Busy with chores today. Whatsupwitchew?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hey Booman, what kind of chores do you have? I thought you had it made in the shade from doing chores…;o)
I have been working and have just gotten home and turned this sited to see what is goin on, too.
How’s your weather? We got some rain here yesterday. It really was needed.
What is goin on in politics that matters? Nothing new I see. the same ol, same ol…
Hugs and good to have ya back home. Hope the shoulder is better.
my computer blew up yesterday. I am on a new computer. I am using IE as with my old computer. The print is so small I can barely read it here at BMTrib. The site is taking up the whole screen, same thing over at MLW. Dkos is totally different the site over there only uses up the middle of my screen and leaves about 2 1/2 inches on each side with the print being so small it’s hard to read. I am running this computer on Internet Explorer. I do have an Icon at the bottom that says my screen is at 1400 x 1050 color 32 bpp. I am a computer idiot. Clueless. Any clues how to make the size of the print here at Booman would be a big help as I will be blind within a few hours. Also any help to expand Dkos and make print bigger would also be awesome. btw/ Awesome Diary Booman over at Dkos yesterday. I couldn’t believe so many ignorant comments it got. Good for you for putting the truth out there. now Help.
On IE can’t you go to VIEW (at the top) then “text zoom” to make the text bigger. Or is that just on macs?
Thanks…I tried that and no matter what I click it on..small, large, larger..it does nothing. Any other ideas? the printing is so small.
I’ve had this problem!
First, go to Start, Control Panel, then click on the Display icon.
Go to the Settings tab, and you’ll see a place where you can move your screen resolution. Try it all the way to the left, and that will give you an 800×600 resolution. That is too big for some people (but not blind old folks like me), but you can always put it in the middle somewhere, if it’s too big.
Good luck!
Thanks..I am working on it. You are the best.
You have to change your screen setting,,,just try different setting to see what looks good….you prob. have xp…i don’t but on 98 you just right click on the desk top screen (on a blank part not near icons), then select properties and then settings…Otherwise you can also if you are using Opera or Firefox browser change the size of fonts, in options…
Thank you Diane..That way is a shortcut I have discovered. I still have little computer pieces all over my room from my other computer blowing up last night. You Rock. Hope all is well with you. Thanks again. I am working on it. It is crazy that the size that is perfect for Booman doesn’t work for My left Wing. I will keep trying to find the perfect one.
You know if you use the opera web browser it has ability to zoom in on any page up to 1000%, never have used that high tho…lol..
I recently got a new bigger moniter and I had to go through all the changes to set sizes and I know what a hassel it is…It helps to set minimum font size.
Hi Cham too, I am fine, but have a big move coming up…say do you like the weather hereabout today…I kinda of like the change to the gloomy weather, we need a break from all the sun.
Having lived back east for 10 years..i do like seasons. Also I feel like the rain kinda cleared things up..seems and smells fresher..
You’ve spoken like a true Philadelphian, though.
And what’s with Ralph Nadar coming to T.O.’s defense? I don’t think the people of Philly are all that sad to not see him play, if it means less bs drama and more wins.
Actually I have, put up some shelves and new curtains. Feeling MUCH better than earlier in the week, got myself busy. Thanks tribbers for your support earlier.
btw – I still don’t understand what dramaturgy is…googling kept confusing me…
Basically, it’s just doing the background research on the playwrites and characters in a given production. Useful for both actors and directors. But hey, just finished act one of a three act play based off of the Baader-Meinhof gang, so I’ve been productive and getting out of the rut.
Me too!!
When I’m feeling that way, I always take Tim Robbins’ line from “Shawshank Redemption” and use it as a mantra:
Get busy living, or get busy dying. Works for me!
