What’s happening on the Golden Shore?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Early parties here…watching 2 critical CA propositions…73 and 75
73 Abortion notice for teenagers…currently about Yes 49 No 50 …we want the no vote
75 Union Dues not allowed for political contributions…currently 50.3 to 49.7 too damn close
All the others are going down big time…
For those of us junkies that can’t wait for tv – check here…
Good, so the anti-union prop has narrowed since I saw it.
Well, at least Ahnuld is getting his butt kicked on the redistricting and budget props. He is going to be one lame duck.
CA SoS official tally has ALL props going down [73 through 80].
“99.9% ( 17637 of 17657 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 9, 2005 at 4:58 am” (Sec. of State).
A clean sweep – hot diggity! A little coffee and then dancing in the streets!
That pretty much sums it up … no?
So far, only one of his measures is ahead – the anti-union one – but
that’s 51 – 49%, and hardly any of LA has been counted yet. So let’s
hope that one goes down too. The state spending cap and redistricting
measures have officially lost. Teacher tenure is losing by the same 51
– 49% margin as the anti-union bill is winning.
I’m figuring LA city will probably move things in a positive direction, so again, let’s hope.
Oh, and the evil parental notification abortion bill is losing too, but is still close.
Proposition 76, which would have capped state spending, was defeated. With 45 percent of precincts reporting, it was losing 61-39 percent.
Proposition 77, which would have transferred the power to draw legislative boundaries from lawmakers to three retired judges, failed by a slightly smaller but still substantial margin.
Schwarzenegger’s proposal to make it harder for public school teachers to get tenure, Proposition 74, was losing 52-48 percent.
His final proposal, to curb unions’ ability to raise campaign cash, was deadlocked.
Viewer State Election 2005 Results
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
As of 11:03 pm pst…from the link above…all propositions are in the no column!
I’ve never been so happy to see that much red!
The margins are narrow…but I feel better watching these trends tonight…
can still have a major shift as large city votes come in as example, for the close races.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
That’s why I’m feeling kinda good. Hardly any of LA has been counted yet…
Large Cities vote Blue here…San Francisco and LA…big union towns! Late votes from the cities invariably vote progressives!
Hot damn! SF isn’t in either?
I raise my glass of truly excellent cabernet in a toast!
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 32,923 20.5 126,993 79.5
Statewide 2,094,842 49.5 2,131,899 50.5 Map
74 N Teacher Tenure 36,500 22.7 123,799 77.3
Statewide 2,020,452 47.4 2,238,359 52.6 Map
75 N Public Union Dues 36,733 22.9 123,403 77.1
Statewide 2,124,027 49.9 2,128,389 50.1 Map
76 N Spending/Funding 24,729 15.3 136,338 84.7
Statewide 1,709,770 40.2 2,537,892 59.8 Map
77 N Redistricting 32,685 20.4 126,756 79.6
Statewide 1,813,682 43.0 2,400,956 57.0 Map
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 39,779 25.0 118,907 75.0
Statewide 1,764,462 42.1 2,420,971 57.9 Map
79 Y Rx Drug Rebates 100,806 64.2 56,356 35.8
Statewide 1,608,160 38.7 2,544,435 61.3 Map
80 Y Electric Regulation 80,839 52.8 72,416 47.2
Statewide 1,407,747 34.4 2,673,868 65.6 Map
I think a lot of people may have gone, “this whole special election sucks, we shouldn’t having one and I am voting no on everything.”
Back when I lived in CA, I tended to do that if I felt overwhelmed by too damned many ballot initiatives. Admittedly that’s not the BEST way to vote. If I were in CA this year, thanks to the blogs I’d probably resist giving in to that temptation – am a bit disappointed to see 79 & 80 go down in flames. Der Gropenfuhrer’s four plus Prop 73 were truly poison – right now I’m cautiously optimistic that they’ll also be defeated.
