Take a Marmot to Enjoy the Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Eats & booze on the menu, popcorn & pretzels on every table, same surly waitress
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from earlier today)
May the 4’s be with you
The dirty marmotini, of course
How about a Manhattan? I’ve always wanted an animal in my Manhattan.
mmmmm . . . . .
but that was the only manhattan I could find on short notice — if you find me a better one, I’ll mix you up a better drink.
No, no! This is wonderful. Fragrant . . .
Perhaps a boilermonkey as well?
Not unless I take a picture of a monkey — that’s my rule , it’s got to be a critter we’ve taken a picture of and so far, no monkeys.
Fair enough. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.
Darn, it’s too late now, but you probably could have found a monkey at the zoo.
Maybe you could go tomorrow and get a photo?
How late is the zoo open, anyway?
outlook is showing. I am about 60 miles away from the nearest zoo.
Is that all? For heaven’s sake, are you saying you wouldn’t drive 60 miles to a zoo in winter storms to get a friend a photograph of a monkey?
What kind of friend are you?
I’m the kind of friend who wouldn’t drive 60 miles (in any weather actually) to take a picture of a monkey in order to make a picture of a drink with a monkey in it.
I knew that if we worked on this concept long enough a sentence like this would come out of it!
Thank you. I’m leaving for work (wait! I’m not dressed yet) with a smile on my face. Laughing Out Loud.
It’s funny that you think I’m neat, because I’m really a slob. This is what my room looks like when I have to go some place where I will actually come into contact with someone other than the kid bagging groceries. This doesn’t match…this makes me look like the Michelin Man…this one has pit stains…
You can’t fool me — I know you went in there, messed upthe bed, took some clothes out of your closet, threw them on the bed, and then went “bwahahahaha, that sucker Andi is sure to fall for this.”
Notice how neatly those clothes are supposedly “tossed around all over the bed? (Looks more like the clothes were laid out there to me!) And I think I still see the “fold” creases in the sheets.
Who are you trying to fool SN? lol jk
I wish my bedroom was that clean! lol
Woo boy! You should see my 17 year old son’s bedroom. And why do boys’ bedrooms always smell like puppies?
Claiming messiness based on the bedrooms of children is a flagrant foul — we’re taking penalty shots.
From the smell of diapers to the smell of puppies, something for every age. I always thought that the guys’ dorms smelled like dirty socks – puppies seem too sweet, unless wet.
I left out that important word…wet. It is definitely wet puppies. And we don’t even have a dog, wet or otherwise.
I’m so sorry I didn’t close that crowded Cafe earlier! I totally forgot that I was the one who opened it.
Poor kansas, she is catching up with me in age and is fast approaching that dreadful state where your brain cells die so fast that you can’t remember what it is you wanted to forget.
Once I bought some ginkgo biloba, hoping it might help recharge the old memory banks. But I forgot and left it in the shopping cart.
So what do you think of your first hosting experience? Not every day is this busy, as you know. It must have been your magnetic appeal. That, or the hardware porn.
She went out and dragged people into the cafe so I wouldn’t feel unloved.
It was certainly a distraction from working on functional specs — which means I will have to be very good tomorrow and try to ignore the cafe and all my other blog distractions or the project manager will not love me anymore.
Just got home from work… Getting ready to watch the Sens.
Number 3 – whew… What a good cafe-day!
(PS love the marmot!)
if we did a statistical posting, we would find that any time you post one or more flower pictures, we have big cafe turnouts.
…it has everything to do with your friendly and welcoming hosting! You did an excellent job. 🙂 And your photos are stunning … (We all want to come live with you!) And the others’ are too. Some great photogs hang out at BT, I’d say.
Oh I can’t resist… This is the third chrysanthemum flower: I took a close, closer, closest set, and since I’ve posted the latter two, what they hey!
Chrysanthemum, taken 11.13.2005 (view large)
Your photo this morning was stunning. In fact did I dream it or were there several astonishing photos this morning?
The wonderful flower from Olivia and a couple of dreamy foggy photos, and well it’s a wonder I got any word done at all.
(and does) take pictures of trees but macro shots of flowers all belong to you. And we are all grateful for them.
Do you grow herbs in addition to flowers. I’ve thought about trying to do a window box herb garden for years.
