Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself!
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Regulars are in their newspaper spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Top o’ the morning, afternoon, or evening to you, froggies, lurkers, and newbies in all time zones!
for best attempt to overcome having the most embarrassing State Board of Education, yesterday’s diary would be a sure thing to win. Lots of fun and educational, too.
Wasn’t that a blast, if we do say so ourselves? You added so much to the amusement and educational factors. I, for one, will never (be able to) forget slugs that gnaw each other’s penises off. And now we also know the name for “fear of virgins,” and something about flatworms, eyes and morons.
What did you learn that you didn’t know before?
We Kansans must make fun of ourselves before others can.
For my favorites, I am torn between the uvula discussion and the fact that my marmot showed up (ego, ego, ego).
I’m just checking in for a couple of quick hellos before collapsing on the couch.
When you say library, which one do you go to? It seems weird to go to a library as a patron ….
Central Resource. They have truly quiet corners and many plug-ins. I’d like to use Corinth but I think they must have the World’s Noisiest Librarians. Of course, there’s really no place they can hide, but does no one whisper anymore? And it’s not the patrons, it’s the staff!
That’s funny! I wonder who works there now? It’s been ages since I’ve been there.
The last time I was at CRL was when we did the Dean Letter thing. sigh.
Last week, we mentioned “Ritual of Scaring the Moms by Taking a Photograph Standing Somewhere That Appears to be Very Dangerous.” This ritual first manifested when the Moms witnessed a image from a hike in the Grand Canyon. They were horrified, they were terrified, they went — oh, how best to put it — apeshit crazy. The Blue Dot realized what a wondrous and enthralling ritual (for her) this would be.
Unfortunately, the Blue Dot has discovered that the ritual is flawed: if you repeat it often enough but do not actually harm yourself by falling from the Dangerous Place, the Moms will eventually look at the Scary Photograph, make a brief moue of discomfort, and then move right on to oohing and ahing over the flower pictures. For this reason, the ritual is now practiced only when the Blue Dot discovers a place which is Sufficient Unto Frightening.
The Blessed First Dangerous Precipice
Hiking out of the inner gorge on the Bright Angel Trail
Oh, the dreaded Mother’s Moue of Discomfort! I, myself, have attempted valiantly to conquer it when my son says things like, “So we drove down the mountain in a blizzard. . .”
Here’s my entry. Admittedly, it would have been more effective if it was taken from OVER the edge, but you can’t have everything. This was taken locally at a place called Cambell’s Ledge.
you need to have one foot one the rock to your left. But you clearly are one with the Ritual.
This is effective enough, I think. Over the edge would be, well over the edge.
That is a gorgeous picture…
Me – I’d be clutching the wall…I love the hikes along the edges of trails but am terrified of slipping and falling.
I love exposed areas — I think it’s because of the wonderful open views they give you (sometimes down, rather than out).
One place you would definitely want to avoid is the trail to Hidden Canyon in Zion. That’s a trail that is too scary to even show to the Moms. I love it.
Photo showing part of the Hidden Canyon trail, taken to try to minimize the narrowness and sheer dropoff but I think it still comes through.
Nope, not me, not going there….no way
Give me a wide ledge and I’ll sit quietly and watch the scenery and critters and wait for your return.
but it’s actually impossible to do that and live.
WOW, can you imagine walking on that ledge!!!!???? Not me in a million years!!!! Lovely but dangerous, IMHO…
since I did it — but these things are really scarier to look at than they are to do.
Some of us will just take your word for that, Oh, Intrepid Blue Dot.
it only shows up for things I want to do. Hike on an exposed trail — no problem; go to some big, social function — abject terror.
you do such lovely photos, but to step that close to the edge is dangerous and I would simply get nauseated on that point…
Hey, good morning, kansas and everyone! I washed the car yesterday, so of course we had our first rain in more than a month overnight. Feh. It’s sunny and clear this morning with a bright blue sky and leaves falling into golden piles everywhere.
My Letter to the Editor ran in this morning’s local paper and no doubt will make me even more unwelcome here in the South(tm).
