I saw a Daily Kos diary on Global Warming from Rex Freedom who works on our Congressional Campaign for Indiana’s 6th District.  While reading some of the comments, I started thinking back to the destruction of Katrina.  Clothing stores had damage and lost money.


Car Dealerships had damage and lost money.  Daycare Centers were destroyed and lost money.  Of course most have insurance and can recoup and or rebuild, but all business in the area had loss.  The Oil business had damage to equipment and refineries and that region refines 25% of the gasoline.  

First, if 25% of the Nations Gas was effected, why did 100% of the gas go up?  Why did gas in California go up, if they get their gas from Canada and not from the Gulf Coast?  No one has been able to answer that for me.

Second, There was one business that made record profits through Hurricane Katrina, while ALL others lost money and many lost their lives.  The Oil Business.

I have often referred to those that want our Nation oil dependent as Oil Men.  But that is not fair to the laborers that work the platforms, that work the rigs, that man the refineries, that are oil men.  So the Oil Barons that manipulate the oil and thus the nation, have to be held accountable.

I am running for Congress against Mike Pence, whose family money has come from Oil. This information is on his congressional financial disclosure papers.  

Congressman Pence is an Oil Baron, though not on the same scale as The Bush Family.  Congressman Pence is the Chair of The Republican Study Committee This group is responsible for the budget cuts that are proposed in the guise of Katrina Relief, when in fact they have been in the pipeline for a long time.
Congressman Pence has voted with Tom DeLay 96.92% of the time.  Congressman Pence is in lock step with President Bush.  He is a leader in the House of the Neo Conservative Movement.  He is famous for saying “I am A Christian, A Conservative, and a Republican in that order.”  

I am a Christian, but that is personal.  I am an American, and I am a daddy, and I am a Democrat.  Shouldn’t being an American always come before party?

I am calling on you;
None of the Above or Below,

You see it doesn’t matter who you are, we all need to come together, because we now know who Mike Pence is.

I need to get the word out because much of this Indiana 6th District media is owned by Dan Quayle’s family and it is not Democrat friendly. I want to start one minute radio spots to educate the people.  I need donations to stop Congressman Pence, and help check President Bush over the remainder of his term, or sanity, which ever comes first.  And imagine the importance of a Democrat Congress with a President Cheney?  

Go to Barry and look for the gold star on the left and make a donation.  If you think that just because you cannot vote for a Congressman, they do not impact your life, please think again.  I need 1000 People who want to hold President Bush in check, to give $50.00.  That’s $4.17 a month for the next 12 months.  Is that too much of an investment in fighting for America?  I hope not. If you can give more, do so.  Please Help.  Click Here