We like to tell ourselves that, as long as Roe stands, abortion is legal. We like to think that “reasonable” restrictions on abortion are … reasonable. We like to think that this is an issue best left ignored, shoved aside, open to compromise.
Two days after the GAO exposed underhanded political stonewalling on Plan B, I take the occasion to offer a different tale of what’s currently legal in the United States….
Five months ago, this post appeared relating one woman’s ordeal of find herself pregnant in this world where abortion is supposedly a Constitutionally-protected right:
Last October, Gabriela Flores ended her 16-week pregnancy by taking misoprostol pills sent by her sister from Mexico. She had no choice but to risk her life by taking illegally imported drugs, without any doctor’s supervision, because although abortion is technically legal in South Carolina, in Gabriela’s situation it may as well have been illegal.
South Carolina laws force women to get permission from their husbands, listen to biased anti-abortion “counseling” riddled with misinformation, and to undergo a mandatory waiting period. And abortions after 13 weeks are so restricted that no provider in the state will offer them.
Gabriela would have had to travel to another state, two and-a-half hours away, and since such a procedure is done over two days, she most likely would have lost her job. Gabriela was working in the fields supporting three children and herself on $150 per week. There is no way she could have afforded the $700 procedure.
The pills caused her to expel the dead fetus, which she buried in her back yard. One can only imagine the stress and pain of her whole situation. But her suffering was far from over.
She was reported to the police, who were told that the four-month-old fetus was born alive. Rather than showing concern for her health, sheriffs obtained a warrant and dug up the fetus. Prosecutors wanted to charge Gabriela with murder. They would have been legally able to do it if they’d been able to prove that the fetus would have survived on its own. Since there’s no way a four-month-old fetus could do this, they couldn’t get away with that charge. But had she been further along–say, five or six months pregnant–they probably would have been able to get away with it. Instead, they charged her with performing an abortion on herself–which is illegal under South Carolina law.
Let’s face it. Most women are not rich jet-setters going to cotillions and debutante balls and having weekly manicures. Most women cannot afford to not work. Most women are just trying to get by. These are the realities in this world. And these are the realities most women facing unwanted pregnancy have to accommodate.
Gabriela Flores is just one woman who’s invisible to the activists who say she, and all women of childbearing years, should be stripped of rights to self-determination and made breeders for the state.
This is happening now. Not next year. This is happening with Roe still recognized as law of the land
And this is happening as Republicans and Democrats turn their backs on reproductive rights to pander to the radical right in their battle for power.
The tragedy of all this is that the stakes aren’t measured by political calculus, but by human lives.
Forced to come to this country in order to survive, Gabriela had to leave two of her children behind on the other side of the razor wire and death fields of the border.
She broke her back in the fields for the privilege of trying to feed herself and her family on $150 a week and still have enough to send money to her children back home.
She had to endanger her health and her life to get an abortion. A snitch landed her in jail. The woman that helped her was arrested.
And now, she has been criminalized; she faces two years in prison and will likely face deportation. It’s unclear what will happen to the child she has here. Her whole life–never valued anyway–is being destroyed.
That’s just one result of the “pro-life” agenda. And it could get much much worse.
When rape victims can’t get Plan B prescriptions filled — even when Plan B prevents conception and in no way causes abortion (because pregnancy is prevented — we see how already existing politics are hurting women across the country.
Tell me that Gabriela Flores is not a victim of anti-abortion politics. Tell me that Gabriela Flores has people looking out for her. Tell me that the next Gabriela Flores cannot be your sister or your daughter or your best friend (or you).
And tell me again why a politician’s stance on governmental controls on abortion should not be important.
When does this McCarthyism end?
when women stand up and say NO to any politician, or political party, that works to remove the reproductive freedoms of women.
reproductive freedoms
This is WAY MORE than just an abortion issue.
Which is why they are so afraid of Plan B.
Having Plan B available OTC when they overturn Roe pulls the rug out from under their “pro-life” bullshit ideology and makes their case against abortion MOOT. It is like that saying “What would happen if someone threw a war and no one showed up”.
The projections show that if Plan B were to be available today with Roe still barely inplace it would cut unintended pregnancies by 50%….when they overturn Roe and if Plan B were widely available unintended pregnancies could drop by a far larger percentage to 80 – 90 percent… because women would be HIGHLY AWARE THAT safe and legal abortions were no longer available therefore more apt to make sure to take this pill.