Oh yes… Love herbs. I have two large pots – with plants about 12″ tall – of rosemary growing on my kitchen windowsill right now – smells sooooo good. (My kitchen window runs the length of the kitchen, so I have a lot of sill.) And I have a small patch in the garden set aside for herbs: basil, sage, thyme, majoram, dill, catnip, oregano, chives – onion and garlic. My favourite is basil, rosemary, and garlic chives. I use the basil and chives in my cooking daily during summer, and rosemary during summer and winter (b/c it’s inside). They are very low maintenance and easy to grow … and they’re edible! You should go for it. Pick a couple that you’d like to try. It’s great to use fresh herbs in cooking.
Rosemary, taken .2005 (view large)
You grow the rosemary inside? How much light does it need? Can you grow basil inside?
Yep… growing inside. The rosemary gets about an afternoon’s worth of indirect, and an hour’s worth of direct sunlight each day. Make sure it gets a lot of water – each morning gets a good drink – or the leaves turn brittle and fall off.
The basil will also grow – and most herbs – inside. I didn’t get my outside plant into a pot to bring inside before the frost did it in. Basil is a little more finnicky – rosemary a more sturdy plant.
We’re going to definitely try the rosemary and probably the basil since those are our two favorite fresh herbs.
Yumm. Two of the best-tasting herbs!
And raise you a
3/4 oz dark rum
3/4 oz banana liqueur
3/4 oz blackberry brandy
2 oz pineapple juice
2 oz cranberry juice
Pour into collins glass with cubed ice
Never tried it, but it’s in my Bartender’s Guide…Later
Never tried it, but it’s in my Bartender’s Guide…Later
It is a safe bet that you have never tried to put a coyote in a martini glass. I doubt you would have any fingers left to type with if you had…
Whew! What a day you’ve had. Andi, you are a terrific host. I vote for you to do this at least once a week.
I feel terrible that I had to miss virtually the whole thing.
Gaslights aside.
Can you also keep an eye on the cafe, too? We’re having a lot of bad storms (already got to spend 45 minutes in the basement with Jim and the dogs) and losing power is very normal.
Sure, but as long as it’s safe, please stick around. Otherwise I’ll feel like I chased off the life of the party.
We’ve had nastyish weather here today, but nothing like you describe.
Where are you and AndiF at?
I’m a bit concerned about BrendaStewart; she’s in the part of western TN where they’re having tornado activity tonight. You OK Brenda?
Supposedly the storms will die down by the time they hit here early tomorrow AM, which is good as I have to drive through them to go to Nashville for work for 2 days.
Which will severely cramp my BMT time. 😛
Hopefully the hotel will have internet hookup that works, unlike the last place I stayed.
This time I’m going to be out near Vanderbilt and the Parthenon, which is way cool if you ever get to Nashville – a real-scale reconstruction of the Parthenon with a huge 42-foot sculpture of Athena inside. It’s been gilded and painted (like the original, lost in 400 AD) since I’ve seen it, so I hope maybe I’ll have a chance to go revisit Athena.
Safe and happy traveling to you, KP!
I’m in south central Indiana.
Brenda said earlier that she was expecting bad weather and was going to shutdown her system. So I hope that’s all her absence indicates.
Have a good trip tomorrow.
I can’t believe all the tornado activity!
I’m in Kansas City and our bad weather has been mostly very, very light sleet — although I saw some snow this morning.
I don’t know what drove Andi into the basement earlier, was it a tornado?
I may have to send you money sometime to replenish my supply of Gates Barbecue Sauce.
The alternative is to visit my Republican mother-in-law in Liberty and buy my own resupply.
The people in the supermarket think me and the Mrs. are crazy when we check out with 12 bottles of barbecue sauce and nothing else…
I’m pretty sure it happens all the time. Me? I don’t care about Gates Barbecue one way or the other. My favorites are Wyandotte or Haywards.
>>>I may have to send you money sometime to replenish my supply of Gates Barbecue Sauce.<<<
O, and of course — I’ll send you some anytime you want! Just send me an email with your address.
We had violent thunderstorms with 80/100 mile hr winds (though I don’t think we had winds that bad) and a couple of tornado touchdowns (but not that near to us).
Testing, 1 2 3!
Is this microphone turned on?
This is an emergency broadcasting system test of your local republican Tamiflu shot network.
If you feel an expensive needle coming your way please ignore the impending halucinations.
This was only a test. We now return you to your regular broadcast of the Froggy Bottom Cafe propaganda deprogramming.
Thank you,
Rummy the Dummy
…are up 2-0 right in the 1st, CMan.