Go Cali Go!! I am so happy. Props 76, 77, and 78 down. Props 73, 74 and 75 are likely down. This election was a scam maneuver. Totally unnecessary and just spent millions of dollars that would have been better spent on pro-choice counselling and high school education. Mr. Gropenfuerer just learned a nice lesson about California politics…hahahahaha.
If ’73 really gets voted down, I will seriously do one very happy dance.
may be equal to his chances of ever winning an Oscar.
Only one still leading right now — that’s Proposition 75, to limit use of public employee union dues for political purposes, and it’s down to 50.3%.
I think the California voters have spoken up and said that while they don’t mind the initiative process, they don’t like to see the process abused by an unnecessary special election.
Prop. 73 is still running pretty close as well, but seems to be trending in the NOward direction as well.
I’m pretty proud of my fellow California voters this evening, even those I disagree with, because they all got out and made their feelings known at the polling place…
Yeah. It’s like, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…uh…we won’t get fooled again!”
You guys did awesome on your no votes down there!
My true blue Marin…well we are 65% or better no votes on almost everything…and 75% no on Prop 73! Damn it feels good to live in these counties!
when the absentees were trending NOward earlier this evening down here — thought it was a great sign. 🙂
KRON just reported that 75 has just turned in the NOward direction. According to SecState, now NO 50.4%, YES 49.6%. Freakin’ awesome…though still too close to call…damn, my fingernails are too short to bite…
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 1,986,680 49.3 2,039,982 50.7 Map
74 N Teacher Tenure 1,912,953 47.1 2,144,921 52.9 Map
75 N Public Union Dues 2,015,523 49.7 2,035,909 50.3 Map
76 N Spending/Funding 1,615,650 39.9 2,431,383 60.1 Map
77 N Redistricting 1,718,036 42.7 2,297,138 57.3 Map
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 1,677,329 42.0 2,310,511 58.0 Map
79 N Rx Drug Rebates 1,542,768 38.9 2,413,145 61.1 Map
80 N Electric Regulation 1,351,054 34.7 2,537,008 65.3 Map
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 2,002,414 49.2 2,060,887 50.8 Map
74 N Teacher Tenure 1,927,964 47.0 2,166,589 53.0 Map
75 N Public Union Dues 2,031,465 49.6 2,056,602 50.4 Map
76 N Spending/Funding 1,628,257 39.8 2,455,350 60.2 Map
77 N Redistricting 1,731,957 42.7 2,319,524 57.3 Map
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 1,690,546 42.0 ,333,359 58.0 Map
79 N Rx Drug Rebates 1,556,400 38.9 2,435,482 61.1 Map
80 N Electric Regulation 1,363,257 34.7 2,560,385 65.3 Map
Hey, you guys think…maybe, just maybe…the end may be in sight to “our long national nightmare”?
S’over. Clean sweep. LA will only widen the gaps.
Night Arnie. Night Maria. Night All.
It’s really refreshing to watch this $50 million debaucle kick Schwarzenegger’s butt….
I think I’ll try to post only 73 and 75 next time…we know the others are in the good column.
Personally, I’ve had a shitty week. But I have to tell ya, this is cheering me up considerably.
Oh, Lisa … you have had a tough one 🙁 Hugs… Bear and Althea and Valerie P. send their love too.
Murphy is sitting on my lap right now (to this cat, I am The Lap).
Tell Bear and Valerie P. that I (and Murphy and Spike) say Howdy!
Murphy, weren’t you named after a bed? Spike, I’m not sure about your name though.
Bear has been sneezing for days … i’ve been boiling water for him. Not sure what else to do.
Althea gets to go outside because she’s a tough refugee from a Wal-Mart parking lot and, having lost her tail in a car engine while she tried to keep warm, is very wary and wily…. but lately she’s found the crawl space under the house and I’m worried what creatures she’s going to bring up with her.
I’m dying to see Valerie P.’s home … how does she make room for herself and those three growing teens?
(I fell asleep at 8:30 and woke up at 11pm… must get caught up on the results.)
I’m thrilled that Arnold is not doing well!