That would leave the wingnuts all dressed up for an abortion war… and no one showing up.
More importantly Plan B ironically in conjuction with their intentions of overturning Roe will take away their biggest club in which they hammer their right wing unmoralistic ideologies… supposely now they have a case for abstinece and chasity until marraige… which will be moot with Plan B and even mootier when they overturn Roe… as in the case in Romania which now sees more than 75% of pregnancies being aborted as a backlash from the oppressive pronatal history…
This is just too much power in the hands of the little ladies….
Here from May of this year.
as always.
The Lilith Fund
Texas Equal Access Fund
How many Gabrielas could be saved if every woman, and every man who respects his sisters would send money, even 5, 10, 20 dollars to those orgs, or if there are others in your community.
And how many would be saved if every person who sends a dollar to a politician would send another dollar to an org that will actually help poor women get medical treatment?
if every person who sends a dollar to a politician would send another dollar to an org that will actually help poor women get medical treatment?
just send both dollars directly to the org.
This is why Dems have to STOP proping up the lie that electing anti-abortion Dems will protect women… it gives people a false since of security and the reality in the ground.
I won’t link it… but there is thread on another blog I use to comment on where the so-called Dems are STILL crying in their teacups about those nasty Naral people getting rid of Langevin… and giddy talk about the prospect of Taylor running in Mississippi…
What has happened to this party… it is getting to be completely unrecognisable.
Did anyone else catch Kos’s 2 sentence “protest” of Target… which was then immediately followed by yet anothor promotion of Casey… without mentioning that Casey not only agrees with Target but in fact he agrees with all of Sanatorum wingnuts issues… and is such a hardcore wingnut he refused to endorse B. Clinton as president (so much for partisanship over single-issue voters)…but is has a (d) behind his name
Hey Parker, what’d I miss? What’s the reference to Target? (I don’t visit the “Agent Orange” site).
Target stores are agreeing that their pharmacists do NOT have to despense contraception it they do not want to…. BTW Casey agrees with this shit…
and not enough on those making the laws. The whole idea that electing anti-abortion Dems is a good thing is based on the idea that it gets us more liberal judges on the bench. But we need those judges because of the laws being passed. If state and federal legislatures weren’t passing TRAP laws and trying to outlaw abortion, judges wouldn’t be an issue.
We are being asked to elect the people who are causing the problem in order to be able to try to fix those same problems later. We are being asked to use our resources to work against our own interests. What I believe we need to do is to work to get pro-choice candidates elected to state legislatures. That’s the way to prevent new restrictions being passed and to get current ones overturned.
I can’t begin to say how horrible it it to see this all happening again. If someone would have told me that at age 65, after having fought so hard to see women GET their freedom, I’d be seeing those very freedoms being taken away, it would have been too hard for me to believe. Yet, here we are, heading backwards to square one.
This is a long planned, well strategized war against women. This is well organized effort to get us the hell out of the way of patriarchal ultra religious rule of fanatic Christian males who want life to be for them, as it was for their ancestors of my day, when women were possessions, not competition.
I do not know what disgusts and infuriates me more: that they are suceeding in infilttrating political power, or that so many liberals of today are willing to just stand there and let it all happen, indeed, even help it happen. The “liberal men” who would be up in full battle gear were it THEIR personal fredoms on the line, telling US..to back off, and let them take care of this…yeah. Right.
These kinds of “liberal” men and women (who claim to be Democrats,) while going along with this, absolutely disgust me. Almost as much as the spittle spraying bible thumping raving lunatic religious right does.
Media girl, and all of you, including our real brothers, who are relentlessly refusing to go to the back of the bus, who continue to stand in defense of equal rights for women, I proudly salute you all.
As for me, I’ve operated underground to help women before and will again, because I forsee the need for it has already arrives, for non-priviledged women in all too many places. Once again, women with plenty of money will remain free, and those without it will not.
Some value system we’ve build up here in the land of the free, huh? Democracy is great for those that can afford it.
Hear, hear:
And the number of us who can shrinks every day. The most unfortunate thing is those people who yet delude themselves about it.
This makes me so insane.