That email offer is still open, JD, any time! IF you ever need dissertation motivation, I’m good for that too (again, not totally altruistic, I need a kick in the ass periodically as well! lol)
Hello JD, I was thinking of you last night and hoping you were feeling more at ease in your mind-not always the easiest thing to do (I know quite well also having had several bouts with suicidal thoughts over the years)and certainly glad that you found some comfort here. One day even one hour at a time sometimes is what it takes to get through to the next hour or day and so on. Very, very glad to hear from you.
Thanks Ink, glad to be back and in a healthier state of mind.
Thanks for the check-in and the positive update, JD, you’ve really brightened my day.
Packing for our move from Illinois to New Mexico. Trying to arrange for phone service, insurance, DSL, electricity, water, etc, etc. My head is ready to explode. Just fixed myself a manhattan. I guess fragile things will get packed in the morning.
In case no one saw this on the other Open thread…Rove to be interviewed by Wolfie tonight at 7pm edt. Should be a real joke. Do you think he gave WOlfie a script of questions?
page text has lines drawn through it.
What’s a gal to do?
The six year old had a fever of 100.5 this a.m. so I kept him home from school. His brother was coughing a bit too, but we took him in to daycare around 9.
The two of us spent time watching a few shows on PBS, him all snugged down in a blanket, cough medicine, nasal irrigation and methalatum on the chest for him — he still had the same fever at noon. We ate some soup for lunch and then we took a nap — I’m a bit disroeinted as I’m not used to sleeping for five hours in the afternoon!
He is still snoozing, but I’m going to have wake him up here in a few minutes to go with me to pick up his brother (Thursdays are the day the spouse works late) — I hope this is not the start of sickiness for all — with we could find some godamned flu shots that would cost $25 a peice for the office co-pay. May have to just break down and take them to the Dr.
ANYway. I’m ok, just feeling groggy….
While I’m happy that the gropenater was handed his ass here in Kalefornia I’m not happy that the county(Kern) I live in passed 3 of his stupid props-one of them by almost 2 to 1(the parental notification one)..living in a very red part of Ca. pretty much sucks. Glad that this and several other very red counties(even more so than Kern) didn’t rule the day.
There are 22 million eligible voters here of that there are aprox. 16.5 registered to vote and of that about 7 million voted. A sorry ass state of affairs really.
CNN really sucks. They had this big build up that Rove finally speaks, and made it sound as if he were going to have an interview with Wolfie. Well the asshole is speaking to the Federalist Society and they showed a bit from that. Nothing to see here folks now move along. What a bunch of crap. I destest Blitzer!
Hi lee, saw your post so I decided to check in also and see what kind of sleazy manuvering(ok how do you spell manuuver?) and double talk Rove might do or what stupid questions Blitzer would throw his way and like you was pretty disgusted that it was him speaking in front of that right wing Federalist Society…what crap. And then the guy who wrote ‘Bush’s Brain’ talking about Rove being such a genius..no he’s a slime ball operator that only has gotten by cause the media never calls him on all his shit. Drives me up a wall when he’s continually referred to as a genius.
on Judith Miller. I tried for an insomniac scoop. And now I have just heard parts of her nasal interview with Larry King. She has no regrets. Can you believe that? She pimped the invasion of Iraq and she has no regrets.
And she was a right wing hack all along, now gushing over the election of Mayor Bloomberg and the “wonderful” columnist William Safire. She is so glad that she is now able to assert her opinion, she was smiling from ear to ear. I think we guessed that she was a right wing hack long before this.
What else am I doing? making curtains.
quick run. (started again last week after 10 mos. off.)
feeding, diapers, naps.
read this thread.
white phosphorous, eco-napalm.
playing, laughing, tummy time.
re-hired the gardener (whose fee is included in rent, must deal with manager/owner. aargh)
meet mama for lunch.
naps, diapers, feeding.
laughing, playing.
anwar. budget bill implosion.
dishes. banking. email.
diapers. eating. playing. walking.
mama’s home.
playing. eating. baby massage.
pajamas. reading. night air. look at moon.
listen for owls.
bedtime for babies.
label honey jars.
cook dinner. eat. dishes.
read booman.