On another note, I got my first case as a guardian ad litem a few days ago and have a second court appearance this afternoon. It’s weird sitting around a conference table with a bunch of lawyers and social workers and family court representatives. I feel so small and undereducated, but in some respects I’m one of the more important people in the room, so that’s cool and weird at the same time.
on both the letter and the case. The letter is first rate shy bitch goddess of the left snark.
As far as how you feel around lawyers and social workers, you are SIN and they aren’t so there’s no way they can compare to you.
Really, though, good on you for taking the guardian case. I have no doubts that you will do a first rate job.
What a superb letter, SN. Good on you, mate.
I remember how nervous you were before the first guardian case, the one that didn’t actually materialize. And now here you are blithely telling us after the fact. Well, maybe not blithely.
They have a good person on their side.
Thanks. I’m still really nervous, but I’m pretending that I know what I’m doing. It’s actually a great job for people like me who are naturally curious (ok, snoopy) because you just follow your instincts and ask questions about everyone connected with the children. In this case there are four of them, the youngest was born last week. In the past I would just quietly quit things when I got nervous, but now I really feel the weight of these kids counting on me and I want to do a good job for them.
…but now I really feel the weight of these kids counting on me and I want to do a good job for them.
Sounds to me like you’re perfect for what you’re doing. You’ll learn more about how things work as you go along, but you’re starting with your heart in the right place, which is way ahead of many people.
Hey, so how’d the court thing go? I kept thinking about you while you were gone.
Hey You! It was really interesting because I got to meet the mom and the new baby (one week old) and the maternal grandmother and have good talks with them separately. And of course it’s always a good day when I can hold a new baby and smell his head.
The case itself is marching on and I’ll be meeting with the major parties over the next week or so and then making my recommendations before the adjudication at the end of the month.
I found out that I’m not really as shy as I thought I was. Just unsure of myself in new situations, and since I’ve been staying home with kids since I was 20 everything is a new situation for me!
Good Job Laura, I am so glad you have gone into this and it’s working out for you…..Proud we all are of you I am sure….
Big giant huggggsssssss>>>>>>
Thanks, Diane, it was time to get off my butt.
SN, I work in family court with some of the very same issues that you are dealing with. Good luck with your case!
Good, maybe I will have to ask your advice from time to time!
Feel free to do so!
This It’s weird sitting around a conference table with a bunch of lawyers and social workers and family court representatives. I feel so small and undereducated, really struck a cord. I live in split world, half writers, half academics.
Every so often though the ratio gets a little wonky. The first time I noticed this was at a dinner where there were two MDs, six PhD physicists, one physicist with a MS who was halfway through his PhD, and me with my shiny BA in theater. Very intimidating. I’ve gotten used to it, but every so often I’m reminded again of my lack of educational magnificence.
On the plus side, I’m half of a doctor and mister couple and my dad’s half of colonel and mister, and it irritates the dickens out of conservatives.
Good morning all!
The temperature is dropping – it was 62 just after midnight, now down to 52 – low tonight forecast at 38. Finally feeling it is November in the NE.
Did you see keres’ diary entry on the Australian political landscape (top of the reco list at the moment)? Incredibly depressing that they seem to follow the US path – selling out to corporate interests and limiting personal freedoms.
The diary is by myriad who is keres’ partner.
You’re right. Sorry to myriad and keres for the mix-up (I had also read the Dog Blog).
I’d love to stay for breakfast…busy couple of days at work now. Why oh why did I pick these days for the deadline? Yep – self selected deadline and too much procrastination got me here…
I’ll drop by later with some 4’s and for a cup of fresh coffee.
I’ll keep the coffee pot on for you.
Mornin, Kansas and everyone….
Hope you have reinforced the building today, it is very prone to have the sides blown out. lol….
It rained here last night, yipee, love the rain but missed it falling..hope we get some today.
Hi, Diane. Lucky you! It’s only raining fundies here.
Happy Thursday to you all. It’s technically Friday since our office is closed tomorrow but I plan on working anyways and taking Monday off; either way it’s a 3-day weekend. Woohoo!
