Now it seems that Walter Pincus at the Washington Post is claiming that Bob Woodward asked him not to pursue any reporting on Woodward’s involvement with the Valerie Wilson story:
Walter Pincus, the longtime Washington Post reporter and one of several journalists who testified in the Valerie Plame case, said he believed as far back as 2003 that Bob Woodward had some involvement in the case but he did not pursue the information because Woodward asked him not to.
“He asked me to keep him out of the reporting and I agreed to do that,” Pincus said today. His comments followed a Post story today about Woodward’s testimony on Monday before special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, in which Woodward reportedly disclosed that a senior White House official told him about Plame’s identity as a CIA operative a month before her identity was disclosed publicly.
“In October, I think he did come by after I had written about being called and said I wasn’t the only one who would be called,” Pincus said, adding that he believed Woodward was talking about himself, but did not press him on it. “Bob and I have an odd relationship because he is doing books and I am writing about the same subject.”
. . . Pincus declined to comment on the other revelation in today’s story, namely that Woodward had waited until last month before revealing his conversation with the White House official to Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. “I don’t talk about what other people do, other reporters,” he said. “Everybody does in this business what they think is the right thing to do.”
Pincus also declined to comment on what reaction there has been in the Post newsroom to Woodward’s testimony. “I’m not listening,” he said.
Can anything be more damning to the state of the media today? The Bush administration has essentially made news reporters at the NY Times, NBC and now the Washington Post the hot story, intentionally or otherwise. Now we in the blogosphere are all pursuing the issue of why journalists keep covering for Dubya, Cheney & Associates rather than focusing on the real issues of concern:
One, the increasing mountain of evidence that the Bush Gang of Nine knowingly cherry picked the intelligence and willfully ignored other evidence and analyses from the CIA and the State Department that dissented from their preconceived agenda in order to mislead the country into invading and occupying Iraq; and
Two, that they outed the identity of a covert CIA operative as part of a smear campaign against a critic of their misuse of that intelligence, specifically the ridiculous story that Saddam Hussein was seeking to buy 500 tons of yellowcake uranium (ridiculous because, as Bush and Cheney knew, Saddam already had a cache of yellowcake in his possession that was more than sufficient for bomb making; what he lacked was any means to process that yellowcake into bomb grade material).
Yet here we are, once more, discussing the failures of reporters to keep themselves from being the story. It seems preposterous, but true. The so-called liberal media is firmly embedded with the Bushies (pun intended). What a cast of characters: Judy Miller at the Times, Woodward at WaPo, Novak at CNN, Russert and Matthews at MsNBC. Breaking all the scoops Republicans want us to hear, and keeping quiet about what they don’t think we need to know.
I can’t wait for the movie. Maybe they can get Terry Gilliam to direct. I hear he’s very good at black comedies and farces.
Now we in the blogosphere are all pursuing the issue of why journalists keep covering for Dubya, Cheney & Associates rather than focusing on the real issues of concern:
This is maybe the most important statement that anyone’s written about this situation to date.
Thanks, Steven.
Access uber alles.
Pincus strikes me as such a straight arrow type. He must be disgusted by Woodward’s games.
Pincus is not without his own skeletons. He has long been considered the CIA’s man at the Washington Post. He was one of the CIA assets identified by Carl Bernstein in his famous Rolling Stone article years ago about CIA infiltration of the media.
dont tell anyone i stuck my finger in the dyke
About all the information he gathers when writing a book, but everyone else at the WaPo who discovers something about said info has to keep their mouths shut as well.
So now both the NYT and the WaPo have torpedoed what little remains of their reputations, while Meet The Tim Russert stands exposed as a glorified errand boy, all of them demanding lawyer/client, doctor/patient, priest/penitent confidentiality over their roles in this sleazy attempt to smear one person who tried to tell the truth about how the nation was lied to in order to bring about a needless war.
God, do they make me sick.
These are the same publications that have taken part in the dirty business of sustaining the PermaGov in power for 60+ YEARS.
