Straight from Doug Thompson, Publisher of Capitol Hill Blue, comes this astonishing tidbit:
A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and “restore his image as a leader of the American people.”
The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to bring the Republican party back from the political brink, including a devastating attack by terrorists that could “validate” the President’s war on terror and allow Bush to “unite the country” in a “time of national shock and sorrow.”
The memo says such a reversal in the President’s fortunes could keep the party from losing control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections.
I guess things must be pretty bad if you think you need a terrorist attack against the United States to bolster your party’s popularity with the electorate. They couldn’t really be serious, now, or could they?
The memo outlines other scenarios, including:
–Capture of Osama bin Laden (or proof that he is dead);
–A drastic turnaround in the economy;
–A “successful resolution” of the Iraq war.
GOP memos no longer talk of “victory” in Iraq but use the term “successful resolution.”
“A successful resolution would be us getting out intact and civil war not breaking out until after the midterm elections,” says one insider.
The memo circulates as Tuesday’s disastrous election defeats have left an already dysfunctional White House in chaos, West Wing insiders say, with shouting matches commonplace and the blame game escalating into open warfare.
“This place is like a high-school football locker room after the team lost the big game,” grumbles one Bush administration aide. “Everybody’s pissed and pointing the finger at blame at everybody else.”
This can’t be right can it? I mean wasn’t it only yesterday we were reading reports of Rove getting a bounce back in his step again?
“I’ve noticed a big difference,” said one Republican in regular contact with Mr. Rove who declined to speak for attribution because the White House did not authorize it. “There’s a spring in his step, more focus, more – something. Some sort of weight off his shoulders.”
. . . A senior administration official said Mr. Rove was back “in a good mood,” sending off rapid-fire e-mail, sticking his head into meetings uninvited and acting in a familiar, mischievous manner.
Now these can’t both be right. One suggests internal dissent and backbiting among Republicans, and a sense of doom and gloom. The other, that everything is all back to normal under the benevolent, congenial hand of Karl “that little mischievous imp” Rove.
Now I know Capitol Hill Blue is not the most respected outlet in the great wide media world, but something tells me their sources might be a tad more truthful, in this instance, than those that Anna Kornblutt of the NY Times relied upon for her story. For example, over the last week, we’ve seen the following occur:
* A general defeat at the polls in the off year elections for Republican candidates, with particularly significant Democratic victories in Virginia, New Jersey and California (where the referendums supported heavily by Governor “Terminator” went down to an ignominious defeat).
* The Senate passed an amendment to ban torture sponsored by John McCain by a 90-9 vote, despite a personal plea to Republican members from Cheney not to, and despite Bush’s threat that he would veto any legislation containing such an amendment.
* Disclosure of Secret Prisons run by the CIA.
* Demands by Senator Frist and Speaker of the House Hastert for an investigation by the DOJ into the leak of the existence of said prisons.
* A statement by Senator Pat Roberts that Frist should cool his jets on any so-called investigation
* The collapse of the GOP’s $51 billion budget cutting package due to a revolt by moderate Republicans to the embarrassment of both the House leadership and the White House.
* New public opinion polls that continue to show a drop in President Bush’s approbval ratings, and a growing lack of trust regarding the veracity and competency his administration, among other things:
Newsweek Poll: President’s Approval Rating Falls to Record Low; Sixty-Eight Percent of Americans Dissatisfied With Direction of Country
NEW YORK, Nov. 12 /PRNewswire
. . . Sixty-eight percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time, a seven-point drop in satisfaction since the last Newsweek Poll. Only 26 percent are satisfied.
. . . When asked if they think Bush can be an effective president during his last three years in office, a 56 percent-majority say the President ‘won’t be able to get much done.’ The president and his administration are also suffering an emerging credibility gap: 42 percent of those polled think the phrase ‘is honest and ethical’ describes Bush, 50 percent disagree. When asked if the same phrase describes Dick Cheney, 55 percent said no, it does not, and 29 percent said it did.
