from Liberal Street Fighter

So party insiders they can make anonymous attacks on their own Party Chairman.

To continue to support Vichy Dem candidates who work against the interests of our base, from the New Yorker (not yet up online, starts on pg 69, NOVEMBER.14,2005 issue):

The fact remains that when Schumer was selling the idea of Caseys candidacy to Beltway Democrats, polls showed Casey leading Santorum by fivepoints. By early summer, that gap had reached seven points, then thirteen. A poll taken in October showedCaseys leadoverSantorum at eighteen points.

That may be why Democratic activists are beginning to sign on. Werthan says that the women in her circle,many of them new to politics, are as motivated by their desire to turn out Santorum as they are by abortion politics. “They are crazy over getting rid of Santorum,” she says. “He scares them to death. I think they sort of woke up and said, ‘Oh, my God! Nutso!’ 1 think that they saw hisambitions unfold, and they saw that he was headed toward trying to run for President.”

Kimberly C. Oxholm, a Democratic activistwho is associated with Planned Parenthood, says that she and some of her friends have begun to develop a rationale for supporting an anti-abortion Democrat. “I’m beginning to feel comfortable,” she says. “1 think a lot of us are. Thinking about it nationally, Bob Casey is going to be, we hope, a member of the Democratic majority. That alone is going to be hugely beneficial for reproductive rights and women. He said he’s not going to Washington to push an anti-abortion agenda. He’ll be, hopefully, part of a majority, and he’ll vote with people like Harry Reid”-the  Democratic leader in the Senate. “Reid’s not wonderful on abortion, either, but he’s really good on all the family-planning stuff. Hopefully, there won’t be any major vote coming up where he’ll have to vote differently.”

A Faith-Based Initiative
What the Democrats can learn from Kaine’s Virginia victory

Mr. Happy says that all Democrats and Americans win when we all live under a Theocracy.

Images copyright 2005 Hugh “Mr. Happy” Greenish — used without permission but with appreciation.