How ’bout those ‘Canes? Who would have thought?
Hey KP! Wasn’t sure anyone was interested … DJ isn’t around you see. :o)
I just posted an update below.
Looks like Carolina is one of the few teams giving the Sens any competition… Staal rocks!
meant to tell you that the spouse and I got to our second
Sharks game of the season last Saturday…and it ended in another shootout! (Sharks lost that one though…rats.)
So we’ve been to two games, and both ended in shootouts. If our next game ends the same way (we’re going to try to get to one each month), I’ll either be known as Queen Of The Shootouts or they’ll never let me back in the building…shootouts are exciting, but not sure if my heart can take too many of them…
Florida has gotten within 1 –> 3-2 for Montreal in 3rd.
The Sens are down by 1 –> 2-1 for Carolina in 3rd.
Habs win 4-3 in OT. They scored w/ 4 seconds left on the clock.
Sens lose their 3rd of the season: 2-1 to Carolina. Carolina has now won every game they’ve played vs the Sens (2 games).
I was so busy reading other Blogs, and chearing so loudly I nearly missed this great thread! 🙂
I still think the Sens are the team to beat. If not in the league, certainly in the East. The Habs may be in first in the Eastright now, but the Sens and the Canes have games in hand. It is really hard to compare the East and West conferences when the teams never play eachother!
Go Habs Go!
Click to enlarge!
Good heavens! Has someone set a fire in your sky? What a powerful image.
Just amazing. Was that from your house?
I was heading to pick up Puget4 from her Away Job when I realized that tonight is Perm Night. I turned around and yow-ee. Good luck I had the camera in the car.
I thank the photo gods for digital cameras and the smart people who carry their cameras with them.
when we add up what it cost us to relocate here to take them. (A similar joke about the price per pound of salmon fishing from a power yacht.)
But in truth it was the evolving economy that really took the toll. We’d be renters too back in Columbus, taking pictures of sunrise over the estates of Wexley.
Brenda and I will divvy up the day — Brenda will take the sunrises and I’ll go for the sunsets.
Yosemite National Park
Thank you — I love this.
I finally got my new glasses. And when I saw them on my face, I almost ordered 3 more pairs!
They are so lightweight, I can’t even feel them & they are very nearly invisible. Since I’ve spent most of my life feeling like I’ve got a brick balanced on my nose, it’s an amazing feeling.
I want to wait until tomorrow to wear them, but I keep opening the case to gloat.
When I first met my husband he had glasses the size of luncheon plates. You remember the ones from the 80’s?…but it was 2000! He has a really strong prescription, but his new glasses are so cool and lightweight…now he looks hip. As do you, I’m sure.
Oh, dear. I can’t stop laughing! Glasses the size of luncheon plates!
(oh stop!)
Congrats! The newer lightweight glasses are fabulous.
was the only member of his family not to wear glasses, and he was very proud of that fact. Then a few years ago he got a prescription for glasses to wear while driving at night. He was very resistant — “accidentally” losing or breaking them — but now he’s used to them, and actually has found that they make daytime driving easier, along with watching movies and hockey games (we’re a few rows below Nosebleed Central at most of the games). The vanity was the last hump to get over, but I just keep telling him how handsome and intelligent he looks in them…ah, vanity, thy name is man… 😉
My husband really does look smart in his glasses…not that he isn’t smart being an engineer and all, but he looks extra smart in his glasses and that’s sexy to me!
Wow…that is astonishingly beautiful.
My favorite yet!
That picture is amazing! It reminds me of my favorite sunrise ever, viewed from Needles Eye one summer morning…
Amazing Race will not be on. For some reason they think Amazing Race viewers would rather watch the Country Music Association awards.
Could that really be true?
I will be watching America’s Biggest Loser. I love watching people lose weight. And some of these people can lose more than 10 pounds in a week. Week after Week.
Being highly self-centered, I only care that Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and Lost are on.
Tuesday = must watch Earl.
I’m watching that right now!
Very, very funny!
I watch Lost. But we watch it on Wednesday night.
Lost and Veronica Mars at both on Wednesday night at the same time (thank you tivo). I just listed them along with Gilmore Girls because those are the only shows I watch on a regular basis (now that Farscape, Firefly, Buffy, and Angel aren’t on any more).
Ah, Now that makes sense! I should have known you’d be too organized to watch a show the day before it’s broadcast.
Usually I watch Earl on Friday because it’s on at the same time as Amazing Race. It’s a treat to watch it when it belongs.
