[I’ll get to WHIG thoughts at bottom]

Mehlman Admits WHIG Cooking!

Mehlman: “Which was that the evidence for war was more dramatically presented to the president than it was to Congress.”

Where’s this Dramatically Givin Evidence That Congress Didn’t See, But The pResident Did?, because if it was more forcefully givin to the pRes there has to be More Evidence!

Where is it, it doesn’t exist, Congress saw Exactly what Cheney, and the other’s, of the WHIG roundtable, wanted them to see!

And the American People and the World saw Even Less!

Just as the Inspectors were Requesting the Information that the White House kept saying they had, that they knew Exactly where the WMD’s were and How Much, they weren’t getting it, as the White House kept saying it would Compromise the Way They Received this Intelligence, Because It Didn’t Exist!

That was shown by the baseless Intelligence Report to the UN by Powell, watching it I kept saying to myself, “Where is All this Super Technology, we’ve spent Billions on, that the Politicians say is So Precise?”!

I also was thinking, “Why are these fools bying into this crap?”, except as you watched some of the Diplomats faces, Many Weren’t, they seemed to be wondering the same as my first question!

Russert/Mehlman 11-13-05 Meet The Press

Abit into the Interview

MR. RUSSERT: “Send wrong signals to the enemy.” Is the president saying the Democrats are giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
MR. MEHLMAN: Tim, here’s the issue. What the president said very clearly in his remarks is that people who oppose the war have that right, that our country is better because we have dissent and discussion. But what happened in this case was a whole series of Democrats, the majority of the Democrats in the Senate, 80 Democrats in the House, looked at the exact same evidence the president looked at, leading up to the Iraq War and came to the exact same conclusion. And the conclusion was that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was trying to obtain weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was a threat. And in a post-9/11 world, it would be irresponsible to leave him in power.

“looked at the exact same evidence the president looked at”

MR. RUSSERT: So are you suggesting the Democrats who voted in favor of the war and who are now opposing the president’s policies are unpatriotic?
MR. MEHLMAN: Not at all. What I’m suggesting is for people to say that they looked at the exact same evidence he looked at. Look at their language, look what they said. At the same time, they said he has WMDs. John Edwards, a member of the Intelligence Committee, said week after week, day after day, “I looked at the evidence and I believe he has WMD.”

“What I’m suggesting is for people to say that they looked at the exact same evidence he looked at.”

MR. RUSSERT: Let’s go through this carefully, because The Washington Post has done a fact-check analysis of some of the president’s comments. “President Bush and his national security adviser have answered critics of the Iraq War in recent days with a two-pronged argument: that Congress saw the same intelligence the administration did before the war and that independent commissions have determined that the administration did not misrepresent the intelligence. Neither assertion is wholly accurate. …Bush and his aides had access to much more voluminous intelligence information than did lawmakers who were depending on the administration to provide the material. And the commission cited by officials, though concluding that the administration did not pressure intelligence analysts to change their conclusions, were not authorized to determine whether the administration exaggerated or distorted those conclusions.”
So the president had more intelligence, more data, more information than a senator or a congressman.

MR. MEHLMAN: In fact, Tim, the Robb-Lieberman commission–excuse me, the Robb-Silverman Commission looked at this and they found something very different. The president got briefed every single day. The members of Congress had access to information. The information was basically the same, except what the Robb-Silverman Commission found was that the information the president got was more dramatic. In other words, the argument here says that if somehow they saw what he saw, they wouldn’t have believed the case for war was made. In fact what the commission who looked at it found out was the opposite was true, which was that the evidence for war was more dramatically presented to the president than it was to Congress.

“Which was that the evidence for war was more dramatically presented to the president than it was to Congress.”

And Congress along with most of the people of this country Bit Hook-Line-and Sinker!

Yet Almost Everything That Was Stated By The Pro-Peace Activists, Diplomats, Government Employees former and present, former Inspectors and the ones who were in Iraq Prior to Invasion, Before, During and Too Date, Has Now Come Out As The Truth or Questioned Strongly with Whispers of the Questions Breaking as the others have!

continuation of above conversation

But it’s not just this information. The fact is since 1998, this administration and the previous administration, had the same policy. It was regime change in Iraq. The U.N. looked at it, the Germans looked at it, the French looked at it, the Clinton administration looked at it, the Bush administration looked at it, members of Congress looked at it. They all agreed that this guy has WMD and he has a desire to have a more aggressive program going forward and they all concluded he needed to be removed. And there was an intelligence failure.
But here’s the question. The question is, how do you respond to that? Do you respond to it by correcting the intelligence, or do you do what the Democrats are doing, which is laying politics with it. And I think the president’s point was at this critical moment in this critical war, with this central front in the war on terror, playing politics is not what we should be doing.

The Reason For Invasion Was Not Regime Change, Period!!

MR. RUSSERT: The Robb-Silverman Commission did not look into the use of intelligence by policy- makers. But I want to go through it because this is very important to the country and obviously to the president. And that is, the emphasis that he had on some of the things that he presented to the public. Here’s t he president, September 12, 2002, speaking to the United Nations.
(Videotape, September 12, 2002):
PRES. BUSH: Iraq has made several attempts to buy high-strength aluminum tubes used to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: And prior to that, he had said that we had gotten uranium from Africa. And now both times, Mohamed ElBaradei, who was head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the president was wrong. ElBaradei has now won the Nobel Peace Prize. At the time, ElBaradei’s saying no, no, the president’s wrong. And ElBaradei said this exactly, “After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program in Iraq…” And so, I asked Vice President Cheney about what ElBaradei had said. And this is what the vice president said in March.
(Videotape, March 16, 2003):
VICE PRES. DICK CHENEY: And we believe he has in fact reconstituted nuclear weapons. I think Mr. ElBaradei, frankly, is wrong.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: Now, the vice president came on six months later and said, he meant nuclear program. But here’s the president talking about uranium from Africa, talking about aluminium tubes, talking about reconstituting nuclear programs. And the International Atomic Energy Association is saying, not true. Colin Powell, the secretary of state, went before the United Nations and laid out the case and then said this.
(Videotape, February 5, 2003):
SEC’Y COLIN POWELL (State Department): My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: “On solid intelligence.” And then 15 months later, the secretary of state came on this program and said this.
(Videotape, May 16, 2004):
SEC’Y POWELL: But it turned out that the sourcing was inaccurate and wrong, and in some cases, deliberately misleading. And for that, I am disappointed, and I regret it.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: “Deliberately misleading.” That’s the secretary of state. So why can’t Democrats now say that the administration deliberately misled the American people?

My take on what’s been going on since last week.

They know that if what went on in the White House, with WHIG – White House Iraq Group, that all the roosters will come home to roast, in other words they All would be facing Criminal Charges, not only in this Country but on the World Stage as well!

Too many have been asking about WHIG recently, than the Dems make a Surprise Move and shutdown Congress over an Investigation into WHIG!

Now they are once again trying to change the subject, and News Spin, by Regurgitating the Same Lame Talking Points and Lies, hitting from All Sides, wanting Any Mention of a WHIG Investigation to Go Away!

It’s a ‘Conspiracy’ within the White House, Congress and the GOP of a Huge CoverUp Attempt!!

They aren’t even worried about Impeachment Talk, this is Much Bigger!!!

We Will See. Won’t We!!