Where is the beef?
From the Warren Commission right on through today…same deal.
And anyone who IS “surprised”…needs to wake up.
Woodward…hell, I’ll repost a diary that I put on the Daily Kollaborator…err, Daily month and two days before the shameful July 4th Massacre of 2005. It was originally titled “Bob Woodward…ALL smoke and mirrors?” In fact…I’ll do it now.
There. It’s up. Bob Woodward. Where’s The Beef? Where Is OUR Beef?. Check it out.
And if you have held Mr. Woodward high in your regard as some sort of hero since Watergate…you have bad, BAD taste in heroes.
He’s just another working stiff.
And his job description includes the phrase “Disinfo for hire”.
Bet on it.
Madman In the Marketplace took me to task yesterday for pointing out essentially the same mistake in another diary that I wrote (And the shell game continues.) regarding the writers of the recent Denver Post article on torture and secret prisons. (Justice detained at Guantanamo) he took it personally…but it’s not personal.
It’s just business.
FREEDOM business.
The business of waking up from a 60 year long dream about an impartial and heroic media.
“Say it ain’t so, Joe. Say it ain’t so!!!” said the little kid to Shoeless Joe Jackson when he found out that the Black Sox had thrown the World Series.
Sorry, kid.
It IS so.
As long as ANY of us, no matter how well-meaning we may be…continue to swallow the MSM line about what’s what and who’s who…we are lost.
Wake the fuck UP, people!!!
Before it’s too late.
Station WTFU signing off.
Until tomorrow…
Sleep tight!!!
I didn’t take it personal toward me, but rather your self-righteous insistance that ANYTHING falling short of some ill-defined line of “resistance” is to be dismissed or ridiculed. I admire lawyers who do that thankless work, and I found your dismissal depressing.
To see the entire article – Editor and Publisher
Ooops. Thanks for reminding me I left out the link. It’s up there now.
From the Editor and Publisher article ending this way:
“He cited as an example a story Pincus wrote in 2003 just before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which doubted the existence of weapons of mass destruction. “Bob helped to get it in the paper,” Pincus said. “He had been hearing the same thing and actually wrote a couple of paragraphs that I adapted into the story.”
If right before the war, Woodward thought the intelligence was wrong and doubted the WMD claims why is he defending them now? He KNOWS they are liars. What do they have on him?
Why is Wolf Blitzer only asking Victoria Toensing about Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation?
btw, he’s supposed to have a WaPo managing editor and maybe Woodward on in a little bit.
whores are attracted to other whores, I guess.
Do I understand?
Should I be thankful you peeled the scales away from my blinded eyes?
Bless you AG, you could very well be Che’ incarnate.
Thanks man, I’ll get right on vilifying anybody not living up to your standards.
Sounds mighty personal to me…
In fact…once again, you respond only to the part of what I wrote that might possibly be thought of as aimed at you, (and THAT would be a stretch), and on the face of it, seem not even to have READ the other 19/20th of what I had to say that was NOT “about you” in any way, shape or form.
No comment about the theme of the original diary, which was about a fundamental mistake that was made by the writers of that Denver Post article, not its subjects.
And not about you.
And no comment regarding what I write here.
Which is also not about you.
PLUS…what comments you DO make seem to be trying to paint me as if I am some bomb-throwing anarchist.
Which I am not.
I am MUCH more dangerous that that, Madman.
I am a a SANE man.
A sane man who is wide awake to the scam.
So far I have given you the benefit of the doubt.
NOT part of the scam.
A victim of it, to some degree. One who can be reached.
But keep on with this act, and I will change my mind.
Either not a victim but an ongoing perpetrator of the scam, a purveyor of small, blog-aimed WMDS (Weapons of Mass Distraction, in this case) , or a victim who is beyond the reach of reason.
Sad either way.
Keep it up.
the executive, the legislature, the judiciary and the so called fourth estate. That is going to be one hell of a lot of work over a long period to redress.