I have an extra sparkle in my smile cuz I just noticed Nanette delurked and commented in the Australia diary. It’s always great to see members reengage after a break. I’ll be in and out today, have a good one!
Really, I went and checked and she was onnnnn….Nanette if you read this come over to the cafe and say hi to us,we missed you, what have you been doing..
Blame Man Eegee. He tracked me down, hog tied me, and said “Get thee to a Booeery!” Or maybe not all that, but still ;). (Hope you got my return email, Man Eegee).
I’ve missed all of you all too, although I have checked in from time to time… the community is going great and seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. Cool beans. Also have looked in on Village Blue every so often… lovely and deep thoughts going on there.
Me, I moved – not far, same city, different apartment and area -, and in the process seem to have shut down for a bit. Combination of the horrors of moving and the horrors of what’s going on in the world, no doubt. So, been spending time with family, making plans for different directions for the magazine and in general just floating along (fairly silently ;). Time to re-engage and get back to work now tho.
I did get your email, please tell me I responded…If not eeeeek! I’m so sorry! :-X
Have a fantastic day, Nanette! Glad you stopped into the Booeery today! π
Glad you got it, and no… you didn’t respond! :/ . Or, maybe you did… I was worried about your getting the mail cuz my email has been acting up, so I don’t know what actually makes it out or what should be coming in, but isn’t. You’ll have to (re)send ;).
You have a great day too!
Well so good to have your words here today and good that your life is going well…..I hope you will frequent these parts more and don’t leave us all lonely and pining for you. Thanks to manee for getting you back here.
Another person I am missing is Lorraine, has anyone seen her around lately. I do so hate it when I get to know and like someone on the site and then they disappear….
Thanks, diane. And don’t know about Lorraine… I think she was mostly posting on the Culture Kitchen site (or something like that), but I’ve not checked there in a while.
over at MLW within the past month — she’s facing some surgery for female issues, so she might be pulling back on the bloggery in order to conserve energy.
If you do spot her, send her my best wishes…I miss her writings…
Newbies, meet Nanette!
I think when last you were seen around these parts I was a newbie. So nice to see a (cough, cough) old-timer show up in the Cafe today. You must have watered us and sprinkled some fertilizer just before you moved, because as you said, we have GROWN.
Y’all are always calling me old… I’ve noticed this!
And things certainly have grown. Lots! Nothing to do with me tho… wait, did you just say I sprinkled um… manure around before I moved? π Boy, what a welcome! (I am, of course, kidding).
Certainly a lot of super front page stories, and community diaries… such a high quality content level, for the most part, which is somewhat unusual for scoop sites with a good sized membership. And, without a doubt, the cafe and the little side projects that have come from it. Excellent.
You guys have done great job ;).
I always made a point of looking for your comments on the diaries so am glad to see you back.
Thanks, and likewise. Good to see you π
IndyLib’s got a great diary on feminism up, expanding on what we talked about the other day in the Cafe.
I am off now to my court appearance, see you all later!
I agree, great diary by IndyLib and great comments so far.
Just getting myself out and about — need to get out and do something today; I’ve been vegging out waaaay too much lately. Got the bed made this morning, spouse is about to do some laundry, all is relatively well in the household.
Okay, off to the shower…
Mom’s everywhere love these photos…

“Keyhole” Route, Longs Peak
Yet another sighting of the ubiquitous “Blue Dot”
Fantastic photo but the Blue Dot really ought to be a slightly different shade from sky to prevent its being overlooked, which would be totally inappropriate for its stature.
DON’T JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Cow, that is a lovely but scarey view!
I have to take the oxen and children into town and try to barter them all off for some Almay water-proof mascara.
The coffee pot broke yesterday so gotta go buy one. WHy? I have no idea. I love French Press Coffee and am drinking that now.
S.I.N: Your letter ROCKS!! Can I have your autograph!!??!!??
Sally: I’m sorry I didn’t get to you last night. We had some marital discussions… all is fine. F.I.N.E. but it was a looooooooong night.
I hate to write and run but I gotta drive 40 mins ONE WAY to get groceries and such. My kids are home today – WTF is up with that??? LOL For TWO damn days, too!!