Yes, murphy was named after a murphy bed. Spike was named…as sort of a joke…he was a very skinny, almost pathetic looking cat…my sis called him Spike after the character on Buffy. Little did we know. He turned into this 25 lb BEAST and he is a real brat.
I am glad that Bear stays inside. Where is Valerie P. living?!
Ahuld still losing on everything….tee-fucking-hee!
I think that Valerie P. lives in a giant old tree in back of our large common yard for the two duplexes. But I can’t imagine the space is big enough for Val + the three growign teens. If I were a tree climber, I’d go find out.
They’re really pigging out on food now. Bulking up for winter! Got a 40 lb. bag of dog food plus a 80 oz. jar of peanut butter, etc., etc.
on a sad note, I’m incredibly sad that Prop. 1 failed in this county. The fatcat real estate agents’ campaign “Dont Lose the American Dream” worked, I guess. Of course, their dream is the disappearance of all farm land, replaced by hideous rows of McMansions.
We’ll have to take a lot of photos quickly so we can remember what the countryside once looked like.
And then you can match them up
We’ll have to take a lot of photos quickly so we can remember what the countryside once looked like.
with the streets that will be named after the features and creatures obliterated by the developments: Meadow Run, Fox Lane, Deer Road, Maple Avenue.
</bitter snark>
All three proposition results much closer than 5 min ago.
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 264,074 48.3 282,003 51.7
Statewide 2,135,263 49.4 2,178,573 50.6 Map
74 N Teacher Tenure 242,664 43.8 310,497 56.2
Statewide 2,056,293 47.3 2,290,772 52.7 Map
75 N Public Union Dues 248,453 45.1 302,385 54.9
Statewide 2,159,348 49.7 2,181,323 50.3 Map
WOOT!! Just saw on Seattle 4 tv.
Isn’t that truly incredible and impressive, Gooserock?! It makes me so proud of our voters….
it would have meant a big savings for them everytime they fill up but they realize (hell, what sentient person couldn’t?) that our highways need repair and maintenance badly.
And both health care measures are failing?
P.S. NIGHTLINE is showing the late election results for the West Coast.
If Nightline did something I missed it.
* Seattle PBS TV – Fundraising.
Except for the 11pm News, coverage was pathetic.
I worked at KING TV in the early 70s. All programming was suspended. We put up the latest results with numbered cards on a wall. Senators Jackson and Magnuson wandered around the set. Such a different time.
and get to bed…I just hope I don’t wake up to a nightmare like last November… 🙁
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 2,404,362 49.2 2,475,349 50.8
75 N Public Union Dues 2,432,937 49.5 2,475,918 50.5
11:38 results…moving the right way…I’m 5 minutes behind you on sleep Cali…tomorrow will be awesome!
Arnie is done for. He was on fairly early smiling for 2006. That’s when I knew we had a sweep on our hands. All gone down in a loud, clear signal to the Gropenator. We carried both the urban strongholds, the North Coast Wine and Redwoods, and then as a capper a lot of very independently minded mountain voters. It’s a very good night!
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor's Pregnancy 2,404,362 49.2 2,475,349 50.8 Map
74 N Teacher Tenure 2,323,056 47.2 2,592,892 52.8 Map
75 N Public Union Dues 2,432,937 49.5 2,475,918 50.5 Map
76 N Spending/Funding 1,968,087 40.1 2,934,901 59.9 Map
77 N Redistricting 2,087,236 42.8 2,779,976 57.2 Map
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 2,030,162 42.0 2,801,059 58.0 Map
79 N Rx Drug Rebates 1,841,337 38.4 2,949,805 61.6 Map
80 N Electric Regulation 1,605,987 34.0 3,104,787 66.0 Map
Y - Proposition is passing
N - Proposition is not passing
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 2,435,169 49.1 2,517,460 50.9
75 N Public Union Dues 2,458,520 49.3 2,524,857 50.7
11:43pm with 72% reporting
Prop 73 – NO = 50.8
Prop 75 – NO = 50.8
Holding pretty steady here…LA is still reporting at 27% of precincts…
The Telemundo commentator just said; “the Republican Party in California se acabo“
Telemundo is owned by NBC/GE, this guy has some cojones
Big counties voting yes on 73, 74, and 75 were Kern, Orange, Riverside, Ventura, San Joaquin, and San Diego Counties. The little rural counties voted mostly Yes on 73-75 BUT not all of them…!
