Hey Kb, just read your reply in the other cafe about friendship. It does sound like we are a lot alike! It’s so great being from a big family, but you really have to stretch yourself outside of the family if you want to have friends. I just haven’t felt like stretching. I don’t really miss friends, but it would be nice to have somewhere to go if I got pissed at my husband and wanted to leave for a couple of hours, instead of going to the mall!
My kids aren’t my “friends” per se, but I do like to be around them more than anyone else, and now that they’re almost grown I feel like I should make some real friends, outside of the internets, that is.
but it would be nice to have somewhere to go if I got pissed at my husband and wanted to leave for a couple of hours, instead of going to the mall!
Second Nature — again, I have to say — I know what you mean! But, on the whole, I think that having no one but mr katiebird to talk to about my anger has probably been a good thing. At least after I’ve spent at least a half an hour stewing in the (parked) car!
Andi! Yes, I saw it & it. I don’t know how with all the times my day was hijacked. It wasn’t long after that when I had to rush off (I think I’ve talked about my day here and on the other diary).
I read through the other thread, but it was too long to comment on…thanks for the new one!
I think I’m getting old…we went to a lacrosse game, then down to Philly to see the David Parsons Dance Company, followed by an early dinner at Cereality, and a quick trip to the bookstore (where I came across a copy of Pure and Radiant Heart; sorry Powell’s). And now it’s barely 8 o’clock and I’m ready for bed. No wonder I have no social life!
I can relate. Sadly, now I know why my mother can’t do two things on the same day, such as wash and set her hair and go out to lunch.
One bowl of chili tonight (okay, and about 97 of those yummy thin ginger snaps from World Market) and I’m laying around like a beached whale and ready to turn in for the night. I almost never make it until 11:30 to watch SNL anymore.
Second Nature, Are you channelling me or something?
I had a bowl of chili for dinner tonight (I just finished it) and we drove right past World Market on our way to our son’s house. And I wanted to go in and buy cookies.
That is kind of creepy, isn’t it? Maybe it’s like when a bunch of women live together and their menstrual cycles get synchronized. Maybe we’re all craving the same things now. Cue the Twilight Zone music.
I know it’s all my own fault, but I’m complaining anyway. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been happily awarding fours to everyone when I come on something that I MUST reply to and WHAM! all my fours are gone!! Then I have to go back and re-award them.
Oh me! I guess I’m getting old. I don’t want to redo what I’ve already done.
It wouldn’t be so bad if every time you “Rate All” it didn’t jump back up to the very top.
Another sign of getting old. Impatience. Also, one of my character traits…I want to FIX it.
Does anyone have any hints how I can avoid my problem?
And can I add a related gripe — I come into a well developed diary with oh, say 50 or more comments. And I’ve read most of them, but not 10.
And on the 2nd one, I have to reply and BAM all the (news) are gone. And sure enough, I end up missing some very interesting (and important!).
One hint — it won’t help if you comment before rating-all — is that if you click on the drop-down arrow and with your other hand tap on the 4 you will scroll right down to the for without having to line up on it manually.
Or if you use Firefox, you can “Open New Tab” when you (right) click on the “Reply to” link.
When your reply is posted, you close the tab and find yourself just where you left the thread.
and you gave me a 3…lol…hi puget4, first friend I ever had name puget4.
Hint about the jumping back up, I think firefox doesn’t jump back up, don’t use it much so I’m not sure…I use Opera Browser.
I vote for automatic 4’s for the cafe one click and the whole shebang gets 4rd.
Those darn threes. That’s the other thing. My mouse has a roller to quickly scroll up and down. If I don’t click outside the rating box after selecting a rating, but instead start to scroll up, whoops, the 4 changes to a 3 to a 2 or worse!! Yikes!!
I like the idea of automatic fours also! Where is the three? I’ll fix it. It was unintentional, guaranteed.
Oh don’t worry about it I was just teasing you…I know it was accidental, I see them all the time, everyone does it…But on my browser ratings are not changed by scrolling, I wonder if that’s it, are you using IE.
I like FireFox for Booman. IE didn’t work so hot after the BigOrange’s last upgrade, so I was forced into FireFox, but I like it for the blogs. Still use IE for some of the other surfing.
My super supper soup is ready. Gooserock is adding the fish now….it’s the last piece. The rest of it I concocted.