I second your salute, scribe, and include you in it.
I’m 60, scribe, and have screamed and wept and gnashed my gums at seeing years and years of patient work and hard won progress slipping away. Like you, I am more angry and horrified with our liberal/progressive/Democratic brothers who STILL DON’T GET IT. The wacko, batshit loopy right is hopeless. I can save my breath to cool my porridge. But these men of the left who twist our words and accuse us of “hating sex” because we want real freedom of choice on our terms, not theirs, are the worst kind of hypocrites. Their idea of sexual freedom is just a crueler variation on the old patriarchy; they want an inexhaustible pool of available, compliant women who’ll do whatever men want, AND we have to pretend it’s our idea and that we like it so they can go on deluding themselves that they are nice guys.
I attended a very librul college many many many many years ago. There was a bona fide redneck Republican from Texas… this was a time when you could still have librul Republicans his brother was openly gay (akin to Libertarians today) we had the best debates because he was honest and I could respect that. HE truly believed in the “small government” theory…
What is pissing me off to no end at this moment is the string of lies “our side” is perpetuating pretending that they are NOT selling woman out… these guys need to grow a pair of gonads and just say that “the Demcratic party is selling out women in a short sighted attempt to win seats” and then they should just gracefully “take it like a man” when we kick them in the balls”… all of this ducking and jiving is tiring… they should just be men and accept the consequences of their actions… instead of trying to blame us for not “lining up” for their stupid strategery
Spot on. The intellectual dishonesty drives me up the wall. At least I KNOW the Rupublicans are out to get me. They make no bones about it. But the Democrats, the Democrats…. I vote for the bastards as the lesser of the evils, now. I can’t feel like I’m exercising the franchise when I don’t have anybody to vote for. I’m alwways giving aid and comfort to the enemy. I’m lucky enough to live in California where I can be pretty sure that the Dems will carry the state, and I can vote Green, but last election I was so scared of Bush being re-elected that I didn’t dare, and went with Kerry. Made me sick.
I remember how it felt when JKF and MLK and, finally RFK were murdered. Now every day feels like Bobby’s funeral.
What really disgusts me – and I’m male – is the excuse-making. “We have no choice” or “It’s better than the alternative” are commonly-used excuses. Well, no, I’m sorry, but that’s wrong. You most certainly do have a choice: you tell the politicians “support women, or you lose my vote, and you don’t regain it until you do support women”. Yes, this means abstaining. Yes, this will send a message. How do you think the Religious Right achieved their current hold on power? It certainly wasn’t by voting for candidates that worked at cross-purposes to their agenda! They refused to support anyone who didn’t, and the Republican party quickly got the message: get in step or lose.
As for being better than the alternative… Even I can see that that’s bullshit. So you’ll have Casey voting against your rights instead of Santorum. Big fscking deal. I’d say it’s worse than the alternative, because it cripples the Democratic party’s ability to differentiate itself from the Republicans come election time.
Yes, I do acknowledge that sometimes we have to ally with pro-life people. But it needs to be on our terms, not theirs. Which means they publicly support reproductive choice despite private reservations, and vow to oppose TRAP laws and assaults on Roe V Wade.
If they don’t like that, there’s another party that would be more than willing to welcome them with open arms.
hear hear!!
this liberal male feminist agrees.
Vote strike on all Democrats who don’t support human rights for ALL Americans.
Methods: What are the private methods a woman can use to abort? How can anyone who is not medically trained help other women “underground”? I’ve been asking around about this, with a few comments received about drugs, and how not to use a knitting needle – but if we end up Back There with no access to safe, legal procedures, what are the options? How did people deal with it Back Then?
This is all I can think about, bluebird.
Can we stockpile Plan B somehow ? Can we smuggle it in from overseas ? Will European feminists send us care packages ? What about menses extraction equipment? Should we all buy basic gynacological instruments while we still can ?
And set up an underground frailroad.
“Back then” we were at the mercy of the unscrupulous.
I just got “Vera Drake” on DVD. I don’t suppose it was widely released in the US; it certainly didn’t come to my small town. We can’t go back to women being shamed and terrified, trapped and desperate like that again.