. . . Fifty-two percent of Americans believe that Cheney was part of a cover up to try to prevent the special prosecutor from getting the truth about who leaked CIA agent Valerie Plame’s name to the news media . . .
. . . When asked if the vice president deliberately misused or manipulated pre-war intelligence about Iraq’s nuclear capabilities in order to build support for war with Iraq — 52 percent say he misused intelligence, 33 percent say he did not. Overall, 65 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush’s handling of the situation in Iraq, only 32 percent approve according to the latest Newsweek Poll.
* The President, under fire for the misuse of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq War, even felt the need to lash out at his critics in a belligerent speech on Veteran’s Day that some are calling the worst of his entire presidency:
For speechwriters drafting a presidential address for a patriotic holiday such as Independence Day, Memorial Day, or Veterans Day, there are three rules: Don’t be wordy; don’t be wonky; and, most important, don’t be partisan. In his Veterans Day remarks today at the Tobyhanna Army Depot near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, President Bush and his staff broke all three rules, producing a strident speech that went on for almost 50 minutes, included a lengthy comparison of “Islamic radicalism” and “the ideology of communism,” and concluded by attacking “some Democrats,” while taking an implicit shot at “my opponent during the last election.” It may have been the worst speech of his presidency.
At a time when Bush would benefit from sounding cheerful, forward looking, and above partisan politics, just as Ronald Reagan did during his second term even in the midst of the Iran-Contra scandal, Bush instead sounded like Richard Nixon or Lyndon Johnson during the worst days of the Vietnam War, although neither is remembered for flubbing a speech on a national holiday. It’s as if Bush was reading from a cue-card that proclaimed, “Message: I’m embattled and embittered.”
Now from where I sit, all those events, taken separately, might not mean much. Politics is a rough and tumble business after all, and you aren’t going to win every battle, whether fighting in the legislative arena, the media arena or the arena of public opinion. Taken collectively, however, and considering their close proximity in time, they all point to a Presidency under siege at the moment.
Therefore, I’m inclined to give Mr. Thompson’s story in Capitol Hill Blue, about a nasty, back-biting atmosphere at the White House this week, a little more credence today. Aren’t you?
Furthermore, I am more than a little inclined to accept that a memo was prepared by sorrowful GOP operatives expressing the hope that a terror attack on US soil might happen before the 2006 midterm elections in order to boost Bush’s and the GOP’s popularity with the electorate. It’s ghoulish, sure. It’s an incredibly stupid thing to commit to paper (even if it is your deepest, darkest desire). But I can see them doing it.
It’s been a tough week to be a Republican, after all. Who wouldn’t (speaking to Republicans here only, of course) pine for those halcyon days after 9/11 when anything they proposed (tax cuts, increased defense spending, handouts to political campaign contributors) was passed into law, and Democrats, cowed by the risk of being called unpatriotic, or worse, treasonous, did absolutely nothing to stop them?
Yes, I can see them longing for their golden age. For our sakes, though, let’s hope that’s all it ever turns out to be.
So that’s why Bill O’Reilly was inviting Al Qaeda to attack San Francisco?
Jordan must not be close enough to home.
For Bush that’s a twofer: Kill some Democrats and get to wear the flightsuit of Commander-in-Chiefdom again.
Bill O’Really is a creation and operative of the US government…..
Al Qaeda is a creation and operative of the CIA(alledgedly an operative of the US Government)
Saddam was a creation and operative of the US Government.
Fox News is an operative of the US government…
One wonders who really is the US Government(wink-wink)…
taking oversimplification to new levels.
Well, that wraps everything up nicely….guess we can call it a day. It’s good when there are no loose ends.
Some refer to that as being concise.
Any ‘Freeper – Sheep’ visiting and reading Need To Understand, and Simplification helps, or Does It!!!
That is al Queda, for the GOP, hey it Really Helped the Last Time!!!!!!!!!
