It’s a new week, but Alito still opposes a woman’s right to choose.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Evan, age 4 (source:
From the LA Times’s Steve Lopez:
So conservative papers are good for something afterall!
The reagan and bush libraries are releasing Alito documents TODAY.
Apparently the bush dump includes some quayle droppings as well.
I see some serious reading in your future! lol
Is anyone suprised?
I’m trying to figure out what ratbastard drug plan I’m supposed to be choosing under bushco’s wonderful new prescription drug law. This is even more fucked up than I thought when reading about when Congress passed this boondoggle for the pharma companies.
Each state has anywhere from 30 to 75 insurance companies that you’re supposed to study…then I read an article in the New York Times that some pharmacies are not going to honor more than one insurance company plan(probably kickback city there,huh) -so if you’ve spent months doing research and then go to your drug store if that place isn’t honoring that plan then what?
Then if you’re plan decides to raise the price of your drugs they have to give you two months notice so you’ll be prepared for higher costs, how nice.
Every year you have to resign up or look for plan best suited to you…this whole thing is so fubar beyond belief I can only hope that quite literally people take to the streets over it. And you HAVE to sign up by the way if you’re on medicare at least that’s my understanding so far. If you don’t sign up this year you’ll be penalized and when you do sign up your rates or premium will be higher due to added fees as a penalty. How in the hell are older people who are sick or confused supposed to figure this out? This isn’t a government program really but insurance industry program with the government only nominally involved really.. And like any insurance company there are all kinds of clauses for pills that some companies won’t cover, etc etc etc Everyone has to pay at least 40 dollars a month fee plus a 250 deductible from the very start unless you happen to be an extreme hardship the fact that if you’re saving so much money then if you’re getting some type of housing assistance etc this will be downgraded and you’ll get less due to your enormous savings..insert and shout fuck here as many times as you can.
Did I say that this was one ratbastard shitty contemptible deal? I’d really like to see ‘mr. I don’t read’ try and read through some 70 different insurance policies-by himself-and then try and pick one that he thinks will best suit him…ok end of this mini fucken rant. Well not quite, I’d like to see him have 70 insurance polices shoved up his ass and see if that might change his outlook.
I’ve been going through this with my mother and I think it has been harder on her than her open heart surgery. It was upsetting her so much that I told her I’d make the decision. I came to the conclusion that I would never know what the right thing to do was and just went with her current insurer because they had no deductible, pretty good prices, and had given her good service in the past. I have no idea if that was the right decision but it made her so happy to have the decision made that at this point I don’t care.
Is that one of the insurers on your states list? My understanding still is that if you don’t sign up now you will be penalized permanently in the future if you end up signing up later-basically if you’re on medicare you have to sign up? Or am I reading all this stuff wrong? I received the handbook in the mail but their is a website that answers hundreds of questions pertaining to the crap.
You have between Nov. 15 – May 15 to sign up without an increased cost. If you don’t sign up by tomorrow, it may delay when your coverage starts but it won’t affect your cost. If I get it right, there’s no penalty to your regular benefits if you don’t sign up; the penalty is in how much the coverage costs if you get it later.
The insurer was on the state list. I don’t know if they are available everywhere but you might want to check them out — it’s United American Insurance Company. I really like that there was no deductible; much simpler for my mom. Their prices were best on 90 day prescriptions (we told them the prescriptions and they told us how much they would cost). Their phone number is 866-524-4169.
my Mom with her stuff. I am now getting nervous about the dates and confusion of the new policy. Is it really as confusing as it sounds? Do I need to sign her up tomorrow? Can I call the number you put on your comment? I’m in Calif and the number is not working. CSI or anyone help. Hi Cham. Well this link will get you started and also check the frequently asked questions(ha ha there are over 200). There should be link for each state and what insurance companies in your state are in the program-I believe Ca. has some 30 we’re supposed to go through.
Plus you have to re-enroll every year-another crock of shit stupid ass part of this.
I think my understanding now is 60 some insurance companies are involved for CA.
Thanks CSI…I went to the page you suggested, it looks like it may take me about 25 years to finish reading all the info that they expect us to read. When I am finished reading it my Mother will be about 102 years old…The excuse they are using (Bushco) is that with more compainies and providers or pharmacies involved that is how the will be able to keep cost down. The MSM is pimping a 50% discount in perscriptions for regular seniors and a 95% discount for low income people. My feeling is when the people see how much reading there is they will just pass on the whole thing and the Gvt will end up saving a ton of money. Why it couldn’t have been just 2 or 3 easy choices and easy paper work and be done with it is beyond my. Bastards. It is no different than trying to fill our your Taxes…Buggers all.
Medicare Plan “D” is for Dumbfounding, Discombobulating, Disastrous & Demoralizing.