Lots of fresh veggies, mushrooms, green bean, sugar peas, snap peas, carrots, onion, green pepper lightly saulteed in 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil.
Then a box of tofu, cut into 1/2 inch cubes tossed into the saultee skillet (veggies have been moved to a soup kettle), add garlic, another 1/2 T of olive oil, ginger, salt, petter and I used a potato masher to squish the tofu into teensy pieces.
Stir this around.
Add a can of chicken broth to the veggies in the soup kettle.
Add a large can of chopped tomatoes,
Add the tofu mixture.
Add 2 cans of any kind of beans.
Stir well.
Add your favorite spices.
Wild rice has been cooking in another kettle…
Add it to the soup.
I’ll let you know how it tastes a little later. It’s
ready now.
It’s 5 hours after supper and I haven’t had the munchies yet. All I had was 1 normal sized bowl & a few extra spoonfuls of the soup, and 2 little rye crackers.
That’s great staying power for a fish dish. Puget4 finally broke down and went for a few soy crackers, but I may make it till brunch tomorrow.
Here was my brunch today:
Pair of raw oysters, slice of turkey, and some veggies.
OK so there’s such a thing as going overboard; this wasn’t enough carbs to get me very far so I was hungry all afternoon. But the odd thing is that it never got worse than a background distraction. I’m developing a new craft product and was in the shop for several hours making some custom tools, which involved machinery, a lot of standing, and running up & down stairs. No problem with energy or concentration.
Speaking of which, it’s time to go freeze a couple of portions of that soup for a Rainy Day®!
Kb, I just saw, on the other thread, your comment about friendship. You said, “Can I say?” You bet!
I love the fact that katiebird and I became friends through the Dean campaign. Then I lured her over here and we’ve become even better friends as a consequence. Knowing a live person on this site gave us both a “grounded” feeling, I think, right, kb?
In rl, she kept after me to do a website and she is now doing it for me! I’m so happy about what she’s doing with it. She’s very talented and has great taste. When it’s finished we’ll unveil it.
Oh, Nancy (!) You are absolutely right about it making a difference to know a live person. I think the Photo Fair pushed me past my initial shyness, but I do remember through the summer thinking that if kansas wasn’t here, I probably wouldn’t have gotten so involved.
I had a conflict about trusting virtual people too much. But, knowing that one person was real somehow made it possible for me to trust that everyone else was probably pretty much what they seemed to be.
And then, getting to know Andi & Brother & Nag & Penny through our work on the Photo Fair totally overwhelmed my shyness. And the next thing I knew, I was participating way more than lurking!
she kept after me to do a website and she is now doing it for me!
Now, here you are giving me credit, where you should be at least sharing it. We’re having a great time working on this, and all the content & most of the ideas are yours! I’m just helping implement your ideas.
(and Andi, this and the scanning thing are two of the things I’ve worked on where I’ve wondered what you would do. I envy your broad range of skills, your sense of organization and your ability to not get swamped)
and Andi, this and the scanning thing are two of the things I’ve worked on where I’ve wondered what you would do. I envy your broad range of skills, your sense of organization and your ability to not get swamped
I’d still rather the questions were something like “how do you get a skink out of the bathtub” but thank you for thinking me a much more capable person that I actually am.
what a skink is, you don’t have to know how to get them out of the bathtub. So I guess there’s one of my most special talents completely gone to waste.
(A skink is a kind of lizard. There are three species in Indiana, 5-lined, broadhead, and ground, all of which like to move into our house once the weather starts to get cold and are for some reason attracted to our bathtub.)
She posted a similar picture the other day, showing how she shaves skinks. You think I would notice the skink first, right? Wrong. I’m thinking “My God how does she keep her tub so clean!”
You can’t fool me — anyone who puts a picture up of her spotless, not a thing out of place living room (or whatever room that was) and goes ga-ga for someone’s clean bathtub (remember, no kids) is right this instant obsessing over how she can get up there and clean that place up.
But yes we heat completely with the woodstove; the house was actually designed to be heated by woodstove.
ha ha. That was a picture of my sterile family room, you know, in the house that I’m just living in temporarily until my real life begins?
I’m kind of into this zen-like starkness in my new life (after divorce.) I used to have a really cluttered, messy house and then when I moved out with the kids I only took what we really needed, and now I just love the open spaces everwhere. However, husband #2 is an incurable packrat. I’m trying to figure out how to move him out into a separate house.
