Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University. If you want to read someone who pulls no punches and suggests that if we don’t impeach and imprison cheney/bush then this really is the end of days then go read John Cusacks post over at Ahuffington. And it certainly generated lots of comments-over 300. Plus he wants to know where the hell the democrats are? Best thing I’ve read in awhile.
Very intelligent and he’s always been political but this particular article by him just nails everything on the head-all came together beautifully. He certainly didn’t pull any punches did he-yahoo. Too bad one of our democratic leaders didn’t write and say this.
I know either last election or the 2000 one someone had a site up that said-Cusack for President.
Josh Marshall, reporting on Ken Mehlman’s appearance this morning on the Russert show (no idea what channel, as I don’t watch, but he has the link) sputters for a bit about Mehlman with “twice the lying power” as “part of the deception and perfidy to the constitution.”
Marshall catalogs some of the most egregious lies, then makes an excellent point:
What this country will end up needing is something like a Truth and Reconciliation Commission because what the country needs is not so much for particular people to go to jail but for the lies and the lies to cover up earlier lies to stop. The country can’t get past what has happened or move forward until we can get the truth on the table, deal with it and move on.
We need “the lies and the lies to cover up earlier lies to stop.” A Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an excellent idea.
And for the “reconciliation” part, these people need to own their lies and ask for forgiveness from all of the families who have lost loved ones in Iraq. Admit to Cindy Sheehan that THERE WAS NO NOBLE CAUSE.
vote, according to Armando over at dKos. The Bingaman Amendment would delete the part of the Graham amendment that suspends habeus corpus. Call your senators first thing tomorrow if you want to help this happen, especially if you’re unfortunate enough to have one of the 5 pro-torture Dems pretending to represent you.
Just wanted to make sure the non dKos folks here saw this. It could be the most important vote this session, or even in our lifetimes.
Thanks for that link. What a great article on Goss and the demise of the CIA.
One special bit I thought apropro, talking about the purge at CIA after Goss and his “Goslings” took over;
“There aren’t any Arabists left in the CIA. They’re gone. They weren’t with the program. It’s like Pol Pot, who killed anybody wearing glasses because they might be able to read.”
James Guckert? Was there ever any compliance with demands from congresspeople for info on how and why he got credentialed? Or do we have to wait until all the books come out in 2009? If you want to read someone who pulls no punches and suggests that if we don’t impeach and imprison cheney/bush then this really is the end of days then go read John Cusacks post over at Ahuffington. And it certainly generated lots of comments-over 300. Plus he wants to know where the hell the democrats are? Best thing I’ve read in awhile.
Wow. Not only is he cute, but he’s smart too. Thanks, CI.
Very intelligent and he’s always been political but this particular article by him just nails everything on the head-all came together beautifully. He certainly didn’t pull any punches did he-yahoo. Too bad one of our democratic leaders didn’t write and say this.
I know either last election or the 2000 one someone had a site up that said-Cusack for President.
Josh Marshall, reporting on Ken Mehlman’s appearance this morning on the Russert show (no idea what channel, as I don’t watch, but he has the link) sputters for a bit about Mehlman with “twice the lying power” as “part of the deception and perfidy to the constitution.”
Marshall catalogs some of the most egregious lies, then makes an excellent point:
We need “the lies and the lies to cover up earlier lies to stop.” A Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an excellent idea.
And for the “reconciliation” part, these people need to own their lies and ask for forgiveness from all of the families who have lost loved ones in Iraq. Admit to Cindy Sheehan that THERE WAS NO NOBLE CAUSE.
vote, according to Armando over at dKos. The Bingaman Amendment would delete the part of the Graham amendment that suspends habeus corpus. Call your senators first thing tomorrow if you want to help this happen, especially if you’re unfortunate enough to have one of the 5 pro-torture Dems pretending to represent you.
Just wanted to make sure the non dKos folks here saw this. It could be the most important vote this session, or even in our lifetimes.
and do the o’lielly googlebomb, as outlined here.
the latest front in Operation Falafel!
and how Bush is trying to shut them up:
The Yes-Man
Thanks for that link. What a great article on Goss and the demise of the CIA.
One special bit I thought apropro, talking about the purge at CIA after Goss and his “Goslings” took over;
(emphasis mine)
Hopefully we’ll get more info on this from Patrick Lang.
I find this very interesting to say the least. Thanks for the link.
James Guckert? Was there ever any compliance with demands from congresspeople for info on how and why he got credentialed? Or do we have to wait until all the books come out in 2009?
Not exactly spelling police, but more like a school crossing guard:
There’s a consistent mistake being made all over the blogosphere in spelling when people talk about taking over direction of something.
It’s “reins,” meaning those leather straps you use to steer a horse, or policy.
“Reign,” which is being used incorrectly for people who mean rein, refers to what QE2 is doing.
I think you possibly reigned on several parades at once in the blogodom. We’ll try to rain the renegades in.
Eye think ewe just caused mnemosyne’s head too explode.
this a.m. and probably all this month. Check your listings.
I am very interested in this
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