Okay blue Californians…we now where we are campaigning in 2006…the results just gave us locations to target!
And, you know, urban San Diego is blue – though I was so disappointed that Donna Frye lost the mayoral race. The last decent mayor San Diego had was a Democratic woman (Maureen O’Connor) – you think they’d try it again…
OMG!!! I am just literally crying with shock. There is hope. Prop 73 is losing at 12:00 a.m. Prop 73 was for parental notification for abortion for minors. This is such a heavy prop because all of us parents want to be notified. For the majority of us to say we will give up that to protect those kids who can’t talk to their parents really says something. It is hope. I expected to lose this prop and to see we are winning, even by a small margin, is hope beyond any I have felt in the past year. Thank you California.
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 2,563,070 48.9 2,674,283 51.1
75 N Public Union Dues 2,574,991 48.8 2,695,427 51.2 Map
We made a big move here!
LA is now with 34% and 73 is NO 53.3% and climbing
75 is NO with 57.4 and climbing!
I shall sleep well tonight and dream happy dreams!
Prop 73 NO = 51.5%
Prop 75 NO = 51.6%
12:09 am 81.4% reporting!
It’s happy dances scheduled for breakfast tomorrow and sweet dreams tonight!
FUCK YEAH! Mimosas for breakfast!
You tell me?
Just some Diary shilling… But I have a LOTT to say! Tell me what you think? Or ignore it. I have a beer to keep me company tonight anyways… lol jk
81.9% ( 14457 of 17657 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 9, 2005 at 12:19 am
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor's Pregnancy 2,632,074 48.5 2,785,015 51.5
74 N Teacher Tenure 2,530,419 46.3 2,927,366 53.7
75 N Public Union Dues 2,641,042 48.4 2,809,872 51.6
Y - Proposition is passing
N - Proposition is not passing
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
73 N Minor’s Pregnancy 2,632,074 48.5 2,785,015 51.5
74 N Teacher Tenure 2,530,419 46.3 2,927,366 53.7
75 N Public Union Dues 2,641,042 48.4 2,809,872 51.6
It’s just like that stupid Capital One (?) commercial with David Spade – “NO! NO! NO!”
for elbowing ahead by 10 seconds!
I’ll just sit back and enjoy a fine glas of Frapin champagne, to end on a firy note!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
This, I hope will derail all of Arnie’s future political plans.
87.1% ( 15388 of 17657 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 9, 2005 at 1:09 am
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor's Pregnancy 2,815,429 48.1 3,037,426 51.9
74 N Teacher Tenure 2,703,233 45.8 3,195,286 54.2
75 N Public Union Dues 2,812,588 47.7 3,079,489 52.3
76 N Spending/Funding 2,284,709 38.8 3,601,293 61.2
77 N Redistricting 2,426,119 41.5 3,419,273 58.5
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 2,417,320 41.6 3,383,119 58.4
79 N Rx Drug Rebates 2,222,206 38.6 3,525,397 61.4
80 N Electric Regulation 1,929,466 34.1 3,725,108 65.9
Y - Proposition is passing
N - Proposition is not passing
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
The Bald Eagle Is Soaring Again!
Let them chew over these results for a bit, when there is still some appetite the GOP can review the PF deck of cards as listed in your linked site of Progressive Thinkers.
Thanks for giving us a comfi feeling for the night -US- and day for us Euro bound BooTribbers.
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Cross-posted from diary ::
If you are a Republican Senator...
