
Huge news for 2006 and the Alito nomination.
As as for George. Quack. Quack.
Sticking to the leadership drill on defense or on intelligence looks less and less like party loyalty.
is talking smack and taking names. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
What are you watching, Boo? I turned to WNBC / NYC but they’re showing L&O SVU.
Suze, I live in Philly, so my local tv is covering Jersey and showing the speeches.
I’m sorry you live in Philly but it is your own choice and I fully support you in the depths of your degradation.
“Let them eat cheese-steak.”
with Philly or somethin?
And all this time I thought you just wanted everyone else to know the joys of being right.
It might be a bit pre-mature but I’m actually feeling a little emotional tonight. Sure feels like a “tide-turning” to me and, after all of the anger and grief we have been through, a bit of a release. I just can’t help but hope that Wellstone is watching from somewhere and is proud of us.
NL – you must be delighted about your new Dem mayor! Wow – what a blowout!! 69% for the winner, I do believe. Both candidates recently appeared on “At Issue” (local Sunday morning show in the Twin Cities) and it was so much fun watching the incumbent Repub, arrogantly bragging about his certain pending win – even though the Dem had been kicking his ass in the polls for some time now.
Tide, meet turning!
Yeah, its just great on so many levels.
Here in St. Paul we lived with 8 years of Mayor Norm Coleman (he was even re-elected after changing parties from D to R). Then Kelly getting elected to essentially take his place for the money crowd (Chamber of Commerce) and Repbulicans even though he claimed to be a Democrat. And then of course there was the election of Pawlenty (Republican) as governor, death of Wellstones (the biggest blow of all!), the election of Norm as senator and the re-election of Bush.
For such a traditional blue city and state its been a very difficult few years. I feel like we’ve been living in the desert and just got a drink of water.
So after we’re done celebrating – its on to working for Amy Klobuchar to take Dayton’s senate seat – beating Pawlenty and getting Coleman sent home for good. Yee-ha!
Enjoy the heck out of your day – I know I will! For far too long I’ve been sickened by Tim Pawlenty’s raping and pillaging of the state’s social programs and Norm Coleman’s boot licking, ass-kissing in DC.
Together, we can get these asshats out of office. (Although it would be far easier if they weren’t such popular, charismatic politicians with incredibly large coffers and endless support from DC)
And I’ve never even stepped foot there. OK, maybe an airport but that doesn’t count.
You have no idea how absolutely crushed I was when Sen. Wellstone died. I mean, I absolutely sat down and cried and I was at work! Luckily I had the good sense to close the door.
So for that and other reasons, I want to see that empty-headed empty suit Coleman’s behind kicked all over the state. But it dawned on me that I didn’t even know who was slated to (hopefully) succeed Dayton. How’s Amy Klobuchar doing?
Amy still has a couple of Democratic challengers to get by – one of whom is Patty Wetterling. Patty is very well known in the state due to her excellent work on behalf of missing children after the disappearance of her son years ago. She’s a great woman, but I think maybe not ready yet for a statewide election.
Things are still brewing in this election for next year, but the one piece of good news I can share is that Amy got the endorsement of Emily’s list. As we all know, that will help alot.
Its sometimes hard for me to read the tenor of the whole state since I both live and work in St. Paul and the “opposition” is really in the growing suburbs. But I do think that Bush’s war and Katrina response coupled with all of the scandal are actually taking a pretty big toll. There are a growing group of old line Repbulicans in this state (Arnie Carlson, our former governor and the recently deceased Elmer Andersen) that are vocally sharing their opposition to the current cabal. I just hope those suburban soccer moms listen.
When it comes time to give what little money I have in the midterms, I’ll give it to the candidates directly.
To change the subject back to Va., I’m also hoping that Kilgore’s demise signals the end to the race-tinged use of the death penalty by wingnuts. Maybe they feel they have bigger fish to fry by opposing abortion & reproductive rights and freedom to marry. But I’m grateful that it backfired on ole Jerry, because as soon as I saw the ads (and visually speaking, they were stunning–evil well done) I thought Kaine was toast.
Glad I was wrong.
Limits on lawsuit awards rejected.
NW Cable News still running background story, no results, on the repeal of gasoline tax increase.
In Dover Pennsylvania, it is being reported that anti Intelligent Design Democrats have won all six school board seats, overthrowing the religious right board that was trying to push Intelligent Design into the Dover schools, resulting in the much heralded court challenge.
So we won a gigantic philosophical victory there. Way to go keystone staters. I love ya. I always believed in ya.
What a difference a year makes.
In so many ways.
I feel much better, now.
Good, we’re getting more of the local base to build on. The real story for 2006 is that we won things like the Dover, PA school Board and the Tucson City Council, and the Maine Gay rights repeal initiative fight. Things to build from to get the network to win a majority of the House of Reps. and the Senate, and the Statehouses.
Forgive me, I’m forty years following politics and the danger to America has never been greater. I know that it feels good to have these wins. I got the bottle of Zinfandel out. It’s for the down ticket wins, the ones that carry us to victory on network in 2006 and then 2008.
Now I have to sweat the Western and Pacific races. Some of those won’t be in until later.
