The GOP has caved in on Guantanamo. Just a few days after the Senate approved an amendment stripping the detainees of access to the courts, Graham and the Republicans have caved in in the face of an impending lawsuit by Senator Jeff Bingaman and heavy public pressure on Senators. The Associated Press has broken the story.
The new bill is a compromise that will grant automatic access to the courts in cases where people are sentenced to over 10 years and the courts could have discretion to hear lesser sentences.
This case is significant, because it used to be that the GOP caving in on such an issue used to be unthinkable. But now, with Senators worried about their own reelection, the unthinkable is starting to happen.
The Free Republic is furious with the deal, with their people expressing outrage:
Complete insanity.
We do not have lawmakers, we have traitors!
(May God give President Bush strength and comfort in this time of struggle!)
What wimps. It won’t be long before illegal combatants have more rights in this country than resident citizen taxpayers do.
“…the 500 or so detainees at the U.S. naval base in Cuba would be allowed to challenge in federal court.”
Does this mean that each of the 500 animals will receive their own counsel? Someone please tell me this isn’t the case.
And still the GOP keep sending me requests for political donations. As if…
Senator Jeff Bingaman was the man who got the law changed. After the passage of the original bill, Bingaman had threatened to go to court to get it thrown out. The media was quoting sources as saying Bingaman’s potential suit was likely to prevail; this led to the new deal.
This is in the face of fresh claims of torture in Gitmo from Mamdouh Habib, recently released from the facility. The BBC reported yesterday about Habib:
On one occasion – the date was not specified – he claimed he was beaten by more than a dozen men, who stripped and sexually assaulted him before making him wear nappies. Mr Habib has insisted that such mistreatment was common.
The 48-year-old said that he endured electric shocks, long spells in isolation and had menstrual blood from a prostitute thrown into his face during questioning. He said he signed confessions to save himself from further abuse. The former taxi driver has categorically denied any involvement in terrorism.
Such reports belie claims by the Pentagon that the prisoners are now well-treated. Here is Habib:
In addition, Al-Jazerra reports that a CIA agent has come forward and provided details about the Bush administration’s extraordinary rendition program with Jordan. The article reports that most of them are innocent:
Suspects are transferred by America’s CIA to Jordan, where they are secretly interrogated and probably subjected to torture and abuse before being returned to American custody.
“Extraordinary renditions” amounts to torture by proxy, with suspects being arrested (without being charged), blindfolded, sedated, and transferred to the destination country, where interrogators are given a list of questions from U.S. agencies.
Most of the suspects on whom the U.S. applied its rendition policy, turn out to be innocent.
The steady diet of revelations from Al-Jazeera, public pressure, and the heroic actions of people like Senator Bingaman are the sort of thing that will throw the GOP into an uproar, as the charming fellows over at Free Republic are going apes–t over the latest cave-in from Graham. Wait ’til the Reid amendment passes; he mentioned he had GOP support for his plan to hold Bush accountable for the war.
This suggests that the Democrats are employing a divide and conquer strategy. They are cutting deals with the Republicans to water down their worst legislation. This is totally unacceptable to Red State and the FR crowds, who believe that it is a sin to cut deals with Democrats. Every GOP partisan who goes bezerk will be one less GOP voters who will give money or go to the polls next year.
Great diary.
There is hope for a better outcome but what bothers me is the impression that we are gaining human rights achievements as a side effect of political posturing.
Wouldn’t it be something if the Freeper mindset turned so hard that it starts to resemble the militia movements of 20some years ago? They could create themselves to be the next target for government prosecution.
It is almost amazing that the dems are getting anything done considering we are the minority. But then again the repubs will do anything to save their own asses. Sure is fun to watch though. Graham made an ass out of himself on the floor yesterday.
Thanks for doing this diary Hope!
detainees are innocent? If they were held in such a fashion and they were innocent they would scream and cry and shit their britches daily…..or are we back to that “I’m an American therefore I have rights that others from other nations don’t have”? After reading this also, isn’t it such a SHOCKER that Jordan got the suicide bomber treatment the other day? I don’t believe that terrorism is any solution to anything but come on, nobody can say that they are shocked or honestly wonder why they picked on poor Jordan!
popularity do they really have the balls to overturn Roe? Is that faint sizzling sound I hear Alito’s ass fat?
because I am……this is what happens when one builds a base out of wedge issues. Eventually the wedge has to come on home and several of them are right now… up or you are doomed! Deliberately cultivating a base of black and white hostile thinkers just isn’t healthy. All these wedges are now lodged in Bush’s ass and the asses of the GOP’s who went to Neocon Disneyland with him! Middle America finally gets it that these guys are nuts and their psycho base is doing what most psycho’s do….freak out and find something more vulnerable to kill, like their own party!
Tracy, could this have anything to do with the subject you mentioned.
Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire
November 02, 2005
Views on Abortion by State
Survey USA releases an excellent new survey showing opinions on abortion for all 50 states. The most “pro-choice” state is Vermont (70%); the most “pro-life” state is Utah (61%).
Overall, 56% of Americans consider themselves “pro-choice” vs. just 38% who are “pro-life.”
Excellent diary, Eternal Hope. It is interesting that when left to their own arrogance, Republicans don’t seem to know right from wrong. Throw the next election into the mix, and they suddenly find truth, justice and the American way. Hippocritical assholes.
Props to Selwynn at People for Change
Even if this was passed, isn’t it still open to judicial review? IE, can Congress write a law saying the judiciary can’t review said law? Seems to go against the whole idea of separation of powers.
IIRC, this came up about a year ago, when the Republicans, aided as usual by a handful of right-wing Democrats, tried to pass a law that allowed Congress to place laws based on “religious morality” beyond the review of the courts. The conclusion at the time, if memory serves, was that Congress could do so, as they constitutionally have they right to define the scope of the judicial system, but the court could always find their reasoning for placing a law beyond their jurisdiction to be unconstitutional.
In other words, it doesn’t work for saying “You can’t review this law!”
great, impressive diary, Hope. Thank you. Now can I say YEA! I am so glad that the republicans are fracturing in front of our eyes. Makes my heard happy! It seems that almost every day there is some good news now coming out over this fracturing. Thanks again.