As anyone who’s read my sig knows, I’m a member of the group Soulforce – my meager contribution to the group being a handful of donations and a lot of word of <s>mouth</s&gtblog publicity – I’ve yet to actually participate in a direct action. 🙁       one of these days….

Anyway – I’m excited to be able to share their announcement of Image hosted by
The Soulforce Spirit of Justice Online Auction.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comHelp bid discrimination goodbye in the first annual Spirit of Justice online auction! Nearly 150 items, including autographed books, music, crafts, art, pieces of civil-rights history, retreat weekends, and more are currently up for grabs to the highest bidder on eBay.  100% of the proceeds will go to support Soulforce’s justice work for GLBT people.

The online auction is happening now and bidding will continue until November 20th. To browse the auction items or to place a bid, go to .

A large graphic with some examples of items for bid is below the fold. I hope you’ll join me in supporting the work of Soulforce through this auction.
I’m bidding on a copy of Rev. Jimmy Creech’s speech in the UMC trial that defrocked him, and several other items  (Gee – my mom lived the show Rhoda – wonder if she’d like “Rhoda’s Cape” for Christmas :-).

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Here is the Soulforce page about the auction

or click my sig for more information on this group.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting the work of Soulforce through this auction. My affiliation with them has been life changing. &nbsp