The fact that the victims of the sleaziest negative ads, Tim Kaine and Jon Corzine, both won larger than expected victories. To my knowledge, this marks the first time that this typical GOPerative tactic backfired on the candidates who tried it. Since the ads in question (“Kaine won’t kill Hitler!” “Kaine was the lawyer for the guy who killed my drug dealer son and tried to save him from execution!” “Corzine’s ex-wife thinks he’s a creep!”) represented a new low in this sort of behavior, MAYBE the voting public has finally had enough, and will instinctively reject the people who insist on employing this tactic. I should also note that Kaine’s response to these disgusting ads was a dignified recitation of what his personal beliefs, and what he would do as governor that apparently played very well with voters. If nothing else, I noticed that Kilgore stopped running these Death Row Bloodlust ads after a short period of time, a sure tip-off that they weren’t working.
The big victory for Tim Kaine also means a big victory for an anti-choice Democrat, who will be governor when the Alito-wielded axe falls on Roe. Yeah, he’s better than the alternative in other ways, but it’s all the same difference from the other end of a coat hanger.
Prop 73 looking like it might squeak through in California, too.
Excuse me while I don’t do the happy dance.
Right there with you media girl….and on top of those things, I have no idea what’s going to come next here with the legal status of my own marriage…though Travis Country said no to Prop 2 60/40, the rest of the voters — not many, granted — decided that writing hateful discrimination into the constitution was a damned good idea. (I may never leave the county again…)
Another historic vote. UN voted to end embargo with Cuba.
182 in favour, 4 against ( US,Israel, Marshal Is., Palau): 1 abstention (Micronesia)
Damn, I thought the Micronesia vote would come through.
::sorry:: in a giddy mood.
Had Bush only gone there to campaign it would have been 183.
There are 2 votes that puzzle me: Iraq and Great Britain.
I know, did Blair forget he turned himself into a puppet state? And Iraq voted like their secret rulers in Iran wanted.
Slightly against. Kos is covering it. Good on him.
at 10:45 pm….too close to call and SF and LA results are slow to post.
yes 50.8 to no 49.1 with 37% reporting statewide…
on Prop 73: virtual dead heat, with the NO side having a very slight lead. Looks like it may be trending downward, with traditionally blue counties like San Francisco and Los Angeles still waiting in the wings.
Last I checked my local (Santa Clara County) results, absentees were heavily NO on everything; considering that absentees are usually quite conservative, that may be a good sign…
Yes 49% No 50% with 50% reporting
We flipped sides on the latest 13% reporting on this one.
Prop 75 is still leading for the governor with 50% reporting but now is at 50/49 – earlier tonight it was 54/46 so the direction is right.
Yup, this win is Democrats giving credibility to a know GOP wedge issue. Should Dems also stoop to Nixon’s Southern Strategy of racism to win… oh… that is what Ferrer did and got his ass handed to him.
Check out this post on Huff Post
… all of two seconds after electing an anti-abortion Dem for Governor. The real problem with this battle is that the true reality is being overshadowed by so called Democrats false chatter. That is why people do not see the real dangers because of all of the Dem pollyannas saying that not much will change…
it gets worse…
Check out this post on Huff Post
… all of two seconds after electing an anti-abortion Dem for Governor. The real problem with this battle is that the true reality is being overshadowed by so called Democrats false chatter. That is why people do not see the real dangers because of all of the Dem pollyannas saying that not much will change…
This is why I am personally REFUSING to support any and every anti-abortion Democrat…non negotiable. The Democratic leadership will now push them in droves.
it gets worse…
Check out this post on Huff Post
… all of two seconds after electing an anti-abortion Dem for Governor. The real problem with this battle is that the true reality is being overshadowed by so called Democrats false chatter. That is why people do not see the real dangers because of all of the Dem pollyannas saying that not much will change…
This is why I am personally REFUSING to support any and every anti-abortion Democrat…non negotiable. The Democratic leadership will now push them in droves.
Keeping the powder REALLY REALLY REALLY dry.
Check out this post on Huff Post
… all of two seconds after electing an anti-abortion Dem for Governor. The real problem with this battle is that the true reality is being overshadowed by so called Democrats false chatter. That is why people do not see the real dangers because of all of the Dem pollyannas saying that not much will change…
Media Girl. Remember that the other side is voting against YOU. You don’t have to feel elated that a guy you’re not crazy about won, but consider the alternative. We are on the defensive in this country, and we should never forget it. We have a long way to go before massive public opinion on matters that are crucial to us comes over to our side. In the meantime, we are simply in a defensive position, and letting the enemy decimate itself in attacks on us.
Remember that the other side is voting against YOU
… so is OUR side… that is the point… no matter what WE lose.
…is to get to choose my oppressor? And I’m supposed to be happy about it?
I know. I say that as a native.
But on the whole, this is MUCH better than rethug top to bottom (I’m also feeling pretty happy because I know 2 folks running as delegates and they won).
And while this isn’t much, do take comfort in this:
It’s too damned slow, I know. Like the Hydra, another anti-choice head will crop up. But maybe there’s a sliver of hope.
Happy days are here again
The sky above is clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer my friend
Happy days are here again
Fuck yeah!!! Newark came out in droves to slap now the Republithugs.
Props to Kanye.
getting a piece of this to squat on our site:,1249,635159613,00.html
44 Billion-per annum
Victory in California! Sweep! Sweep! Put up the brooms to signal our sweep. Defeated every one of the initiatives! The Bay Area and L.A. County were solid as rocks, the Wine Country and the Redwoods voted heavy against, and a whole lot of very crusty folks up in the mountains voted NO on everything. Suck it, Arnold!
OMG, I am logging in late, and I think I am going to cry. Kaine over Kilgore…, no I am crying. All of Arnolds props losing in Cali and I am in tears. It has been a very long time since I have seen victory… Tears of joy. Wow.