Actually, if I keep bitching and whining about how much I hate it here I might get my wish! Yikes.
Let me tell you that that photo brings back very fond memories of yesteryear, or the good ol’ days… a time when almost all the people I knew did a great job of looking after each other.
We went looking because the air conditioner suddenly stopped running. A corn snake had gone after a mouse in the air conditioner and had the very bad luck because the fan started up just as he crawled through the louvers on top of the unit. About half the snake was wrapped around the spindle of the fan and the other half was still outside sitting on the louvers. Amazingly, he was still alive, though none too healthy. He was wrapped so tightly, the only way we could get him off was to cut him in two.
I know what you mean about trusting virtual people kb. It’s true that you can create a virtual persona and try to pretend that you’re something you’re not, but when you read dozens of comments that each person has made and they all mesh, and you can start to predict how a certain person will respond to something, it probably means that you are getting to know the real person.
As for me, it’s weird, because I actually feel I am more real here than I sometimes am in my real life, because I don’t feel the pressure to be liked, or to live my virtual life in the same little boxes that I live my real life in. It’s very freeing.
And I find that I am thinking about some of you guys here when I am offline and wondering if you’re okay. Especially if someone has been going through a tough time, or has allowed us to see his or her frailties or self-doubts or fears.
I don’t think I’m mistaken about being able to trust most everyone here. I’ve also never felt like meeting anyone in real life the way I do here.
And I find that I am thinking about some of you guys here when I am offline and wondering if you’re okay. Especially if someone has been going through a tough time, or has allowed us to see his or her frailties or self-doubts or fears.
Yes, that’s happened to me as well. And wondering about what’s happened to people who faded away without saying anything. Why they left, if they meant it to be permanant?
And besides if you ordered them from catalogs, you’d always have the hassle and inconvenience of returning them when they didn’t fit right. You never have to that with virtual buds.
I know that when we are ready to do a Booman Cookbook (and we will want to someday), we can pretty easily get back to CabinGirl’s Friday compilations.
But if you notice a diary with even one interesting recipe, please send me an email with the link.
I’ll make a folder to keep it until we’re ready.
AND, and, that reminds me sometime last week kansas said something about a dKos cookbook being published as a pdf.
I would really, really like to do that with our Photo Fair. We were thinking that it would be too expensive to publish. But, if we did it as a downloadable at some cost (not too much because people would still have to have it printed if they really wanted) that might make a good fundraiser sometime down the road.
I think we would have to get everybody’s permission to do that.
It would be a fair amount of work since we (what do you mean we, kemosabe) would have to download all the images and create a document with some sort of write-up (maybe some of the comments?) for each image and possibly the captions from the diaries.
Sounds like just the thing to fill up your abundant spare time.
Don’t you remember? We have everyone’s email. At least everyone’s email from the time of the Fair.
So we could send a message and ask.
And we don’t have to down load them (unless you deleted the ones on your PC???). Except for the few that Rob did on Sunday, they’re all on either your computer or mine.
And —- Yes, the comments provided by the artists would be the way to go.
We’d still have to get the images from the people who did their own diaries — we have the links to the full size versions in the diaries.
No I didn’t delete the ones on my PC. I zipped them up and packed them away on my archive drive.
Yes, the comments provided by the artists would be the way to go.
I was thinking of comments made by people on specific images (like caliberal’s abaout jim’s picture of burney falls). The photographers comments would be the picture caption but it seemed like it would be nice to have something more on the page with the image.
no I figured the comments were up for grabs, though I suppose you are right that it wouldn’t be nice to do it without asking. But the permission I was thinking about was the permission to print people’s photographs. How come no lawyers hang around in the cafe so they could offer up some free advice.
Well, actually I warned people that we couldn’t protect the photos that posting them in the cafe would leave them vulnerable to whatever someone wanted to do with them.
But, but, copyright does hold for stuff posted in web pages. And no one explicitly gave up their copyrights.
And, even if they did, I totally agree that we should ask for permission to use the photos in a new medium.
But, at least with the photographers, we have their addresses. Because even the ones who did their own diaries sent us a message asking us to link to them.
As for the comments, we might to just reprint selected ones and it might not be that hard to track down those few.
How come no lawyers hang around in the cafe so they could offer up some free advice.