So much of America’s current dilemna revolves around 9-11. Much of 9-11 has been revealed or questioned, yet America thrusts it’s heads in the ground, not wanting to know. One of the most far-out-there whacko tin hat conspiracy theories, is that of the Official Government Story of what happened on 9-11. Much of what does not add up, much which been hidden away from the public(top secret, wink-wink). At the VERY BEST, America’s protectors were VERY incompetent that day. Considering that NO One was held accountable, makes one wonder. Considering that some of the most incompetent were promoted, leads some to believe, NOTHING went wrong. One wonders why when presented 10 minutes OR LESS to strike, the operatives took over one hour to strike. What did they know, and when; or did they just get lucky. Many times, the planes should have been escourted and shot down, before they reached their targets. Did the terrorists get lucky, or did they have help, even in the planning of this attack ??? Another early question in a crime is who benefitted. Mama boy bush/cheney and their gang, come quickly to mind.
Did the terrorists get lucky ?
Did the FAA fail ?
Did the Military fail ??
Did intelligence(wink-wink) fail ???
Did our leaders fail ???
Why was NO ONE held accountable ????
Why were some that failed, promoted for their incompetency ???
Why are whistle-blowers regarding this,; silenced ???
Why is so much information hidden from the public ?
It May take some 30yrs, if this Nation Survives, Again for the Truth To Come Out!!
I don’t think it will take that long. The worst fears of those most believed to be behind it have been realized. The open discussion and availability of evidence on the internet is what will bring the truth out. It’s getting louder and before long it will be too loud to ignore.
The goal was to control the internet but it didn’t happen soon enough. It still might, but really, it’s too late.
The key will be the realization that it wasn’t solely an American administration responsible but a small consortium of global interests from several countries. It’s just another part of a long continuing criminal enterprise.
But I’m just basing it on McNamarra [sp], even though We Knew While In ‘Nam!
Everything about this Debacle is Working On ‘Speed’, and I Mean the Drugs not the term for Fast!!
All it will Take is One Honest Voice!!!
To have So Many serving Multiple Tours In-Theater Iraq and Afganistan, Creates a Crisis this Country will have even More of a Problem coming to Grips with than Vietnam Did and that Still Haughts This Nation!!
James Starowicz 11-11-05
First thought as I read this: WTF is wrong with these people?
Second thought: Too early for April Fools Day, so it must be for real.
Shit, there must be a hell of a lot worse wrong with them than there is w/me.
The lack of <cough> intelligent awareness <cough> behind that wish is absolutely mind boggling. Although, I must say, I give very little credence to the source…but that being said:
Sure guys, after 4+ years of brayin’ about fightin’ em over there and protecting the good ole us of a, another terrorist event in country would finish your asses off.
Methinks the position they would find yourselves in at the midterms would have the expression “tarred and feathered” and “rail riding” in the description. The hordes would be on the WH and congressional lawns with pitchforks and torches.
Be careful what you wish for assholes…you just might not enjoy the consequences. Asshats!
You took the words right out of my mouth (off of my keyboard?).
It would kill the GOP if we were to be attacked again. It would demolish everything thay have been saying about making the world and the country safer. It would rob them of the “We haven’t been hit since 9/11” meme.
They would be finished for quite some time.
Realistically, this has got to be their worst nightmare. If an attack should happen, it would devastate the GOP for a generation, at the least.
As Steven D, and others have pointed out below, it’s not unbelievable that some troglodyte had this thought; but to put it in a written document would be the definition of stupidity.
That’s absolutely correct when using logic and common sense in reality. Remember, this is the gang that actually claims to create the reality they want.
In Bizarro-world they could claim an attack as being the fault of Democrats having done something that worked against their plans to keep us safe.