Yes, we were at the mercy of the unscrupulous, but also the well meaning, but untrained, who like Vera Drake, were genuinely dedicated to helping women, but didn’t have the training or equipment/facilities for handling any emergency situatons. The great majority of girls who got pregnant in my day simple got married, even if that was the last thing they wanted to do, IF the guy was even willing. Or they got “sent away to an aunt” for awhile…or to a “private school” if there was money for this. Or they went to the old woman with dirty fingernails who lived just out of town, who used the same methods Vera Drake did in the film. All were shunned, reputations ruined, and thier lives permanently , if they survived at all. Meanwhile..you know how it goes..since .boys will be boys..they just cut another notch in their belt, and went on to the next likely lay.
Just read a diary over there about a recent Howard Dean event in which Dean stated that:
there is only one majority group in the Democratic Party
Aside from that, every group is actually a minority within the party–Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Blog Boyz etc…
Full diary cross posted here with other Dean pearls of wisdom…
He’s not perfect, but he will change his mind based on evidence, he’s an excellent messenger, and he’s the best we’ve got.
The weather here just got cold quickly. 17 degrees last night. I dug out my winter jacket, and it’s still got the faded “Dean for America” sticker on it that Joe Trippi slapped on me when I was heading out of the Des Moines campaign office for more walking ‘n’ knocking that fateful long weekend almost two years ago. I’ve never been prouder to wear it.
Here’s the deal with this, I’ve been trying to get Dem strategists on blogs to acknowledge this fact and discuss the diminutions of the women’s vote for 4 years. Not even after Kerry’s loss could I get them to do this. And then the senate dems decided on a strategy which is guaranteed to further erode the women’s vote and diminish our lives.
I don’t think those guys are stupid, short sighted but not stupid. What I genuinely do not understand is why priorities and a strategy which assures the continuing erosion and which is deeply offensive to a demographic that has been a cash cow for the dem party isn’t something they’re willing to discuss.
I don’t buy into the spin that voting for horrible, horrible men like Casey will, in the long or short run, aid in reversing our long and escalating slide into a theocracy. I mean, hell, we’ve got Democrats voting for men who believe women should be subordinate to their husbands. We’ve got women Democrats doing this. And neither the proselytizing religious types or the strategists will seriously discuss this despite the fact that we know Kerry lost because women didn’t vote in sufficient numbers for his pathetic ass.
The only thing I can think of to explain the Democratic Leadership open hostility towards women is that they are in bed with the GOP… making sure that there is NO SAFE HARBOR for women to reside.
It is a continuation of Clinton’s legacy to creat ONE PARTY with two faux sides.
Bill in effect shut out Blacks with a full court charm offensive while stripping away welfare “as we know it” and his open attack on Sistah Soulja…but no one was paying attention because… Clinton is a far better politician than Bush and he made sure that peoples bellies were full before he pulled the plug… No one was in the mood the hear the complaints from African Americans then…
Now Kerry made that fact very clear when he stuck his middle finger up at hundreds of thousand of Blacks whose votes were disenfranchised… people are deluding themselves if they think Blacks are still feeling loyal to the Democratic Party…
There is always a harbinger of things to come… Gray Davis failure foretold the Kerry disaster… and believe me there is a dead canary laying at the bottom of it’s cage in New York City after the Bloomberg win. Blacks in a librul Blue city told Ferrer and his swing-to-the-right-and-embrace-racism-an-attempt-to-attract-racist-GOPERS-in-Staten Island … to kiss their mutha fucking ass.
Women are just waking up to the real deal in the Democratic party… they don’t want us… the “New Democratic” is suffering from a severe case of Base Envy… they want the 96% white christians… not the motley crew that they inherited.
Not too long ago, your last post would have made me think that you were a tin foil hat alarmist. Not any more, Parker, not any more.
For instance, if black men were beating and killing white men at the rate men assault women, we’d declare martial law in this country. It would be a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. But it’s just women. Just hookers and housewives and single moms and teenagers and old ladies and gals holding down three part time minimum wage jobs. No value at all unless it’s a pretty white girl in peril who can be used for news-porn entertainment purposes.
Pass the Renolds Wrap.
Losing our reproductive freedom is the female equivilant of an all male draft. In both cases the person owns neither their body or their time. They are made to do things the dislike, and that might be dangerous.
But women would support men who were against the draft. We would march and call our senators on their behalf.