Hay, what am I, chopped liver? 😉
I don’t do copyright work but I don’t believe that there would be a legal problem. Over at the orange place Markos has his “steal what you want” at the bottom, or something to that effect. His position is essentially that users have given up ownership of what they post. I believe that is correct but I will attempt to research it. However, I would still seek they consent of members for moral reasons. It might be a shock to some to see their work used in a different way than what was originally intended.
Er…I’m not so sure. I have this dream in the back of my head (heart) that someday when I grow up (I’m only 63) I’ll be a real artist and be able to sell my photos or drawings.
How about if we set up a store with photos from the fair so viewers could purchase individual photos and the artist would get a cut? Copyrights need to be kept in place. I think I might feel like I’ve made it to that “real artist” level I dream about if my photos were in a “store”.
Last night I took Toto 2 and 3 out for their last trip to the yard and happened to notice the piles of leaves (Big Leaf Maple leaves) that I had raked. I got an idea.
I had Gooserock come to hold the flashlight while I took pics. Here’s what I got. Click on each for a larger view.
Here’s a “cool and arty” sample cut from full shot
And here’s the full shot again after I played with it in Photoshop a little.
Those are beautiful, and I have stolen them, if that’s ok….nice, right, steal and then ask….
Leaves are some of my favorite things in nature, I have collected and stored some from 5 years ago in a mag….and still have them…Course all we get here is golden yellow, but still…..
HI EVERYONE, I`m posting this for Gabriele Droz to show how the rescued crow is doing. Another week for the bandage & another week to get his wings back & it`s freedom for him/her.
You click on the little plus-sign-in-a-circle beside the diary title, and that will save the diary to your hot list (which will show up just above the recommended diary list).
Does anyone know do you actually get a hold of a human being to talk to at Google? I need to report some abuse on a google news group, their abuse report form doesn’t work, and I get an endless-spiral menu if I try to call the phone number that appears on whois.com. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be grateful. 🙂
Well, there are a couple of people who haven’t come over here today.
So I probably shouldn’t promise not to disappear.
But, I’m going to promise to be around — no matter what!
My step son stopped by and the next think I knew, we went to Home Depot, The Habit for Humanity Store and Lowes.
We bought a window at the Habit for Humanity Store and got it installed at his house and are now home.
But, the last thing I remember, it was 1pm and I was in the middle of some conversation about mystery book authors……
Hey Kb, just read your reply in the other cafe about friendship. It does sound like we are a lot alike! It’s so great being from a big family, but you really have to stretch yourself outside of the family if you want to have friends. I just haven’t felt like stretching. I don’t really miss friends, but it would be nice to have somewhere to go if I got pissed at my husband and wanted to leave for a couple of hours, instead of going to the mall!
My kids aren’t my “friends” per se, but I do like to be around them more than anyone else, and now that they’re almost grown I feel like I should make some real friends, outside of the internets, that is.
Second Nature — again, I have to say — I know what you mean! But, on the whole, I think that having no one but mr katiebird to talk to about my anger has probably been a good thing. At least after I’ve spent at least a half an hour stewing in the (parked) car!
to your question in the old cafe about the scanner resolution but the answer was 300 dpi.
Andi! Yes, I saw it & it. I don’t know how with all the times my day was hijacked. It wasn’t long after that when I had to rush off (I think I’ve talked about my day here and on the other diary).
I’ve been quoting you all day: “Andi says….”
I read through the other thread, but it was too long to comment on…thanks for the new one!
I think I’m getting old…we went to a lacrosse game, then down to Philly to see the David Parsons Dance Company, followed by an early dinner at Cereality, and a quick trip to the bookstore (where I came across a copy of Pure and Radiant Heart; sorry Powell’s). And now it’s barely 8 o’clock and I’m ready for bed. No wonder I have no social life!
I think I’ll change my signature to “I know what you mean”.
I’m thinking about lying on the couch with the laptop on my tummy.
— ’cause I’ve already spent too much time away from here today. But I’m completely exhausted!
I can relate. Sadly, now I know why my mother can’t do two things on the same day, such as wash and set her hair and go out to lunch.
One bowl of chili tonight (okay, and about 97 of those yummy thin ginger snaps from World Market) and I’m laying around like a beached whale and ready to turn in for the night. I almost never make it until 11:30 to watch SNL anymore.
Second Nature, Are you channelling me or something?
I had a bowl of chili for dinner tonight (I just finished it) and we drove right past World Market on our way to our son’s house. And I wanted to go in and buy cookies.
like a beached whale while hosting the cafe, I would surely be doing it!