Not. If all the voters were blog-reading political activists, ok. But sadly, not the case here in the ole USA. We have already been hit on their watch, with their own people telling us afterwards they were asleep on guard duty, the majority still rallied around the Grand Old Party. Another election comes and goes and still the same nitwit neocons are running the show. Yes their numbers are down right now, but defense against foreign aggressors is still their strong suit. Don’t be surprised if they play it. Maybe not directly, but if through inaction, a vacuum is created that allows something to happen – they have their next 9-11. I have a huge respect for the brains and instincts of the American people, but I have an even greater understanding of their lack of involvement in and awareness of the real process of governing – and their vulnerability to being manipulated and misled. All of which is made worse if their is no effective opposition party.
Capitol Hill blue is notoriously unreliable as to factual accuracy and the ability to verify any of their claims. I note that this story references no one for attribution and is conspicuously generalized as to the specifics of what it purports to be playing out within the WH.
Having said that, there is not one scintilla of doubt in my mind that the neocons who hijacked the executive branch would welcome a terrorist attack on our homeland if such an attack would regalvanize public support for their insane war agenda. I’m sure these repulsive creatures like Cheney and Perle celebrated on 9/11 and I have no doubt they’d celebrate again, (in secret of course), if another major attack came our way.
Believeing the unverifiable accounts of Capitol Hill Blue on this purported memo, however, is something else again.
One undeniable characteristic of this group is their ability to maintain a safe distance from culpability while still being complicit through winks and nods.
I don’t think Karl said to specifically enter the additional block of votes at exactly the 32.7% rate that was showing through the day (one random anomaly in Ohio) but I can imagine him saying in advance ‘You’ll take care of any problems there, right?’.
Diebold-Dedicated to delivering the 2004 vote to GWBush
I think this is one you take with a large grain of salt, as one should any too-simplistic news story, such as the 3-unnamed-GOP-sources NYT one mentioned above.
In some neighborhoods of Left Blogistan, it’s worth your life to mention CHB in polite company. However, I have noticed over the last year or so that they are frequently out in front on stories that more establishment operations can’t or won’t touch early on–whether through lack of verifiable evidence or excess caution or all of the above. Going to print with shocking information tends to require a higher degree of proof than much of what gets posted on the internets.
Still, CHB was first, or very early, on the story about Geedub’s increasingly unstable moods, which has now been picked up, and verified, by the stodgier MSM, including WaPo. And Thompson has been on this for quite a while. My impression of him is that he’s more libertarian than left or right, and I’m thinking that he may have some good inside sources who will tell him things they’ll keep from print people.
That said, I take his reporting, as all other “inside” DC reporting, with the aforementioned sodium chloride. Be skeptical of anyone’s reporting, especially if it comes from only one source. Remember, “If your mother says she loves you, check it out!”
I take your point about CHB. Certainly these days more than ever before if we don’t question what the media is telling us we’re asking to be duped repeatedly.
I think it was widely known at the beginning of the Bush reign that Bush himself was a petulant, impatient, childish and volatile personality whose faux spirituality was never quite effective enough as the anger management regimen it was meant to function as.
If CHB can encourage others to disclose verifiable info I think that’s a great thing. But their own manner of conveying “news” has never inspired confidence in their accuracy. I want to believe most of what I read by them, but, absent any corroborating evidence I have very little faith that accuracy is all that important to them.
Thank you for the warning. I’ve been stung once this week. (The “chemical weapon” story caused me some personal embarrassment.)
I agree and there are other examples of CHB being ahead of an assessment of events even if the particulars are inaccurate. I take all of them that way. My sodium intake is off the charts.
It can’t be much less credible than Miller, Blair and others in the MSM.
It’s also important to keep in mind the value of deliberately planted disinformation by a variety of sources of influence.
It’s easy for me to imagine Repubs whispering behind closed doors about how an attack might benefit them but, to put it down on paper?! Yegawds, are they completely insane? If that memo showed up as a PDF somewhere, every signatory would be villified, ruined for life if not outright assaulted by citizens on the street.