I have a diary up that I dedicated to momagainstthedraft and Salunga. Hopefully it can help others. I tried to make it email friendly. I’ll be back later.
All my love and cooties. – Me.
Good stuff, DJ.
I recommended one of them. (You have a double entry).
Thank you Ask, and I recieved HummingBird’s email (SFKossacks email list) this morning about her diary. It’s on the Rec’d list now I see.
I deleted the extra diary – I messed up with I tidied it up a bit. π
GGGGGGGGGGGooooood afternoon to all the frogs on their own lily pads in the pond….
We here in NW TN finally have gotten our cool weather…As you all must know by now, we have had record holding or breaking weather here this past week and the first part of this week. It now is cooler but still not as cool as it could be. I am enjoying it frankly…it is just right..
HOpe all is doing well today. Not much happening around this part of the woods. The cats are snoozing as usual…:o) They are eating more, it seems, so guess winter time is on the way.
Hugs too all and love ya lots….
Hi, Brenda! Nice to “hear” your voice today. Quiet day at the ol’ cafe. I’ve been at the library off and on all day and now I must settle in to fulfill my Thursday night television responsibilities with the dog and the cats.
Me too kansas. I have been working a lot as of late. getting home and loggin on to see you wonderful folks here.
I have my tv shows on Thursday too. all the animals knwo this too, seemingly…;o) they do not bother me during such times..but you wait till I get on the keyboard, an done cat is trying to pull my hand off it with his paw. Anything to get my attention…
Good to see you kansas. hugs..
It’s a beautiful thing.
And it’s so good to be back.
At a Microsoft Launch Event for Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005.
They both look good but the presentations were uneven. The SQL Server person was terrific. He made a topic that I consider just this side of totally boring, very interesting. And by the end, I could even see a couple of reasons to use it.
While the person who did the Visual Studio session, was almost horrible. I really couldn’t believe it. For the entire first session, I was totally lost. It was as if he was discussing a product that I had never used and couldn’t imagine using. Even though I’ve used the last two versions nearly every day of my life.
It turned out he was talking about some new high end tool meant to go with Visual Studio. But comes at a cost of $10,000 or so. I only found this out by going down to talk to him during the break. And he made it clear I was a crazy person to even think I could afford to buy it.
Which inspired me to be very clear about my unhappiness with his program in my feedback sheet.
Once he got into the rest of it he was OK.
But, I’m exhausted from sitting in the same chair for almost 10 hours straight.
And considering I’m just past that horrible back problem — whew! I’m glad I can stretch out on the couch and watch TV. (although after Lost last night, I’m not sure I have the nerve)
Oh, Oh, I forgot the good part. I brought Oh Pure and Radiant Heart with me and read it during the breaks & lunch. It’s good…..
and returned to the land of the no powerpoint presentations!
It’s funny you say that. One of my comments was that one of the weirdest thing about the day was that the Powerpoint episodes were better than the software demonstrations themselves. The fonts were so tiny and the contrast so bad on their monitor, you could hardly see the screen sometimes.
Yes, it was Hell, but I’m back!
Good day out today — was pleasant when I left the apartment, but turned dang COLD by the time I got over to the shopping center, an hour away (via transit). Accomplished pretty much what I wanted; forgot the dang cleaning stuff (will have to drag the spouse out this weekend), but bought new sheet set and a quilt for our new bed coming this month — we’re upgrading from a double to queen. Hoping the new bed might spice up the marital relations a bit; told the spouse that maybe we’ll be more in the mood to play if we have a bigger playground. π
Okay, need to get some work done; the spouse was nice enough to do laundry this morning, whites and nightwear, so I’ll go put away my portion…
Good evening everyone. Well, it’s been a long day. I went to my work this evening for Parent-Teacher conferences. I just wanted to re-establish myself and let people know when I was returning to work. I also spoke with my sub so I could start planning for my return.
I took pictures of Andrew to show off and it felt good to get so much love from my usually grumpy staff.
How is everyone else tonight?
Hi everyone, I just need a frog.