That is kind of creepy, isn’t it? Maybe it’s like when a bunch of women live together and their menstrual cycles get synchronized. Maybe we’re all craving the same things now. Cue the Twilight Zone music.
oooo, do you suppose that menstrual cycle thing works over the internets in virtual communities?
Although since so many of us are either post-menopausal or on the verge of being so — we probably aren’t the best group to test it on.
You need to move to the Central time zone – we only have to stay up until 10:30 to be bored by SNL
I know it’s all my own fault, but I’m complaining anyway. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been happily awarding fours to everyone when I come on something that I MUST reply to and WHAM! all my fours are gone!! Then I have to go back and re-award them.
Oh me! I guess I’m getting old. I don’t want to redo what I’ve already done.
It wouldn’t be so bad if every time you “Rate All” it didn’t jump back up to the very top.
Another sign of getting old. Impatience. Also, one of my character traits…I want to FIX it.
Does anyone have any hints how I can avoid my problem?
Puget4, It’s happened to me too. And I hate it.
And can I add a related gripe — I come into a well developed diary with oh, say 50 or more comments. And I’ve read most of them, but not 10.
And on the 2nd one, I have to reply and BAM all the (news) are gone. And sure enough, I end up missing some very interesting (and important!).
One hint — it won’t help if you comment before rating-all — is that if you click on the drop-down arrow and with your other hand tap on the 4 you will scroll right down to the for without having to line up on it manually.
I can’t tell if it’s less work, or more though.
Did you know you can reply and then use your “back” button to get back to the page with all the “new” comments marked?
Or if you use Firefox, you can “Open New Tab” when you (right) click on the “Reply to” link.
When your reply is posted, you close the tab and find yourself just where you left the thread.
I feel like an idiot. Of course! Multiple Tabs — I’ve got them going anyway….
And I have to do it when I post the cafe.
Why didn’t I think of that?
The idea of opening a new window works! Thanks. I’m trying to others too.
Thanks for the help. Now I’l quit complaining and keep on fouring.
hey that was a good tip, worked slicker than snot on a glass doorknob… or so we say around these here parts.
and you gave me a 3…lol…hi puget4, first friend I ever had name puget4.
Hint about the jumping back up, I think firefox doesn’t jump back up, don’t use it much so I’m not sure…I use Opera Browser.
I vote for automatic 4’s for the cafe one click and the whole shebang gets 4rd.
Those darn threes. That’s the other thing. My mouse has a roller to quickly scroll up and down. If I don’t click outside the rating box after selecting a rating, but instead start to scroll up, whoops, the 4 changes to a 3 to a 2 or worse!! Yikes!!
I like the idea of automatic fours also! Where is the three? I’ll fix it. It was unintentional, guaranteed.
Oh don’t worry about it I was just teasing you…I know it was accidental, I see them all the time, everyone does it…But on my browser ratings are not changed by scrolling, I wonder if that’s it, are you using IE.
Mine used to, but it doesn’t anymore. I don’t know what I had — Netscape?
But, still I’ve accidentally left a 3 — I think it’s from moving too fast when I’ve gotten behind in my ratings.
Yep. IE it is. Might have known. Rats!!! I think I’ll have to investigate Firefox or Opera. My fours are important!!
I like FireFox for Booman. IE didn’t work so hot after the BigOrange’s last upgrade, so I was forced into FireFox, but I like it for the blogs. Still use IE for some of the other surfing.
My super supper soup is ready. Gooserock is adding the fish now….it’s the last piece. The rest of it I concocted.
Lots of fresh veggies, mushrooms, green bean, sugar peas, snap peas, carrots, onion, green pepper lightly saulteed in 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil.
Then a box of tofu, cut into 1/2 inch cubes tossed into the saultee skillet (veggies have been moved to a soup kettle), add garlic, another 1/2 T of olive oil, ginger, salt, petter and I used a potato masher to squish the tofu into teensy pieces.
Stir this around.
Add a can of chicken broth to the veggies in the soup kettle.
Add a large can of chopped tomatoes,
Add the tofu mixture.
Add 2 cans of any kind of beans.
Stir well.
Add your favorite spices.
Wild rice has been cooking in another kettle…
Add it to the soup.
I’ll let you know how it tastes a little later. It’s
ready now.
That sounds insanely healthy and tasty. Carbs be damned, pass me a piece of crusty Italian bread and the real butter!