A Gilmore Girls (and Lost) fan!
Tell me when if it’s okay to spoil tonight’s ep.
I’m an hour ahead of you so we should be watching gilmore girls on the same time — so I take it we are worrying about people west of the 100th meridian.
including the networks, we often do an AMC or regional small-station movie, sometimes CBC such as DaVinci’s Inquest (newly retitled), sometimes there’s even something on PBS.
So this is a Froggy Bottom Happy Hour question.
The original Booswarm was one part Midori, one part citrus vodka, one part lemon juice, serve with soda and ice.
After a number of experiments at the bar at World Fantasy I ended up with one part Midori, one part citrus vodka, one part sour, serve over ice with a twist of lemon. It’s a stronger drink and sweeter, and more to my tastes, but it’s clearly not a standard Booswarm.
It needs it’s own name. I’m thinking a Snarky Booswarm, but it should really be decided by the committee of the whole hear at the cafe. So, Snarky Boowsarm? Dirty Booswarm? Marmotswarm? All suggestions will be welcomed.
Ooh, ow. Here, not hear. Bad me. Hoist by my own homonym.
You need to ask this in one of Cabin Girl’s cafes. She’s the BooZe expert. Me, I don’t even know what Midori is (other than a violinist).
I vote for snarky booswarm.
Speaking of alcoholic drinks, I’ve noticed that the absinthe ads have disappeared: Did their contract simply expire or is there more to the story?
Is it now uncool to make snarky absinthe references? We got a lot of good snarky mileage out of absinthe… I love Shirts So Good, but they don’t have that European artsy Bohemian cachet… Of course, maybe if I bought a shirt and wore it to Europe I’d be welcome with open arms as a political refugee, and given honorary French citizenship. 😀
What a great day in the cafe! Thanks to katiebird, kansas and AndiF for helping out today. I think I’ll have a marmotini and relax after a loooooong weekend.
Hi! Wondering where you were. Good to see ya.
You outdid yerself again with the pics, I am amazed at the shots you share with us.
I hope everyone visits YOUR BLOG for regular doses of beauty. It is a daily must for me!
My days here in the Cafe are slowly becoming fewer. I start back to work on Monday and that comes with tons of papers to grade. No more sneaking in while Andrew is napping and blowing off cleaning the house.
I will have to settle for any evening hours.
Toni, you’re proof that all the best folks come by at night. 😀
Why thank you KP – the same for goes for our resident jazz expert.
this last week. And since you are about to throw us over for a bunch of walking raging hormones, I think you should have to post a new picture of Andrew ever day this week as a penance.
and picked my son up from school to go buy the new LEGO Vikings set. It cost 50 smackaroos but what the heck does one say to a 5 year old who really saves his money until that one thing shows up? The kid is way too smart and driving 30 miles to and from Toys R Us and answering all of his many questions and listening to his various philosophies on life just wears an old girl out. I came home and I’m drinking an amber ale while eating Karmel Sutra Ben and Jerry’s. Is this life heaven or what? This sure as hell ain’t Fallujah!!! You guys are some partying fools around here lately since all the jackasses have repeatedly been blowing themselves up lately. Party On!
Got some of my erranding done today — picked up some winter white pants and a couple of new turtleneck sweaters, and also stopped by the Apple Store to get a dock for my iPod while they still have them for my model. Came home and crashed out for about 3 hours — definitely would like to figure out what’s causing the weird sleep patterns. I do have some OTC sleep medicine that was recommended to me; I hate to have to take it, but I need a full night’s sleep for once…
Tomorrow the spouse has his umpteenth follow-up; if all goes well, he can get his paperwork done during vacation to return to his regular work (and work schedule) after vacation, and I’ll have my life (and mornings) back! 🙂 After the appointment, he’ll head off to work and I’m going to go book shopping for some of those books that Sally recommended in her great diary. (Reminds me, I need to jot down the names…)
Spouse is home, so time to get off the computer and settle in for the evening — I have “Countdown” on TiVo, and a few other things for us to watch. Have a great evening, everyone…
Australia v Uruguay clockwatch
FT Australia 1-0 Uruguay (1st leg: 0-1)
Penalty shoot-out: Australia 4-2 Uruguay
Match report soon!
Australia booked their place at next summer’s World Cup finals in Germany after a dramatic penalty shoot-out win over Uruguay with John Aloisi netting the decisive spot-kick.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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