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Where’d everybody go? Well, WAKE UP EASTERNERS to your gift from the West Coast—as of about 1;20a. there’s close to 90% of the precincts in, and there’s no proposition on the board with even 48% approval.
As you saw above, it wasn’t until about 57% of the precincts were in–and about 15% of LA County–that Prop 75, the union one, flopped dead. Now it’s getting even fewer votes than the parental notification prop that died earlier.
You also know that all the school board seats up for election in Dover, PA were won by opponents of teaching ID in bio class. And the last time I looked, even the Attorney General race in Virginia was about 1000 votes shy of another Dem victory.
And the CBS poll of registered voters, who would now vote Kerry into the presidency…
Gonna be a great Wednesday! It’s Repudiation Day!
Europe is awake … 10:30am
but that’s easy isn’t it?
Enjoying every minute of it!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
94.1% ( 16607 of 17657 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 9, 2005 at 1:50 am
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor's Pregnancy 2,936,094 47.9 3,189,307 52.1
74 N Teacher Tenure 2,806,362 45.4 3,367,715 54.6
75 N Public Union Dues 2,915,263 47.2 3,252,324 52.8
76 N Spending/Funding 2,371,785 38.4 3,789,819 61.6
77 N Redistricting 2,517,675 41.1 3,602,245 58.9
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 2,530,007 41.6 3,542,591 58.4
79 N Rx Drug Rebates 2,332,631 38.7 3,683,026 61.3
80 N Electric Regulation 2,024,001 34.1 3,895,057 65.9
Y - Proposition is passing
N - Proposition is not passing
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Okay California has now redeemed itself for voting for Arnold…Gray Davis was just that bad… like Ferrer.
“Special Interests”… groups when not underminded by the Democratic Party leadership… Kicks Ass…
99.5% ( 17637 of 17726 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 9, 2005 at 5:54 am
Propositions Yes Votes Pct. No Votes Pct.
73 N Minor's Pregnancy 3,129,340 47.4 3,465,146 52.6
74 N Teacher Tenure 2,986,287 44.9 3,662,429 55.1
75 N Public Union Dues 3,091,713 46.5 3,550,563 53.5
76 N Spending/Funding 2,521,709 37.9 4,114,787 62.1
77 N Redistricting 2,672,882 40.5 3,919,919 59.5
78 N Rx Drug Discounts 2,719,375 41.5 3,821,383 58.5
79 N Rx Drug Rebates 2,523,419 38.9 3,949,942 61.1
80 N Electric Regulation 2,188,786 34.3 4,181,536 65.7
Y - Proposition is passing
N - Proposition is not passing
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Thanks for posting all the election updates, Oui. And a big tip o’ the hat to SallyCat, as well!
So when, pray tell, do you sleep?
Good day!
that leaves sleep in between comments!
It’s a matter of planning, thus, I guess. LOL
A very good question, I never thought about that … hmmm.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Too funny – while typing my last comment, I was thinking that you likely partake in cat naps. Lo and behold, there’s a nappin’ kitty in your reply!
Good day! I understand this is a California thread, but I didn’t know where else to post my comment. (So please forgive this Minnesotan for treading on Cali)
Minneapolis had a fairly unusual mayoral election on Tuesday – in that the only two candidates were both Democrats. While reading this morning’s Minneapolis Star Tribune, I ran across a comment that caught my eye – and it made me wonder about the impact of unions in future races. (While realizing, of course, that this was an atypical election.) As a point of reference, Ryback was the incumbent and ultimate winner. McLaughlin was his opponent.
“McLaughlin had the support of the city’s unions, including Local 82 of the Minneapolis firefighters. President Tom Thornberg said Rybak’s win was a blow to labor.”
“It’s really inconceivable for me, as big a labor town as Minneapolis is, that the candidate that is endorsed by all of labor can’t win,” he said. “We’ll have to do some evaluating.”
Individual unions supporting issues and candidates hasn’t played well in the past few elections here.