I’m trying to work through the 70+ plans available in our state and it’s immediately clear that anyone with more than a couple non-generic prescriptions is going to hit the “donut hole” well before the end of the year when the premiums continue, but the benefits do not. Add in that right now Mother’s doctor provides her with a month worth of samples of all but one of her most expensive prescriptions when she goes for her every two to three month check-up, so she usually only has to purchase them on alternate months. With the new plans going into effect, I don’t know if the pharmaceutical companies will continue providing doctors with samples or if they will go the way of the discount cards. So, I’m going through each plan and calculating three ways – getting all her prescriptions 12 months of the year (donut time), getting just the one prescription 12 months of the year, and getting all the prescriptions 6 months of the year. My head is spinning.
Absolutely, this is really one ‘mother of all fuckovers’ by bushco. And don’t forget to check and make sure the pharmacy you go to is going to cover the plan you pick…they don’t have to and some are planning on only using one or two.
Sorry I didn’t get back sooner — we lost our power in a storm last night.
But just in case anyone is still reading this thread I wanted to mention that we started with the pharmacy Mom uses. They were very helpful — printed out all the information on each of her prescriptions and had several very helpful brochures — both general information and from specific insurers.
You should hear the community pharmacists I know talk about this. They are furious; it’s bad for patients, and worse for small retail pharmacies (several feel it’s going to put them out of business).
The only ones happy are, as you said, the pharmaceutical companies and the recipients of all their political donation cash.
This isn’t even really about medicare-that’s a misnomer as far as I’m concerned…these are private insurance companies who are given the nod by the government in each state to come up with drug insurance policies. Some companies have several plans and as always the more of a monthly fee you pay the better and more drugs will be covered.
That means I believe in here in Ca. not only are there about 60 insurance companies you’re supposed to investigate and read all the fine print but some of them have as I said 3/4 plans themselves to choose from. This is the government fronting for insurance companies. One insurance company here only offers plans in I think I read 23 counties?…why the fuck is that…and on top of everything states have to pay back to the government money they are supposedly going to ‘save’ by not having people who are old/disabled/poor on the state run prescription plan..which most states are saying the formula for figuring that out is very screwed up and this is going to cost the states more not less.
George Bush is acting like the kid who steals cookies from the cookie jar using a fork instead of his fingers. When asked if he reached in and stole the cookie, he says no – since it was was the fork that reached into the jar.
At best Bush was dishonest, by cherry picking and parsing words to make his case. At worst, he outright lied. Either way, the standard for going to war was not met.
He didn’t parse words, he outright lied.
Norwegians have confidence in the United Nations
No less should be expected from the country of the Nobel Peace Prize.
I send greeting cards every year because it’s the main way I stay in touch with a lot of distant relatives and old friends. But I am looking for some cards that are socially responsible, proceeds go to charity or something like that.
So far I have found these 2 sites:
Does anyone else have suggestions about where I can find some good holiday cards, etc?
I see my hero Barbara Boxer wrote a novel that’s advertised around here. Anybody looked at it yet? Near as I can remember, political types are never any good at fiction of the novel variety. So I’m kind of leery about getting my image of Boxer damaged by reading her book.
The only pol type I can think of who wrote even barely passable novels was Wm Buckley. Can you think of others?
The reviews of the book over at Amazon, iirc, were very polarized. Seems like supporters wrote raving reviews and critics were harsh…
Brennan Center Nov. 14, 2005 — The United States Supreme Court today declined to review a case challenging Florida’s 137-year-old ban on voting by people with felony convictions. The decision forecloses all judicial redress of a discriminatory policy that bars more than 600,000 people from the polls. The lawsuit, Johnson v. Bush, sought to restore the voting rights of working, tax-paying members of their communities who have fully served their criminal sentences but remain barred from the polls, almost always for life. Under the controlling lower court decisions, plaintiffs were denied the opportunity to prove at trial that the Florida law violates the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution.
The voting ban, part of Florida’s 1868 constitution, bars people like Jau’dohn Hicks from the most basic form of political participation. Mr. Hicks is a named Plaintiff in the case. He was released from prison in 1991 and has since completed training as both a firefighter and an emergency medical technician, but he has not regained his rights.
“I want to vote to show my three daughters that I have put my mistakes behind me and become a contributing member of our community. I work, I pay taxes, I’m raising my children–I want my voice back. I am shocked by the Court’s action today because now I have no hope that the courts will help me win back the rights that have been unjustly stripped from me. And the courts used to be the champions of people like me.”
While the Supreme Court’s decision ended the lawsuit challenging Florida’s permanent disenfranchisement policy, the battle is not over. Concerned Floridians are working to place voting rights restoration on the statewide ballot for approval by the voters.
Across the nation and throughout the world, the trend has been towards restoring rights to people with criminal convictions. In the last year alone, Nebraska and Iowa ended their permanent disenfranchisement policies, and the Rhode Island legislature sent to the 2006 ballot a state constitutional amendment that would restore voting rights immediately following incarceration.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
It’s up to the citizen’s of Florida through their legislature to provide a remedy. I know, I know, what’re the odds…
George Bush is a poo-poo-head.