That sounds wonderful… been a while since I made any kind of soup. Now I’m going to be hungry for it all week, and no time to cook…
Well, here it is. Judge for yourself. Can you smell it?
Click on the image to be able to smell it.
It smells wonderful!
It’s 5 hours after supper and I haven’t had the munchies yet. All I had was 1 normal sized bowl & a few extra spoonfuls of the soup, and 2 little rye crackers.
That’s great staying power for a fish dish. Puget4 finally broke down and went for a few soy crackers, but I may make it till brunch tomorrow.
Here was my brunch today:

Pair of raw oysters, slice of turkey, and some veggies.
OK so there’s such a thing as going overboard; this wasn’t enough carbs to get me very far so I was hungry all afternoon. But the odd thing is that it never got worse than a background distraction. I’m developing a new craft product and was in the shop for several hours making some custom tools, which involved machinery, a lot of standing, and running up & down stairs. No problem with energy or concentration.
Speaking of which, it’s time to go freeze a couple of portions of that soup for a Rainy Day®!
Kb, I just saw, on the other thread, your comment about friendship. You said, “Can I say?” You bet!
I love the fact that katiebird and I became friends through the Dean campaign. Then I lured her over here and we’ve become even better friends as a consequence. Knowing a live person on this site gave us both a “grounded” feeling, I think, right, kb?
In rl, she kept after me to do a website and she is now doing it for me! I’m so happy about what she’s doing with it. She’s very talented and has great taste. When it’s finished we’ll unveil it.
Oh, Nancy (!) You are absolutely right about it making a difference to know a live person. I think the Photo Fair pushed me past my initial shyness, but I do remember through the summer thinking that if kansas wasn’t here, I probably wouldn’t have gotten so involved.
I had a conflict about trusting virtual people too much. But, knowing that one person was real somehow made it possible for me to trust that everyone else was probably pretty much what they seemed to be.
And then, getting to know Andi & Brother & Nag & Penny through our work on the Photo Fair totally overwhelmed my shyness. And the next thing I knew, I was participating way more than lurking!
Now, here you are giving me credit, where you should be at least sharing it. We’re having a great time working on this, and all the content & most of the ideas are yours! I’m just helping implement your ideas.
(and Andi, this and the scanning thing are two of the things I’ve worked on where I’ve wondered what you would do. I envy your broad range of skills, your sense of organization and your ability to not get swamped)
and Andi, this and the scanning thing are two of the things I’ve worked on where I’ve wondered what you would do. I envy your broad range of skills, your sense of organization and your ability to not get swamped
I’d still rather the questions were something like “how do you get a skink out of the bathtub” but thank you for thinking me a much more capable person that I actually am.
How do you get a skink out of the bathtub?
And what the heck is a skink, anyway?
what a skink is, you don’t have to know how to get them out of the bathtub. So I guess there’s one of my most special talents completely gone to waste.
(A skink is a kind of lizard. There are three species in Indiana, 5-lined, broadhead, and ground, all of which like to move into our house once the weather starts to get cold and are for some reason attracted to our bathtub.)
By the way I’ve been meaning to tell you this for days and days. You have a freakishly clean bathtub. I’d move in there too, if I were a skink.
How long have you been acquinted with Andi’s bathtub?
(and I totally agreee, blah, blah, blah)
She posted a similar picture the other day, showing how she shaves skinks. You think I would notice the skink first, right? Wrong. I’m thinking “My God how does she keep her tub so clean!”
Easy — ’cause the rest of the house looks like this.
That looks very cozy and awesome. Do you heat with the woodstove?
You can’t fool me — anyone who puts a picture up of her spotless, not a thing out of place living room (or whatever room that was) and goes ga-ga for someone’s clean bathtub (remember, no kids) is right this instant obsessing over how she can get up there and clean that place up.
But yes we heat completely with the woodstove; the house was actually designed to be heated by woodstove.
ha ha. That was a picture of my sterile family room, you know, in the house that I’m just living in temporarily until my real life begins?
I’m kind of into this zen-like starkness in my new life (after divorce.) I used to have a really cluttered, messy house and then when I moved out with the kids I only took what we really needed, and now I just love the open spaces everwhere. However, husband #2 is an incurable packrat. I’m trying to figure out how to move him out into a separate house.
Actually, if I keep bitching and whining about how much I hate it here I might get my wish! Yikes.
