(Originally written as a comment on IndyLib’s fine diary, The F Word. The comment grew beyond its intended bounds, so…here it is. Uncut and unexpurgated. As they say when they are trying to sell dirty books. And uncircumcised males. [Talk about inequality!!!] What a way to start a life. “Hold still, kid. This will only hurt for about a lifetime.” SNNNNIP!!!)

At the risk of being inundated by angry feminists…I am a masculinist.

Never heard of it?

Precisely my point.

(Not the “Let’s go into the woods, get dirty and pound on some drums” kind. either…)

Read on.

If there can be such a thing as a feminist…then there MUST be masculinists, too.


Of course.

You CANNOT have “left” without “right”.

Up without down.

And this is not about male supremacists. THEIR complement is female inferiorists.

Nancy Reagan.

Pat Noxon

Ms. President Butch, whatever HER first name is besides “Butch’s wife.” Laura, right?

With a side order of female supremacists.

In the back parlor, late at night as often as not.

Miss Scarlet.

In the library, with a candlestick and Col. Mustard.

And/or Mrs. Peacock.

Clueless, all sides of THAT particular equation.

No…by “masculinist” I mean those who support the EQUALITY of men.

What would a masculinist be like?

Someone who stood for equal rights under the law and for equal treatment in the workplace and the media. Just like a feminist.


Now of course many will respond by saying that there are no masculinists because men are ALREADY well treated in the society.

But I could argue with that.

Women are portrayed as flighty, as weak and undependable? As defenseless? Stupid?

MEN are portrayed as heartless killers and compulsive thieves, as animals in constant, uncontrollable, violent rut.

Women are not well served in the workplace?

MEN are encouraged FROM BIRTH to go to war and get their asses shot off. To do the physically dirty work. Digging ditches, fighting fires, being cops ‘n robbers ‘n such.

Women are badly treated by society?

But it is MEN who die early, all worn out from the struggle to be whomever they have been told that they SHOULD be. Simply put…they work their hearts to death. A dog or horse who worked that hard would have books written about it.

Now before the “NAY!!!” chorus enters…let me confess that this was sort of a trick post.

Y’see…I am NOT a masculinist.

I am a proponent of human ecology.

Equal opportunity for all of the seven sexes. (Roughly counted.)

And all of the seven ages, too.

AND all the races, AND all the religions, etc. etc. etc.

A “humanist”, for want of a better word.

From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.

The OTHER Golden Rule.

And the idea of “feminism”, although entirely justifiable considering what has been done to women over the course of human history, is as incomplete without masculinism and the inevitable resultant issue of that marriage, humanism, as is a man or woman who has never mated.

But the very THOUGHT that men are EQUALLY as badly served in this system as women (although obviously in a different direction of bad service) is…well, you just never hear it.

Not really.

And NEVER on the left.

So…I just thought I’d bring it up.

Fire away.


P.S. My mother is a “feminist”. Went to college in the ’30s, joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (along with my father) in ’38 when Canada entered W.W.II. (They were Americans. They just felt that it was time to draw a line.) Raised three children and a foster/grandchild and simultaneously went back to school, got her master’s degree and taught emotionally disturbed and mentally deficient children until at 80 her legs sorta gave out and she could no longer do the work to her own satisfaction.

And I am a “feminist”, too.

Since I was old enough to be interested in women as an opposite sex.  (Say…3 years old. Really.) NEVER was with a woman who did not have her own mind, her own career, her own life. Can’t stand to be with dull people of ANY sex.

ESPECIALLY under the same roof.

Or the same covers.

So if you’re going to ready, aim, fire…don’t get personal.

We have met the enemy…ALL of us…and it ain’t me.

It ain’t me, babe.

It Ain’t Me-Bob Dylan

Go ‘way from my window,
Leave at your own chosen speed.
I’m not the one you want, babe,
I’m not the one you need.
You say you’re lookin’ for someone
Never weak but always strong,
To protect you an’ defend you
Whether you are right or wrong,
Someone to open each and every door,
But it ain’t me, babe,
No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe,
It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe.

Go lightly from the ledge, babe,
Go lightly on the ground.
I’m not the one you want, babe,
I will only let you down.
You say you’re lookin’ for someone
Who will promise never to part,
Someone to close his eyes for you,
Someone to close his heart,
Someone who will die for you an’ more,
But it ain’t me, babe,
No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe,
It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe.

Go melt back into the night, babe,
Everything inside is made of stone.
There’s nothing in here moving
An’ anyway i’m not alone.
You say you’re looking for someone
Who’ll pick you up each time you fall,
To gather flowers constantly
An’ to come each time you call,
A lover for your life an’ nothing more,
But it ain’t me, babe,
No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe,
It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe.

“You say you’re lookin’ for someone
Never weak but always strong,
To protect you an’ defend you
Whether you are right or wrong,
Someone to open each and every door,
But it ain’t me, babe,
No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe,
It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe.”


Dylan is a masculinist.

AND a feminist.

A humanist who never acceded to the stereotyping of his OWN sex.


Even if he DOES use the “b” word.


Rare, except amongst real artists.

VERY rare…