At the age of four Alec had declared his political leanings. Now six and in first grade, our son asked for his own dKOS account. He watches me write diaries and sometimes even reads them and asks intelligent questions; he’s a good reader for a six-year old. He listens to his mom, our friends, and I discuss politics. He knows about the three branches of US government, about how laws are made and he comes to vote with us. On Friday he said that he wanted to write his own diary …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
This past spring while my son was in the dj booth with me, we had a conversation (off mic of course) about the various words that could and could not be said over the airwaves. He grasped rather quickly that he couldn’t call Prez Bush an “asshole” since that would lead to an obscenity fine but that he could refer to the prez as a “lying son of a bitch” and be perfectly legal. Brought a tear to me eye.
for a quick moment to show you guys something wonderful.
Check this out:
Isn’t that incredible?
For those who may not know, Kalamazoo is not some tiny little town either. It’s got a population of about 75,000 people!
Just some of my own personal bloggery fun: I noticed a couple hits today from the domain via technorati searches for Wyden and Lieberman. I hope whoever read those dug my description of them and the other three Dem senators who voted against habeas corpus as “Little Eichmanns.” 😉
now wait just a minute! i, too, was dismayed to learn that wyden voted for the suspension of habeus corpus. but i called his office today and he had good reasons. he’s also voting in support of the bingaman amendment.
please everybody call your senators and urge them to do the same!
p.s. vonnegut rules!
We must get rid of those “little eichmans”
go to google, enter “terrorist sympathizer” and hit “i’m feeling lucky.”
* snigger *
the Bill O’Reilly/sinclair googlebomb still needs some work, though.
as you were.
Lies, perjury and deceit to gain political power – freedom on the march?
Is this the expected Western form of Democracy in the 21th Century?
By Yuval Yoaz and Zvi Harel, Haaretz Correspondents
A 2004 file photo of PM Ariel Sharon in the Knesset with his son, Likud MK Omri Sharon, who today admitted charges in a corruption trial. Reuters
Likud MK Omri Sharon, the 41-year-old son of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, pleaded guilty to charges related to the financing of his father’s 1999 primaries campaign, as his graft trial got underway in Tel Aviv.
Omri Sharon’s lawyers were also expected to announce that their client plans to retire from politics.
The prosecution and defense were to tell the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court at the opening of his trial that they have reached a plea agreement on Omri Sharon’s conviction, and the charges will be amended.
According to the indictment, Sharon – who had been appointed by his father to run his September 1999 campaign for leadership of the Likud party – received NIS 6 million in campaign financing from corporations in Israel and abroad between July 1999 and February 2000. The prosecution says the money significantly exceeds the funding caps.
Sharon is accused of funneling the money into a company called Annex Research, which was allegedly founded for that purpose. The campaign allegedly paid most suppliers and service providers through Annex Research rather than through the Sharon camp’s official bank account.
TEL AVIV Nov. 15 — Police questioned under caution Israel’s ambassador to Britain, Zvi Heifetz, who previously managed Gusinsky’s business interests in Israel. Investigators suspect that Heifitz was a partner to the crimes, serving as a conduit for laundering Gusinsky’s capital through his own bank accounts.
The Jerusalem Post reported that Amikam Levi, managing officer of the Foreign Ministry, filed an internal report alleging irregularities in the performance of the ambassador in Budapest, David Admon, a political appointee of Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.
Earlier, Uriel Yitshaki, consul general at the Israeli embassy in The Hague, was arrested for selling over 150 Israeli passports in exchange for bribes.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
TEL AVIV Feb. 18, 2003 — Sharon told the congressmen that Israel was not involved in the war with Iraq “but the American action is of vital importance.”
In a meeting with U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton, Sharon said that Israel was concerned about the security threat posed by Iran, and stressed that it was important to deal with Iran even while American attention was focused on Iraq.
Bolton said in meetings with Israeli officials that he had no doubt America would attack Iraq, and that it would be necessary thereafter to deal with threats from Syria, Iran and North Korea.
Bolton, who is undersecretary for arms control and international security, is in Israel for meetings on preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Bolton said Syria would get a chance to prove it was behaving in a way worthy of the international community and that dealing with North Korea had not been pushed aside, but postponed.
Bolton said the United States was striving to get a new UN Security Council resolution regarding Iraq and that the result of the vote would affect the U.S.’s relations with Western Europe and Russia, after the war in Iraq.
Bolton also met with Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Housing and Construction Minister Natan Sharansky.
Sharansky warned Bolton that the Quartet’s (U.S., UN, European Union and Russia) plan for the Israelis and Palestinians deviated from President Bush’s vision.
Source for story
Hmmm … should read Israeli newspapers more often to learn the details of U.S. future foreign policy. Perhaps we need to read today’s Haaretz what Bush will say tomorrow on exit strategy from Iraq.
U.S. Senate Candidate Jon Tester Calls For Iraq Exit Strategy
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
I am very interested in this
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