I am an expecting father, come May, so I think about this topic more and more:  school violence and politics.
It being politics is the only firebreak from literal civil war between the peoples of our country, of any country, we must resolidify politics in that function and not let war and possible civil war overtake it.  If Republicans declared martial law and started another red-scare, anti-liberal crusade, I would fight them with my heart, mind, and soul as I do today with writing and being a political activist.  

Many around here have heard the threats from the other side, and not just from repub bloggers.  We’ve heard the certain freaks in the military leadership who talk about “better Gods” than other religions, and we certainly hear it from the civilian leadership, the right-wing Republican-taliban political hacks running Washington, D.C. right now.

So, why don’t even we political activists, we partisans, we loony fringers from both sides, step back from that type of rhetoric… for the kids sake.  Newt brought us here, and the return blows have landed, so let’s stand down for awhile while the legal process unfolds.  No?

Let’s use politics wisely and not more reciprocal angry, violent rhetoric:  That is why you show kids to take their grievances through a fair system rather than by choosing violence or other violent criminal behavior.  

Why don’t we parents practice what we preach, even expecting ones?  It’s hard, I know, but we must..

As much as I hated being bitch slapped by Obama, I now see the wisdom of what he was saying (and he isn’t likely a DLCer either IMO):  you were right Obama, we were wrong

Rhetorical battle aside, we have all considered the possibility at this point that they are thinking of civil war, and threatening it, and considering how radical Bushco has been shown to be!

Right now, the Republicans are looking about as unpopular, or more, as the Democrats were in 1994:  Newt’s tactics thrown back in his face by angry neo-Dems have payed off, and, well, Bush makes the activists’ job easy, he does the job for us by just being Dumb George, the most incompetent human being to have made president EVER.  That’s not politics, that’s just a fucking fact.  If he was a Democrat, I would say that.  Anyhow, they are very vulnerable, being shown as incompetent boobs compared to the Democratic ’90s.

Repubs are the gun freaks and they like to imagine using them a lot.  Democrats are different than such simplicity, to be elitist for a middle class hack, but I believe Demcrats have more complexity than the average God-guilty Republican, and don’t obsess on violence like Republicans do (yet many have guns, knowing what Republicans create in society:  mean, total brainwashed freakazoids for the most part, except for the evil multinational super-rich who manipulates said freaks, and who get to live above it all while they stir up civil war in the middle class).

Anyhow, I digress… so, my point here tonight: politics between people’s parents, between the Republican parents vs. Democrat parents, affect the kids, which they take to school with them, so why don’t we try to tone it down somewhat (Obama, you were right)… for the kids’ sake. I won’t call your leader the boob he is so much if you stop threatening violence against Democrats.  And keep your violent rhetoric from making your kids homicidal maniacs while your at it.  How’s about it?  Round 2 of Republican School children violence is not going to go down as you plan if you do it again as what occurred under President Clinton.

So, I suggest that now that the Republicans are down, we let the legal process work its course without our constant provocation.

Republican party kids may, as they did en masse under Clinton, end up taking the fight to we liberals’ kids again within the public school system.  We, as the intellectuals of the American political system, must rise above their petty politics and fight them with just the truth, let’s try, as I must, to take some of the anger out of the rhetoric… for the kids’ sake.

Behold Newt and the Republican Party’s gutter:

The positive words were hardly surprising; they included “caring,” “freedom,” “liberty,” “moral,” prosperity,” and “strength. But the “contrasting words” — which GOPAC said should be applied to Democrats and their proposals — were rather hard-edged: “betray,” “bizarre,” “cheat,” “corrupt,” “destroy,” “disgrace,” “greedy,” “incompetent,” “intolerant,” “radical,” “shallow,” “sick,” and “traitors.”