by Patrick Lang (bio below)
“Bad Reception” by Art Levine in “American Prospect.”
[Kenneth] Tomlinson gives particularly high marks to Mouafac Harb, the smooth-talking, Lebanese-born news director who rules both Alhurra (“The Free One”) and Sawa, for launching the networks so quickly. …
“There is no oversight,” says Hishem Melham, the Washington bureau chief of the Lebanese daily newspaper As-Safir. “This guy [Harb] hires and fires and sets salaries on his own, and he’ll continue to do it as long as he feels protected by Norm Pattiz and Kenneth Tomlinson.”
Mamoun Fandy, a senior fellow in Middle East policy at Rice University’s Baker Institute, says that the rules governing the networks have made little difference, and that MBN is operating “runaway stations that need to be brought under control.” He also says, “Alhurra looks like the Middle Eastern states it wants to change: It’s run by a small dictator who is totally corrupt” — although he and other critics concede that they know of no criminal wrongdoing.
In certain respects Harb resembles Ahmad Chalabi, back in the days when the Iraqi buccaneer was the favorite of American officialdom. He spins the story of the Arabic services’ success to legislators and reporters, charms political patrons in both political parties, and offers a product that at least looks slick and professional to Americans who don’t understand Arabic. Like Chalabi, the broadcasting potentate lives well on U.S. largesse, although neither Tomlinson’s board nor Harb’s spokesman will disclose his taxpayer-funded salary. Sources at Alhurra say that he drives a Hummer (average price: $50,000), and according to real-estate records, he recently bought a $750,000 home in a well-to-do northern Virginia suburb.”
— Art Levine in “American Prospect.” (Emphases mine.) (Photo #1 is from the PBS Newshour in 2003. Photo #2 is from a “Justice and Terrorism” conference in September 2005 at the UK’s Chatham House.)
For the record, I know Harb. In my opinion, he is a secularized Lebanese Shia who has been an American citizen for many years. He is extremely fluent in English and plausibly glib in the extreme.
He is a great deal like Chalabi although he speaks American English a great deal better than the great doctor of mathmatics. I have been told that he likes and admires Chalabi greatlly, and hopes and expects that Chalabi will someday rule (govern) Iraq. He knows Chalabi well. This is something he has in common with his friend, the VP.
Pat Lang
See also: my story here, “Old Habits Die Hard at ‘Al-Hurra,'” on Nov. 6, 2005. More links below:Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann (interview), CNN and Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room (interview), PBS’s Newshour, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” (interview), and more .
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
Pat, maybe a little larger excerpt about this story from American Prospect is in order? From what you have here it’s not quite clear what Harb is responsible for. I’d add in this bit to help with comprehension for readers who don’t follow the links:
Good addition, Steven. And here’s a snippet from Pat’s story on Nov. 9 (which I think he assumed readers here have read).
Here’s another similar view, linked to by our commenter and diarist Oui in one of her comments to the link you posted. (I just realized I assume Oui is a woman; I’m not sure if I know this to be a fact or not.)
FT on Al Hurra investigation
I linked the whole article in the post on my blog pat
See my diary ::
Norman J. Pattiz – Chairman BBG Middle East Committee
In a February radio address in honor of Voice of America’s 60th anniversary, Bush singled out Pattiz for his “perseverance and dedication to the project.” The ‘project’ being the production of Arab-language propaganda for two new media outlets: The Al-hurrah satellite television network, and Radio Sawa.
Billionaire Pattiz, 59, is founder and chairman of Westwood One, the largest radio network in the United States with 7,500 stations. The $3.5 billion-company is also the largest distributor of commercial radio programming. Its news programs include CBS News Radio, Fox News Radio, CBS Market Watch, CNN Radio, and the NBC Radio Network. Pattiz helped pass the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which eliminated restrictions on how many stations a company can own.
Pattiz, who lives in a Beverly Hills mansion and sports a big, diamond LA Lakers championship ring on his pinky finger (a gift from Shaquille O’Neal), bought his way into the heart of Bill Clinton by contributing a paltry $300,000 to his campaign. (Pattiz pled guilty to charges that he skirted campaign finance laws and got a wrist-slap, paying a $75,000 fine.) The favor was returned when Clinton nominated Pattiz to the BBG. More recently, Pattiz helped fund Hillary Clinton’s successful senate run, which he has since used to leverage her cooperation in attempting to win the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
Pattiz is no stranger to Middle Eastern politics. He has been an active force at the Israel Policy Forum (IPF) — a think-tank that coordinates pro-Israel propaganda. He meets regularly with key Israeli politicians, and hosts IPF monthly roundtable discussions where prominent American Jews of the media and government meet with Israeli leaders in brainstorming sessions. In 1999, Pattiz was honored by IPF at a tribute dinner where former Prime Minister Ehud Barak presented him with an award and called him “an important conduit of information.”
● Broadcast Education Association Honors Norman J. Pattiz
with Distinguished Education Service Award – Feb 2002
● BBG Board Members
● Information Control For Social Manipulation
© 2003 by David B. Deserano is a recent graduate from Portland State
University, Oregon, with an MS in Communication Theory
Read more in my diary »»
Dina Habib Powell to Replace Norman J. Pattiz
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Mr. Lang, what is your honest opinion about Peter Goss?
I am very interested in this
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