The governor alienated the teachers, firefighters, police, and nurses all at the same time this year. Together they put up a fight that started before the special election was even official.
So…the firefighters supporting McLaughlin was good but the others need to join the fight to kick butt!
Just my .02 observation
100% ( 17657 of 17657 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 9, 2005 at 7:00 am
Propositions 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Votes x1000
Alameda N N N N N N N N 297.5
Alpine N N N N N N Y N 0.5
Amador Y Y Y N N N N N 13.2
Butte Y N Y N N N N N 40.8
Calaveras Y Y Y N N N N N 15.5
Colusa Y Y Y Y N N N N 4.0
Contra Costa N N N N N N N N 203.5
Del Norte N N N N N N N N 6.1
El Dorado Y Y Y Y Y N N N 52.7
Fresno Y Y Y N N N N N 143.3
Glenn Y Y Y N N N N N 6.5
Humboldt N N N N N N N N 39.7
Imperial Y N N N N Y Y N 16.1
Inyo Y Y Y N N N N N 50.1
Kern Y Y Y N N N N N 120.6
Kings Y N Y N N N N N 20.6
Lake N N N N N N N N 14.2
Lassen Y N N N N N N N 6.8
Los Angeles N N N N N N N N 1,000,2
Madera Y Y Y N N N N N 23.6
Marin N N N N N N N N 64.9
Mariposa Y Y Y N N N N N 6.2
Mendocino N N N N N N N N 24.1
Merced Y N N N N N N N 34.6
Modoc Y Y Y N N N N N 3.0
Mono N N Y N N N N N 2.9
Monterey N N N N N N N N 58.0
Napa N N N N N N N N 35.6
Nevada N Y Y N Y N N N 24.9
Orange Y Y Y Y Y N N N 562.9
Placer Y Y Y Y Y N N N 92.8
Plumas Y Y Y N N N N N 7.6
Riverside Y Y Y N N N N N 283.7
Sacramento N N N N N N N N 262.6
San Benito N N N N N N N N 10.5
San Bernardino Y N Y N N N N N 269.4
San Diego Y Y Y N N N N N 629.8
San Francisco N N N N N N Y Y 159.9
San Joaquin Y N N N N N N N 105.8
San Luis Obispo N Y Y N N N N N 70.2
San Mateo N N N N N N N N 157.3
Santa Barbara N N Y N N N N N 77.8
Santa Clara N N N N N N N N 335.7
Santa Cruz N N N N N N N N 67.6
Shasta Y Y Y N N N N N 42.6
Sierra Y Y Y N N N N N 1.4
Siskiyou Y Y Y N N N N N 12.3
Solano N N N N N N N N 84.7
Sonoma N N N N N N N N 138.8
Stanislaus Y N Y N N N N N 65.6
Sutter Y Y Y Y Y N N N 15,5
Tehama Y Y Y N N N N N 13.8
Trinity N N N N N N N N 4.5
Tulare Y Y Y N N N N N 57.3
Tuolumne Y Y Y N N N N N 16.5
Ventura Y Y Y N N N N N 177.0
Yolo N N N N N N N N 43.7
Yuba Y Y Y N N N N N 13.0
Y - Proposition is passing
N - Proposition is not passing
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, at podium, urges citizens to vote against Gov. Schwarzenegger’s ballot initiatives in California’s special election Tuesday November 8, during a get out the vote rally in Los Angeles. From left, Dolores Huerta, President of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and Co-founder of the United Farm Workers union, State Assembly woman Karen Bass, Speaker Nunez, and Martin Ludlow, Executive Secretary Treasure of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO.
AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
I just want to tell y’all about our vote. Here in Katherine Harris’ Sarasota 80% of the people who voted said yes to a proposal to tax ourselves for the purchase of natural habitat and urban parkland. This vote adds 10 years onto an existing tax due to expire in 2019.
My county is crawling with republicans, but sometimes they’ll do the right thing. Fortunately, the cultists had ‘other priorities’ than making the effort to vote, it’s just easier to complain.