Ahh, those are the days. I left my old life with just the stuff that could fit in my car.
But, it didn’t last. The stuff multiplies all by itself.
That’s one of the nicest pictures I’ve ever seen.
You live in the woods, with a wood stove and that cozy beautiful room . . . .
I totally envy you. Lizards and all.
Let me tell you that that photo brings back very fond memories of yesteryear, or the good ol’ days… a time when almost all the people I knew did a great job of looking after each other.
We had lizards in California, but I’ve never seen one in Kansas. kansas, do we have lizards in Kansas?
I have no intension of ever getting such a thing out of a bathtub.
That’s not a place where my talents lie. I once made my sister-in-law come to my house and chase out a yellow-jacket. Because I just couldn’t do it.
A sad but true fact.
to tell you about the snake in the air conditioner.
No, please tell me about the snake in the air conditioner (start with why you were looking).
Actually, I don’t think I’d have a problem with lizards. Or snacks.
It’s just the odd giant and unexpected thing. Or something. The bee was a freakishly large. Not as big as my hand, but bigger than my thumb.
It was really the stinger. I didn’t want to get stung.
So tell us about the snack in the air conditioner!
Then I’ll tell you about the opossum in my living room.
We went looking because the air conditioner suddenly stopped running. A corn snake had gone after a mouse in the air conditioner and had the very bad luck because the fan started up just as he crawled through the louvers on top of the unit. About half the snake was wrapped around the spindle of the fan and the other half was still outside sitting on the louvers. Amazingly, he was still alive, though none too healthy. He was wrapped so tightly, the only way we could get him off was to cut him in two.
tarnation, here I thought skink was just a misspelling for skunk, and we always do to get rid of them is to throw lutefisk under the house.
I know what you mean about trusting virtual people kb. It’s true that you can create a virtual persona and try to pretend that you’re something you’re not, but when you read dozens of comments that each person has made and they all mesh, and you can start to predict how a certain person will respond to something, it probably means that you are getting to know the real person.
As for me, it’s weird, because I actually feel I am more real here than I sometimes am in my real life, because I don’t feel the pressure to be liked, or to live my virtual life in the same little boxes that I live my real life in. It’s very freeing.
And I find that I am thinking about some of you guys here when I am offline and wondering if you’re okay. Especially if someone has been going through a tough time, or has allowed us to see his or her frailties or self-doubts or fears.
I don’t think I’m mistaken about being able to trust most everyone here. I’ve also never felt like meeting anyone in real life the way I do here.
And I find that I am thinking about some of you guys here when I am offline and wondering if you’re okay. Especially if someone has been going through a tough time, or has allowed us to see his or her frailties or self-doubts or fears.
Yes, that’s happened to me as well. And wondering about what’s happened to people who faded away without saying anything. Why they left, if they meant it to be permanant?
That was beautifully said, SN. I agree all the way.
And besides if you ordered them from catalogs, you’d always have the hassle and inconvenience of returning them when they didn’t fit right. You never have to that with virtual buds.
I wouldn’t return them. I’d just shove them to the back of the closet with everything else that doesn’t fit.
Dang it! Laughing Wildly Out Loud
I actually, in real time, in real life, Laughed Out Loud
I wish I had a recording for you.
I’m dying to unveil it!
But I’ve fallen behind a bit.
I know that when we are ready to do a Booman Cookbook (and we will want to someday), we can pretty easily get back to CabinGirl’s Friday compilations.
But if you notice a diary with even one interesting recipe, please send me an email with the link.
I’ll make a folder to keep it until we’re ready.
AND, and, that reminds me sometime last week kansas said something about a dKos cookbook being published as a pdf.
I would really, really like to do that with our Photo Fair. We were thinking that it would be too expensive to publish. But, if we did it as a downloadable at some cost (not too much because people would still have to have it printed if they really wanted) that might make a good fundraiser sometime down the road.
What do you-all think?
I think we would have to get everybody’s permission to do that.
It would be a fair amount of work since we (what do you mean we, kemosabe) would have to download all the images and create a document with some sort of write-up (maybe some of the comments?) for each image and possibly the captions from the diaries.
Sounds like just the thing to fill up your abundant spare time.
what do you mean we, kemosabe
Basically? You and Me.
Don’t you remember? We have everyone’s email. At least everyone’s email from the time of the Fair.
So we could send a message and ask.
