I want to disclose up front that I am not a political strategist by trade – either professionally or non-professionally. I am a lawyer who writes about economics. The reason for this admission is it has a direct bearing on my reasons for arguing for realignment rather than impeachment.
There is a debate occurring in the Democratic blogsphere about the Democrat’s course for the next 2-3 years. The debate is whether the Democrats should impeach the president or go for realignment of the current political landscape. Below I argue for seeking realignment rather than impeachment.
Bush is now the Republican Carter. Most Republicans that I know dislike Carter (at best). They pull out the 1976-1980 President whenever they want to make Democrats look weak or appeal to the Republican base. Personally, I think Carter was one of the most basically decent people to ever be President. However, I also think the office swallowed him.
One year into his first term, Bush has incredibly low poll numbers, indicating the only people who still firmly support him are hard-core, I “would rather die than vote Democrat” Republicans. In addition, the percentage of poll respondents who think the country is going in the wrong direction is very high.
With three years left, Bush is already in one of the worst positions relative to his public standing of any president. He also shows no desire to effectively change the policies that are hurting his standing with the public. As a result, the chances of Bush leaving an increasingly bad taste in the electorate’s mouth are very high.
While Bush is steadfast in staying the course, underlying problems of the country go unfixed. 44 million Americans have no health insurance. Those who do have insurance face premium escalation far beyond the annual inflation increase. College is growing more and more expensive, placing graduates into indentured servitude from college loans rather than entering the workforce able to begin accumulating equity. The trade deficit is already at economically disastrous levels, and is only getting worse. The Federal deficit is out of control. The great exodus of high-paying manufacturing and high-tech jobs continues, further eroding the middle class’s standard of living.
By combining the electorate’s dissatisfaction with the country’s direction with solid policy initiatives, the Democrats can achieve solid gains and perhaps majorities in one or both Congressional bodies in the 2006 elections. By advancing our policy objectives on Bush, he will be placed in the position of either vetoing popular ideas of health care reform, education initiatives etc… or bowing to the obvious will of the people. Should he veto, he will further sink Republican prospects.
Should the Democrats seek impeachment, they will hinder Congress’ ability to solve problems that need fixing. I would love it if Congress could do more than one thing at a time. However, they can barely do one thing at a time. And impeachment, being a special situation, would simply prevent a Democratic majority from helping the country deal with its problems.
While I would personally love Bush and Cheney to face criminal sanctions, I would be far happier if I saw the US standard of living increase, college graduates with the ability to increase their new worth without the burden of mammoth college loans, and US citizens with the ability to care for their family’s medical needs. By solving these problems, The Democrats will increase their goodwill with the vast majority of people, further strengthening the Democratic majority.
I see impeachment as a short-term solution, whereas realignment would be long-term solution. In my opinion, long-term is better, for everybody.
When(!) the Democrats take back the House, can we afford to NOT investigate all of the lies and criminality of the administration?
I think if we don’t – the historical record will not be corrected effectively. And realighnment is less likely to happen.
I’m assuming that you’ve read my article on this.
This diary hardly addresses any of my points, and it also presents a false either/or choice, as in: we either pursue impeachment or we pursue realignment.
The problems of pursuing realignment alone are spelled out in some detail in my article, and none of my reasoning is confronted here with counterarguments.
The sole counterargument appears to be that a 2007 Democratic Congress would be more productive by pursuing legislation. We may not have a 2007 Democratic Congress, and ignoring the pursuit of justice is no guarantee that we will be seen as a principled alternative to the GOP.
Plus, you ignore the fact that the GOP may itself decide it has seen enough of Bush, if we are successful enough, and Scowcroft, Wilkerson, Pat Lang, Larry Johnson, Pat Fitzgerald, and others are successful enough, in exposing the crimes, lies, and incompetence of this administration.
I haven’t read it, actually.
then this post is just a coincidence and not a response. I hope you do read it and see what you think.
I don’t disagree with your analysis or points.
I made the disclosure at the beginning because it does have a direct bearing on my analysis. I think the greater problem we face is the continued destruction of the middle class. And I think solving that problem is a better way to go for the longer term.
Let me put it this way. Impeachment is a good idea. But helping the middle class is a better idea.
I vote for doing both: impeach the chimp-in-charge AND create policies that help the middle class, instead of impoversihing and enslaving them.
My argument does assume we can only do one thing at a time.
I’m not a political analyst and I’m sure that’s obvious. I’ve been registered Independent since I could register.
It has pushed me over the edge of reason to constantly hear that the Democrats don’t have a plan and that the GOP has the plan the American people want. That’s ridiculous.
Any issue that the GOP boasts as a move in a an organized plan is also one that is manipulated to hurt or exploit the main class of Americans. This has to be corrected.
