It might be time to accept the fact nothing will ever be normal in the issues of human rights v suspected terrorist threats.
I had hope when Fitzgerald was named by Comey even though there was a substantial history of prosecuting terrorist cases that might have hidden forces behind them. I found evidence to show that possibly those in Justice Dept had closed the gap on the merciless powers who have supported these terrorist organizations.
I had serious doubts when Comey announced his leaving to go to the private sector especially when I learned it was Lockheed-Martin as a chief legal counsel.
Then, I found this
Meet the New Interrogators: Lockheed MartinThe bottom line was undoubtedly improved by the boom in hiring contract interrogators that began just weeks after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Armed with new Pentagon contracts, Michaelis advertised job openings for 120 new "intelligence analysts" ranging from Arab linguists to counterintelligence and information warfare specialists. The private contractors would work at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and at the United States Special Operations Command in Tampa, Florida.
At the same time, Lockheed Martin, then a completely different company, was also interested in entering this lucrative new business of intelligence contracting. It bought up Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), a small company with a General Services Administration (GSA) technology contract issued in Kansas City, Missouri. In November 2002, Lockheed used GSA to employ private interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The contract was then transferred to a Department of Interior office in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
The issue of private contractors in interrogation did not come to light until mid-2004, when a military investigation revealed that several interrogators at the Abu Ghraib prison were civilian employees of CACI. The contract to the Virginia-based company was also issued by the Department of Interior's Sierra Vista, Arizona office, located a stone's throw from the headquarters of the Army's main interrogation school.
A subsequent report in July 2004 by Lieutenant General Paul Mikolashek, on behalf of the Army Inspector General, found that a third of the interrogators supplied in Iraq by CACI had not been trained in military interrogation methods and policies. The same report mentioned that of the four contract interrogators employed by Sytex in Bagram, Afghanistan, only two had received military interrogation training, and the other two, who were former police officers, had not.It also emerged that no one knew what laws applied to private contractors who engaged in torture in Iraq or whether they were in fact accountable to any legal authority or disciplinary procedures. When the media began to question the role of the private contractors and the legality of their presence under unrelated information technology contracts from non-military agencies, the Pentagon swiftly issued sole-source ("no bid") military contracts to CACI and Lockheed.
So, they have the former #2 prosecutor in the Justice Dept, Deputy Attorney General who had served under Gonzales and Ashcroft while the human rights abuses occurred. He did step up and order a new directive on defining torture but it also looked like a political move. I didn’t think he was politically motivated and even after this new bit of information, I’m keeping an open mind…..still, it doesn’t look good for people who love freedom…
Washngton - The Justice Department released a rewritten legal memo on what constitutes torture, backing away from its own assertions prior to the Iraqi prison abuse scandal that torture had to involve "excruciating and agonizing pain."
The 17-page memo omitted two of the most controversial assertions made in now-disavowed 2002 Justice Department documents: that President Bush, as commander in chief in wartime, had authority superseding U.S. anti-torture laws and that U.S. personnel had several legal defenses against criminal liability in such cases.
The new document said torture violates U.S. and international law.
"Consideration of the bounds of any such authority would be inconsistent with the president's unequivocal directive that United States personnel not engage in torture," said the memo from Daniel Levin, acting chief of the Office of Legal Counsel, to Deputy Attorney General James Comey.
MAJOR! Excellent job, need to have this published repeatedly to get coverage.
I need some help to break some leads on previous investigation GOPWEB Texas which led to Universities: Texas and Arizona State.
The Executive Management at The Pivotal Equity Group have a strong representation from UA. Pivotal Private Equities acquired Network Solutions, Inc. [NSI] in Dec. 2003, from previous owner Verisign, who in turn had bought NSI in 2000 from SAIC.
[A] What does this beautiful adventure spa hotel
in the Red Mountains of Utah have in common with
JPX Inter@ctive Technologies, Inc. of GOPUSA Board
Member R. Powell in Austin TX?
Just one more piece of the GOP puzzle for support, cronyism and nepotism. Important Republican officials are being transferred between Washington, Universities, corporations and State administrations. Need to know Who’s Who in GOPWEB USA.
by creve coeur ◊ Wed Mar 16, 2005 at 08:22:51 AM PDT
Need to open a second front in the attack on the shills in the administration of BUSH | CHENEY Corporate Power in DC. Occupying the White House is a fraud, the invasion of Iraq based on deceit, PropaGANNON one extreme of upcoming FASCISM & we at dKOS missed a second GANNON!!
Focus of my research has been the vast GOP affiliated groups: GOPUSA Board members, Eberle II, Bruce Eberle, Club for Growth, 501 organizations, web designers facilitating GOP, just everything trying to find the missing pieces in the puzzle. Lately scrutinizing the GOPWEBTX and political power in Texas.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The basic network of that included Albaugh, Hughes and others going way back but also forward into opportunistic profits in the mideast. Jim Bath was one that has been a common factor of great influence that hasn’t had a lot of press. He served in the Guard with GWB and I think he lost his flight status at the same time. He financed the early Bush business failures but earned great rewards with Carlyle. Bath recently renegotiated the Iraq foreign debt that helped the neocons to the expense of everyone else. Another detail that got little press was Albaugh’s new consultant company that was formed right at the beginning of the war. New Bridge (enterprises or something) These guys are also joined at the roots that formed in their early days as College Republicans that tied closely with GOPUSA.
From my simple layman’s understanding of issues in serious security, my toughest decisions are deciding what deceptions I find might be damaging in the wrong way. These guys should be required to wear uniforms or something. I have some theories on the likes of the Network and nic companies that brought me to the line I mentioned. The other line similar to that was the one I found that tied Abramoff and Kidan to Madonna’s boyfriend. Everything I find is just open source information but the difference is awareness. No wonder both sides want so badly to control it.
The internet is a world to control and controlling the heavens would give the power of life and death.
Here’s an interesting story
Imagine the conspiracy if a networked group achieved control through office and abused their position to control nearly all future technology rights. The things I’m finding say it’s probably already too late.
When it appears the highly valuable truth is so bizarre that nobody would believe it, it becomes worthless.
Another look at some of the curious ties and activities that are the result of our tax dollars at work.
This is also a reason why the Democrats won’t win crucial elections unless they’re allowed to.
It’s very peculiar this diary isn’t in the recommended list.
It’s fine work, and important work.
Just an aside: While it’s not in fashion to say so, I’m leaving the verdict open on Patrick Fitzgerald because of his ties to James Comey. Before I finally decide on his character and his work, I want to see all the indictments come in.
I agree it’s important to keep an open mind all the way through. I have more faith in Comey and Fitzgerald than I probably should but I have to temper that optimism with some cynical heat.
I’m never sure what the lines are here at this site for subject matter.
Thanks for the recommendations for those who did.
I still can’t get the hang of voting. I’ve lost more of them trying than have actually stuck.
I must have a GEM central tabulator stuck in my system.