And Rove’s supposed new bounce-in-his-step… Does this mean he’s got the attack set up and in motion?! I think I’m gonna have nightmares tonight…
I’m not ready to believe Rove would set up an attack on the US. An invasion into Syria seems more likely. That doesn’t require anything more nefarious then a claim that all insurgents/terrorists are coming through there into Iraq so we have to go into Syria in self defense.
I’m more inclined to believe that the NY Times article is bogus and that someone fed a line of bs to Kornblutt about jolly old Karl. I don’t think he’s feeling all that chipper these days myself, in light of Bush’s poll numbers, if nothing else.
As to whether such a wishful thinking memo was drafted? I am inclined to believe that. These people aren’t all geniuses and I can readily see some idiot adding it to the list of What-we-need-to-hold-onto-Congress-in-2006 list.
This is a bit off-topic, but that article in NYT was terrible. Anna K. had three unnamed Republican/White House sources all singing the praises of the rejuvenated Karl Rove, and nothing, nada, zip that suggested any contrary opinion.
Whether its Kornblutt, or Bumiller or Judy Miller, or Richard Stevenson, the rot in NYT is set too deep.
Methodist Bishops Repent Iraq War ‘Complicity’,2933,175245,00.html
“Ninety-five bishops from President Bush’s church said Thursday they repent their “complicity” in the “unjust and immoral” invasion and occupation of Iraq.”
Interesting: “”In the face of the United States administration’s rush toward military action based on misleading information, too many of us were silent,” said a statement of conscience signed by more than half of the 164 retired and active United Methodist bishops worldwide.”
Further: “Carder and Stith said they hoped their statement would encourage more people to think about peacemaking.
“The only solution seems to be to stay the course. But if you’re on the wrong course, you don’t stay the course,” Carder said. “At the heart of the Christian faith is the willingness to acknowledge mistakes.””
Peacemaking ??? acknowledging mistakes ??? Many of us have been suggesting that for years… VERY interesting where the article appeared… Have they began to circle the wagons, of just a little good(god) cop, bad cop for a distraction ??
FOX News, of all people, reported this.
Does anyone think for a second that these color-coded goons wouldn’t let terror happen on purpose?
Dems need to get some of Bush I’s apparatchik to turn from the dark side then the neo-cons Dark Siths will be doomed.
Well, I think it speaks to this Administration’s complete and utter incompetence and inability to get anything done that we haven’t had another attack yet.
What the hell are they waiting for? Can his numbers get any lower?
All snarking aside, though, everything I’ve ever read from Capitol Hill Blue sounds like it was written by the staff of the Onion…
on the question of a second Unity Operation.
On the one hand, there were those 90 something approval numbers for the figurehead, and the successful installation of the Patriot Act, torture and crimes against humanity became very popular, and Americans learned to sit still and nod approvingly at announced policy of kidnapping and/or exterminating anyone, anywhere, anytime, and only a shrill fringe objects to US citizens being imprisoned without charges for perpetuity.
All that has added up to some very fine numbers for the intended beneficiaries, and Unity II would drive those numbers up even higher.
That would be a hard temptation to resist, only on the basis of a few henchmen who may mistake political shenanigans (and a very sincere and vocal, but very small minority of citizens opposing) for a widespread grassroots softening of domestic support for US policies.
The final decision will be made by market analysts.
I agree. I can envision Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz, Ledeen, Feith, et. al. all gathered together in a dark, damp and “undisclosed location”, filing their teeth sharp while they plan their next bloodthirsty assault on the world of the living.
is a confirmation that Bush is UNABLE to defend the country. We all dance around the fact that 9/11 happened (tin foil hat version or not) and is THE LARGEST FAILURE by the executive branch to perform it’s most important job.
It’s ironic that Bush talked about people re-writing history this weekend. That’s just what he did with 9/11.
His performance since then has been one long lesson in how to take one big mistake and compound it by several orders of magnitude.