Look at who is Charlie Rose’s guest for the hour tonight:
Deputy Prime Minister, Iraq
(Hey, Charlie, that’s a bigger score than William Paley’s daughter! … Crude remark, but oh well.)
Charlie’s show airs at various times on local PBS stations.
Check Yahoo TV or PBS.org for local times.
There are times when I have no respect at all for Charlie Rose, suckapopulus genus PBS.
He’s the TV version of Bob Woodward.
I generally agree but sometimes he does get great interviews. One of my all-time favorites was in the late 1990s when he interviewed Yale prof Harold Bloom for the hour about Shakespeare and more. It was utterly wonderful.
And his interview of Arthur Sulzberger last week, for the hour, was enlightening on various levels.
Harold Bloom without Charlie Rose is even more amazing.
On another interview of him that I watched — perhaps it was on C-Span — Bloom turned me on to Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, which Bloom called perhaps the best American novel of the 20th century.
but I think Rose is best when he is talking and engaging culture–popular or otherwise. Politics, no. He lets certain guys slide when they should be upped against the wall.
The first time I attended a graduate seminar with Harold Bloom, I started out amazed at how well he had prepared. Slowly, however, it became clear that he had not prepared at all, that he was free associating among all English poetry downloaded into simultaneous memory while he chased an idea. By the time the two hours had passed, I was persuaded that he had chosen to study literature out of a tragic decision not to inflict his powers on the world, that he was as canny and egotistical as Napoleon, able to marshall principles and detail and charm with precise purpose, but that he was a hair — only a hair — too tame for world conquest.
was free associating among all English poetry downloaded into simultaneous memory while he chased an idea …
How rare is it to have a mind like that … and he does that in the interviews I’ve seen.
How fortunate you are to have to participate in a seminar with Bloom.
Not sure where you’re going with the world conquest items….
If he’s forgotten anything in his life, I’m sure he doesn’t remember me.
and I immediately switched to commercials.
We don’t do much PBS here anyways.
Oh, I want to watch him and hear what he says.
And, honestly, I’d rather listen to him than to Bush because at least Chalabi has a brain.
Chalabi has a brain?
So does Cheney.
It’s not the brain, but the uses to which it is put. President Cheney has a brain, too, and Donald Rumsfeld, but I know what they’re going to say before they open their mouths. It’s the same with Chalabi.
Dr. Ahmed Chalabi (it’s a Ph.D. in mathematics), aka “the Thief of Baghdad”, was convicted in Jordan of bank fraud and faces 17 years in prison if he should ever return to that country.
Members of Chalabi’s family, including his nephew, have been implicated in the theft of millions of dollars from the new Iraqi government.
I don’t want to hear anything Chalabi has to say, except at his extradition hearing to send him back to Jordan to face trial for his crimes.
Everything you need to know about Chalabi is here:
Thanks for the insights. I had nary a clue.
I coulnd’t agree more. Charilie Poser.
He had the chairman of Exxon on recently. What an awful looking fella. I fell asleep.
He hasn’t given a press gaggle since last Wednesday (Nov. 9).
Stephen Hadley has given two — Thursday, and Monday.
I wrote an e-mail to Dan Froomkin at the WaPo today, asking him why Scottie hasn’t held a press conference, but he didn’t reply yet.
I like Yahoo TV. It helps me track my fav shows.
I spent the first seven years of my life without television and the next 11 with only one channel! I’m making up for lost time!
(In truth, I only watch about an hour or so at night, ‘cept for CNN MSNBC C-span during the day. My new fav drama is "Criminal Minds" on Wed. nights with Mandy Patinkin. Then there’s West Wing, which is great this season.)
I don’t even know what Yahoo TV is. Was making snark about the boob toob with Chalabi etc.
Can’t get into West Wing this season. But Criminal Minds is amazing. We love hu-dunits and this is the best. Very, very fast. 60 minutes feels like 5. Yet understandable.
My 23-year-old daughter is hooked on “Criminal Minds” too…. and she is especially (and isn’t this interesting, given the age difference) intrigued by Mandy.
She was so curious, she looked him up at IMDb, etc.
The one last week was so scary (and TV shows usually never scare me), that I was glancing around at my doors and windows!
I really can’t believe that people keep trotting him out from time to time. I swear that man has to be a ratings black hole.
Something is wrong with My Yahoo news page!
