Judy Miller will pen a “Goodbye Cruel World” letter to the NY Times:
Under the agreement, Ms. Miller will retire from the newspaper, and The Times will print a letter she wrote to the editor explaining her position. Ms. Miller originally demanded that she be able to write an essay for the paper’s Op-Ed page challenging the allegations against her. The Times refused that demand – Gail Collins, editor of the editorial page, said, “We don’t use the Op-Ed page for back and forth between one part of the paper and another” – but agreed to let her write the letter.
In that letter, to be published in The New York Times on Thursday under the heading, “Judith Miller’s Farewell,” Ms. Miller said she was leaving partly because some of her colleagues disagreed with her decision to testify in the C.I.A. leak case.
The only sad part? They didn’t outright fire her and
kick her propagandizing ass to the curb!
The letter should appear in tommorrow’s NY Times. I guess we should be checking the electronic edition tonight? lol
And good riddence!
As if there wasn’t enough good news going around today, eh?
Surprise, surprise! Judy’s already got herself a website, and on it she’s posted the full text of her self-serving letter. Excerpts, from JudithMiller.org:
In other words, she won’t go gentle into that good night.
Well, a website isn’t likely to pay her NYTimes level salary. Nor is she likely to attract much of an audience without the status of the Times behind her back. I predit that after a short period of time, unless she gets picked up by someone (Washington Times maybe? The National Enquirer?) she’ll have to hustle a bit more. I think her sources will dry up quickly as sooon as it is clear she no longer has access to the powerhouse media that she previously enjoyed.
Nice catch Maven!
Dang CT Man. For a second, glancing at the recent diary list, I say GBCW and your name and was saddened. But Judy. No tears from me. Thppt!
Don’t worry BostonJoe… Booman would have to ban me from this community to get me out of here… And even then I would still come back and read! lol
(Besides… I can get a new email, MAC ID and user ID in an instant. Getting rid of me would be hard to do! LOL JK)
Good thought and diary.
Won’t she run into trouble somewhere along the line by doing this before the investigation is officially over? She’s still in the middle of it as to relevance of her testimony and information.
Could this be another Libby-esque Dear Judy Letter?
I think that it will end up being a repeat of her “I am so great and I didn’t do anything wrong” BS that she wrote after being released from jail.
It is nice that they told her “No!” when she asked for her GBCW to be printed in the Op-Ed section… They told her they would print her letter and that was all.
I am sure that the editors will have to deal with the “why?” of her leaving. I think that should be more interesting than Judy’s excuses.
Times has an extensive section for fiction, don’t they?
She’d fit in there like pleas in a pod, or in a nutshell, or something like that.
“We don’t use the Op-Ed page for back and forth between one part of the paper and another”
Previous editorials about Ms. Miller’s inhumane imprisonment notwithstanding, of course.
Adios Judes and don’t let the door hit ya in your lying ass!
Thank God she is finally gone!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!
London MI5’s ‘Torture’ Evidence Revealed Ricin Conspiracy Collapsed
Vital evidence in a terror case that was used by Tony Blair to justify the war with Iraq was withheld by Britain’s top chemical weapons laboratory.
Tests demonstrating that no ricin was found at a flat linked to a gang suspected of planning a poison attack on the London Underground in January 2003 were not disclosed to police and ministers by officials at Porton Down.
By Robert Parry — November 4, 2005
Indicted ex-White House aide Lewis Libby played a key role in an earlier case of slanting U.S. intelligence for political gain – four years before the Iraq War when he was legal adviser to a House investigation into how communist China got U.S. nuclear secrets.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I’m sure Talon News could use another reporter of her kind!
I see her ending up at “The Heritage Foundation” or some other place like that where they would truly appreciate her propaganda skills and unquestining abilityt to write what she is told to write by radical right wing-nuts…
OR… Maybe she’ll end up as the head of the PBS?