And we don’t have to down load them (unless you deleted the ones on your PC???). Except for the few that Rob did on Sunday, they’re all on either your computer or mine.
And —- Yes, the comments provided by the artists would be the way to go.
– kemosabe
We’d still have to get the images from the people who did their own diaries — we have the links to the full size versions in the diaries.
No I didn’t delete the ones on my PC. I zipped them up and packed them away on my archive drive.
Yes, the comments provided by the artists would be the way to go.
I was thinking of comments made by people on specific images (like caliberal’s abaout jim’s picture of burney falls). The photographers comments would be the picture caption but it seemed like it would be nice to have something more on the page with the image.
Ahhhh, kemosabe, you do mean work, don’t you?
Is that what you meant by permission? Because I wonder if we could pull that off?
Were you thinking that we’d have to ask to reprint the comments? Because, I’m pretty sure that you’re right about that.
I think we could reprint them without permission. But it wouldn’t be right.
And getting that permission would be tough. Maybe. Unless Booman himself asked.
no I figured the comments were up for grabs, though I suppose you are right that it wouldn’t be nice to do it without asking. But the permission I was thinking about was the permission to print people’s photographs. How come no lawyers hang around in the cafe so they could offer up some free advice.
Well, actually I warned people that we couldn’t protect the photos that posting them in the cafe would leave them vulnerable to whatever someone wanted to do with them.
But, but, copyright does hold for stuff posted in web pages. And no one explicitly gave up their copyrights.
And, even if they did, I totally agree that we should ask for permission to use the photos in a new medium.
But, at least with the photographers, we have their addresses. Because even the ones who did their own diaries sent us a message asking us to link to them.
As for the comments, we might to just reprint selected ones and it might not be that hard to track down those few.
I must be crazy.
Oh, I know, I’ll
explain that I was drunk when I came up with this idea. And deny all memory of it!
How come no lawyers hang around in the cafe so they could offer up some free advice.
Hay, what am I, chopped liver? 😉
I don’t do copyright work but I don’t believe that there would be a legal problem. Over at the orange place Markos has his “steal what you want” at the bottom, or something to that effect. His position is essentially that users have given up ownership of what they post. I believe that is correct but I will attempt to research it. However, I would still seek they consent of members for moral reasons. It might be a shock to some to see their work used in a different way than what was originally intended.
Darn! And I was so looking forward to it.
Well, thanks.
Here’s what dkos has:
So I guess that it depends upon BooMan’s policy about content posted here.
As high a quality as Florence Nelson makes — and that’s good enough to make you forget all about watching your cholesterol.
Thanks for the info.
Oh, and it would be from the hi-res versions, of course.
Er…I’m not so sure. I have this dream in the back of my head (heart) that someday when I grow up (I’m only 63) I’ll be a real artist and be able to sell my photos or drawings.
How about if we set up a store with photos from the fair so viewers could purchase individual photos and the artist would get a cut? Copyrights need to be kept in place. I think I might feel like I’ve made it to that “real artist” level I dream about if my photos were in a “store”.
I’ve already sobered up and moved past that idea.
You have nothing to fear from me. I assure you.
Last night I took Toto 2 and 3 out for their last trip to the yard and happened to notice the piles of leaves (Big Leaf Maple leaves) that I had raked. I got an idea.
I had Gooserock come to hold the flashlight while I took pics. Here’s what I got. Click on each for a larger view.
Here’s a “cool and arty” sample cut from full shot
And here’s the full shot again after I played with it in Photoshop a little.
My evening gift to all my new friends at Booman.
nice! Thanks.
Very, very nice.
Those are beautiful, and I have stolen them, if that’s ok….nice, right, steal and then ask….
Leaves are some of my favorite things in nature, I have collected and stored some from 5 years ago in a mag….and still have them…Course all we get here is golden yellow, but still…..
HI EVERYONE, I`m posting this for Gabriele Droz to show how the rescued crow is doing. Another week for the bandage & another week to get his wings back & it`s freedom for him/her.
How do you book mark a diary on Booman?
You click on the little plus-sign-in-a-circle beside the diary title, and that will save the diary to your hot list (which will show up just above the recommended diary list).
Does anyone know do you actually get a hold of a human being to talk to at Google? I need to report some abuse on a google news group, their abuse report form doesn’t work, and I get an endless-spiral menu if I try to call the phone number that appears on whois.com. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be grateful. 🙂