The news headlines from THe Guardian are all in German!
And it says that the NYT and LAT have no new news items in the past 3 days!
— I subscribe to The Guardian so i’m not sure you’d see it.
Ahmed Chalabi met with Rice, Cheney. Why?
It’s because he has something on them and they have no choice. He’s playing with them. He is on another level than they are. They are like putty in his hands, he is a wordly person and they are not.
Chalabi is what they would like to aspire to. A form of elevated scum.
He sashays around looking like Bruno ala Ali G.
ALI G interviews senators and congressman, academics and they have no idea they are being put on. He makes fools of them. It’ interesting because these are the people who run the country and you would think they would be a little saavy. But they are not. Our leaders are jerk bait.
That picture–gak! He gives new meaning to the word “smarmy.”
Would you buy a used country from this man?
Isn’t that the truth.
And isn’t it amazing that Christopher Hitchens in his trainwreck of a career is now defending Chalabi’s brilliance?
Just got this in an e-mail from someone on the ProgressiveTalk list:
first heard this on Anne and the Vets CD from the VFP Convention in Dallas.
Longhaired Radical Socialist Jew
(The Gospel Song)
Well, Jesus was a homeless lad
With an unwed mother and an absent dad
And realy don’t think he would have gotten that far
If Newt, Pat and Jesse had followed that star
So let’s all sing out praises to
that longhaired radical socialist Jew
When Jesus taught the people he
Would never charge a tuition fee
He just look some fishes and some bread
And served up free school lunches instead
So let’s all sing out praises to
That longhaired radical socialist Jew
He healed the blind and made them see
He brought the lame to tlieir feet
Rich and poor, any time, anywhere
Just pioneering that free health care
So let`s alI sing out praises to
That longhaired radical socialist Jew
Jesus hung wth a low-life crowd
But those working stiffs sure did him proud
Some were murderers, thieves and whores
But at least they didn’t do it as legislators
So let’s all sing out praises to
That longhaired radical socialist Jew
Jesus lived in troubled times
the religious right was on the rise
Oh what could have saved him from his terrible fate?
Separation of church and state.
So let’s all sing out praises to
That longhaired radical socialist Jew
Sometimes I fall into deep despair
When I hear those hypocrites on the air
But every Sunday gives me hope
When pastor, deacon, priest, and pope
Are alI singing out their praises to
Some longhaired radical socialist Jew
They’re all singing out their praises to
Some longhaired radical socialist Jew
Copyright © 1996 Hugh Blumenfeld/Hydrogen Jukebox Music (ASCAP)
Charlie Rose has been giving hum jobs to pretty much any war supporter who comes on his show. Anyone who disagrees gets the Charlie Rose Treatment: interrupts and changes the subject when the guest tries to state the truth.
Just watched the show. Chalabi is one slick dude. And Rose couldn’t keep up. Rose does not do sufficient research so that when he states “you did . . .” or “you said . . .” and the guest denies it Rose doesn’t have the details to follow up with. So he lets himself be manipulated — and provides a forum for some of the slick SOBs like Chalibi and the various Oil company heads he has on. Rose tends to talk too much, I think to try to show how smart he is and sometimes he is pathetic. He is a worshiper of power especially that of mega-earners like the ex head of GE. But he frequently has great guests and when the great guests take over, it’s pretty great. Like Bloom or even George Clooney who really impressed me.
Anyway, Chalabi sounded really good and that he could run Iraq well. That is if he didn’t trail his past history which shows him as a con-man; a very good con-man. He is certainly smarter than anyone in the US administration. No wonder he has them wrapped around his pudgy finger.
Thank you so much for posting that song. It’s wonderful. Anyone have an idea of the tune? I love it!
I admire you. I couldn’t watch it after about 10 minutes….. it was all lies and Charlie Rose didn’t have a clue — as you say, “Rose does not do sufficient research so that when he states “you did …”
That’s probably why Chalabi went on Rose’s show. He knew he’d get to blow smoke and that there’s also some pseudo-prestige factor in getting on Charlie’s show.
I wish Amy Goodman could have interviewed him.
Thank you!
Amy Goodman is real, live and in color.
Chalabi wouldn’t know what hit him.
She uses a most peculiar technique for her interviews: She fastidiously preparesw and researches the subjects likely to come up.
I am very interested in this
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