His blog will move to Time.com sometime in 2006 and he says nothing else will change.

  Raw Story has the story here
Time Magazine ‘buys’ Andrew Sullivan’s blog: A ‘distinct voice’…

Jeff Jarvis from Buzzflash.com and Buzz Machine expresses the idea that maybe Time has the good idea backwards. He offers the perspective that the big media entities miss a chance to draw new readers to the Time site that might happen leaving Sullivan where he is. I agree with this assessment and think the same goal could have been accomplished differently.

The new way would be to build your audience and brand and ad revenue all over the web, at all the best places, piggybacking on the audience and reputation that is already there.

  I get the feeling that Sullivan’s blog will change over time with the influence of a corporate sponsor. I’m not saying he’s making a bad move but the eventual matter of self censoring might make the difference between what he writes and what he avoids.

  I’m not one of the biggest fans of that blog anyway so it makes little difference to me. He’s good at what he does but I don’t share a majority of opinions with him.

  Can a blogger be assimilated into a corporation without any changes to how the content is represented?

Is it just a matter of time before we see the Booman News and World Report?