A large group of people feel abandoned by the Democratis Party because of issues concerning thigs as complicity with the admin, self-serving political interests take priority over genuine issues and mostly that there isn’t much difference between the two parties.
When a steady stream of disappointment builds a case that the Democrats are no better than the GOP. substantiial forces for change are lost to futility.
In my opinion, the Democrats need to take an overall united stand against corruption/injustice/corporate cronyism/VOTE FRAUD/foreign policy and all in such a way that shows integrity. From there they can and should eagerly accept dissenting or differing opinion within the party (Ind and rogue GOP drifters included) and even point it out where possible to lead by example. The consideration of individuality and all ideas but setting aside differences to achieve a common goal would sell better than the recent appearance of constantly selling out.
If you listen closely, one of the main failures of both parties is losing touch with real people and common ideals. I’d suggest the Democrats get involved in the discussions on the net and make references-pull them into public speaking. Nothing would get individuals behind a party quicker than hearing their productive opinions spoken for them as they should be. I think it’s time to see the two forums work together.
The people need integrity from their representation and the Dems need a way to prove they aren’t the same as the GOP. I would probably look at anyone who came forward and slightly apologized but at least said ‘it’s time for this insanity to stop’…amnesty.
Too many people have invested time and hard work into starting the impeachment drive. The evidence can be found and it should be pursued but in a calm, rational, business-like manner. It should be a subtle investigation run much like Fitzgerald’s grand jury. If it’s offered up and not accepted bu the current GOP, I think that would work in the Dem’s favor. Don’t dwell on it but do what they were voted into office to do.
I agree with eveything you’ve just said. If these jackasses had any idea what life outside the beltway is like for regular people, they wuld start focusing on doing what’s right for those they claim to represent. If they started representing us and doing something to show it, we’d be right there behind them and voting for them. The opportunity is here, will they use it?
Instead, they keep jockeying for political position, and miss the big point. I think they’d gain a helluva lot more by representing people than by throwing, oh, say, women’s rights or gay rights overboard.
It’s funny that Howard Dean is the one to illustrate the potential for success in adopting that honesty. I don’t know what kind of president he would’ve been but he should speak in the MSM as often as possible. He’s getting great at publicly disarming the manipulative framing of issues that’s so damaging to the Democrats.
I think the Democrats should narrow in on how all of these issues and representative actions might be in disagreement with party line but that’s acceptable if it was done as best representation of their constituents.
Russert and others should be flogged…..Liberally
As Booman said up thread, it’s not either-or. There are any number of reasons why we should pursue realignment quite aside from any questions of possible wrongdoing by the Bush administration. Our precarious economy, our insane dependence on foreign oil, health care, education, Iraq, just to name a few of the many serious issues that are being seriously mishandled by our current government. Our country and the world desperately need a different course and it looks like enough of our countrymen are finally coming around to make it possible. We need to seize every opportunity to make it happen. We need to do that whether or not anything comes of the many investigations currently under way.
Given the Libby’s indictment and the ongoing investigations which may eventually implicate Rove and others in the Bush administration, plus the Downing Street Memos and all the rest, it is clear that there are at the very least many serious unanswered questions about the circumstances that led us to the invasion of Iraq. That means an independent investigation and, if warranted, indictments, prosecutions, possibly impeachment. I don’t want a whitewash or a witch hunt. I want the truth. America and the world deserve nothing less. We need to keep pushing on that whether we have the votes or not, whether we can make it happen or not, because it’s the right thing to do.
We need to pursue realighment and impeachment. We have to walk and chew gum at the same time.
or as Tommy Jefferson once said: ” I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then,is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”
Listen to it Here: Impeach Bush Blues
Dan Burgevin and Rich Zubaty wrote these lyrics after the U.S. invaded Iraq. They asked me to come over and play some “A Blues” for the tune. The initial recording was pretty rough (on a video camera). This new version is a better recording by Paul Smith from Ithaca.
James Starowicz
VFP ‘Declaration Of Impeachment’
Sign On and Pass Link To Others
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace
“We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby
affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause
of world peace by applying the concept of engaging
conflict peacefully, without violence.”
Each day seems to bring a new assault on our democracy. They’re considering a death blow to the FEC with recess appointments. I don’t believe our democracy can survive, if it still does today, another three years. In fact, I wonder if we will have an election in 2006.
Washington Post
This is extremely important and should have it’s own space as a subject of discussion.
but I’m on the run. You write such wonderful diaries, would you do it?
I’d be happy to but mine seem to have rocks tied to them that cause them to sink fast into obscurity.
They never disappear completely, or haven’t yet.