CA-48, as you know, is a Special Election with it’s final election on Dec. 6th only 20 days away. Many Democrats, especially in the District after years of Republican indoctrination, have drunk the Republican Kool-Aid. They don’t believe their vote counts.

Well, their vote not only counts but this one time can make the difference in this tiny turnout election.(Likely less than 21%) In the district Steve Young, the nominee, has been beating the drums long and loud. And he’s gaining ground. But most of you have never seen or heard him.

We will change that today. Here are three short video clips on issues and one long video from last night’s debate with  Rubber Stamp John Campbell and two other candidates.

Remember Campbell was at Darth Vader Cheney’s fundraiser for him the night before! (All of these are streaming video without long downloads.) Click here and make your choice of what to watch.

Watch and meet the candidate as you did Paul Hackett! And get motivated to support CA-48 and Steve Young as you did Paul Hackett.

(Much more on the flip)
If we, as Democrats, Independents etc., refuse to help candidates that are within a few percentage points of the gross vote of taking a  district away from the Opposition then we define ourselves as a Party that fights only the Easy Fights. And that’s the worst we could be.

How can we be within a few percentage points of the gross vote in a district where we are outnumbered so badly?

In the primary the Democrats, 4 of them, got roughly 20% of the vote. The second place Republican, Marilyn Brewer, got over 15,000 votes, just short of 20% primarily because she was Pro-Choice and Pro-Stem Cell research. In fact she got a LOT of Democratic votes sad to say…even some Democratic endorsements.

Most of Marilyn’s voters will never vote of anti-choice, anti-embryonic stem cell research John Campbell who has already pledged to be in lock step with this administration. The Steve Young campaign is making an effort to pick up most of those votes…and hopefully all.

The Spoiler, Jim Gilchrist of MinuteMan Fame, is going to poll around 20% as he has been pushing hard and hording his money for a last minute push. He skipped last night’s televised debate because the League of Women’s Voters, a sponsor, was WAY too left wing for him.

Gilchrist has been singing loudly his Anti-Immigrant song and he has a major Los Angeles Radio station on his side. He gets LOTS of free press.

So if we get the Democratic vote that turned out last time plus most of the Brewer vote that will support a Pro-choice   position and oppose an Anti-choice position and we pick up the momentum that has been building in the district…we are very competitive indeed.

With Gilchrist scoring around 18-24% of the vote, all from, Campbell…it could be very tight indeed.

So why can’t the Dem’s afford to ignore this race?

Because this race can set the tone for 2006! If we take the Crown Jewell of California Republican Seats and turn it Blue…what message does that send to the White House and the RNC? It tells them they are in for the fight of their lives and can take NOTHING for granted.

So what does the Young Candidacy need to seal the deal?

A media blitz like Hackett used in the final 10 days! To do that, with no support from the state or county parties, we have to turn to you, the real Democrats, who are willing to fight and willing to look at something more than the registration numbers. We have better than a fighting chance as it is…help us make it even better.

Watch Steve Young in action in commercials and last nights debate. Take the time! Whether you agree with his positions or not….he’s the Democrat that can get the job done. And that’s a helluva lot better than another Rubber Stamp Republican in Congress!

And, yes, we are asking for your financial support at our contributions page. Whether you give large or small…every dime is used effectively.

Watch Steve and you’ll see a fighting Democrat that went up against overwhelming odds and, like Paul Hackett, with your help can be there at the finish. Only we think with the Gilchrist spoiler in the race…we will win.

Don’t just take my word for it. Make up your own minds.

Click here and make your choice of what to watch.

After watching….give us your  help. With it we can win this damn impossible race.