Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough openly speculated that Dick Cheney is Woodward’s source. I think they are nuts.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think it was GWB himself, in one of the interviews.
This is an open dare to Fitzgerald as a challenge.
just a guess.
What’s the timing on Woodward’s book and interview with GWB and the outing info?
Hmmm…anyone know or want to do a quick google?
Googled and got the info from Slate…kind of…from book excerpts
Book came out in 2004…Woodward met Bush Christmas 2002…
Plame outed July 2003
Have fun folks….
Raw says it’s Hadley we’ll see.
Appropos to nothing, wasn’t there some word that Mary Matalin was involved somehow. Has anyone seen anything fresh about this? (I’m kinda hoping that she gets her ass kicked.)
Nixon’s ghost is having a good laugh over this one!
I don’t know about anyone else but my freaken head is spinning.
Hey Booman, did you give Susan the day off? She is ok right? Worried about her fall yesterday.
Susan has been doing some research today, and some chores. This was supposed to be a day off for me, heh.
I think she is okay. I little scraped up.
Scraped up? What do you mean, OK? Are you really OK?
Sorry, that she should read ‘a little scraped up’.
Susan got her cheek stuck by a branch or something. She got a little scuffed up, but I think she is okay.
I’m sorry to hear it, no one wants a wound on their face.
No rest for the wicked huh?
That is just plain silly. What would Cheney have to gain by outing Woodward? What is more likely is that Woodward is still protecting someone, and that could well be Cheney. At this point nothing Woodward says can be believed.
I can think of only one reason why Cheney would come forward as the source. Shame.
His assistant is up against an unbeatable set of charges. How can he watch him go to jail?
But this theory fails in that it does nothing for Libby. Libby is still fucked. And let’s be serious. Does Cheney have the character to fall on his sword at this point? This late in the game?
If so, he should just resign. Cheney is not the source.
Whoever started this current smokescreen did it partially or mostly to attempt to discredit Fitzgerald. That’s about all Libby’s lawyers have to work with and that’s about the only thing to gain. That means the source is either protected somehow or has nothing to lose or was recently a new outing (her)himself.
I saw Hadley’s name too. I also remember Rockefeller saying Hadley and Libby back when all of this first started.
Besides Matalin another forgotten name is Gannon.
I picked up a mention that the information to call Woodward in came from Secret Service logs. Those were also obtained by Fitzgerald concerning Gannon’s entries in the WH in the beginning of the investigation.
with the logs, too. A visit that she and Libby had “forgotten” about.
My guess it that it is Karl Rove!
A dual impeachment? Please?? But this is the best Fall in a long, long time. The worst thing about it is that it isn’t last year.
And, to celebrate — I just signed up for a recurring payment Democracy Bond. Just $10.00 a month, but that’s more than I’ve ever given the National Party. And more than I’ve given anyone in an off year.
These rumors are flying so fast, I can’t keep up.
But, that would make it unlikely to be either Bush or Cheney, wouldn’t it?
It’s Hadley. But it’s all a lie. GWB told Woodward to lie about talking to someone. He is trying to get Libby off the hook and Wood ward owes Georgie big time. He has gotten two best sellers out of the idiot. Woodward is just another Bush shill with no integrity what so ever.
I want to say I think you are right. I am so confused as to what is really going on. I just want Fritz to just give us something to see what is going on. It is not good for America to be like this.
No, it is not good for our country Brenda. Nothing these criminals have done these past five years has been good for our country. They have made a mess of Iraq and they have lied and they want to take all our rights away. They all in up to their necks in this conspiracy and they all will pay eventually. Come on Fitz….do this right!
Did you come through the storms last night OK?
It looked pretty bad in your neck of TN.
We knew that.
I’ve never cared for Woodward or his books about the cowboy idiot but I’m still dissapointed.
If this country falls it will be because of greed and Woodward is just the latest example.
What a sorry sack of shit.
I think it’s Cheney
Good thing I’m not a bettin girl.
Raw story says it is Hadley, lawyers being their source. They are usually accurate and early.
Hasn’t Hadley already been to the Fitz grill? So is this a senior moment? Trying hard to miss a perjury charge?
SOMEONE ELSE told Fitz about Woodward and Hadley.
Who else has been recently interviewed?
Rove’s former secretary, who was also Abramoff’s secretary at one time. She was just back in this week I think.
Rove aide called back to testify as inquiry into Rove’s role wraps up, lawyers say
is still speculating that Cheney is the “big fish” that Fitzgerald is after, at least the last time he was on “Countdown”; haven’t watched tonight’s yet, so don’t know if he’s been on with a changed tune.
[FWIW, Dean thinks that Cheney WILL be indicted, but he may step down with “health problems” first…]
Dean was on Countdown tonight and thinks it is a plus for Libby and a negative for Fitz but is still saying Cheney is in deep.
As evidence I need new glasses, I first read this as:
“Dick Cheney is Woodward’s spouse.”
That’d be something. The falafels those two would make.