I don’t know if I can bear to watch the Alito judicial process follow the path of so many other appointments.
Here is the pattern: information about the person comes out on the blogs and it is explained and analyzed; as the proceedings near and/or even begin, there are calls to bloggers to contact congress members and committee members; during the proceedings there is live blogging with lots of comments about the lack of true questioning and the evasive nature of the answers given; there is dismay over which Dems cave in; there are more pleas to contact members of congress; and then there is the vote…
The vote is followed by more cries of how unreal/surreal all of this is. There is outrage and fear. Then there are discussions on what we need to do for the ’06 and ’08 elections.
Can we do it differently this time?
Congress listens to money. Can we use our places in the economic engine to make a difference?
What if those opposed to Alito didn’t go to work, nor work from home, on the first day the judiciary committee meets? What if we didn’t go to school or to any meetings or gatherings or appointments? What if we do not participate in any form of commerce? What if those who own retail places closed for the day?
And what would happen if all those who didn’t work, etc. contacted their congress member and explained why they weren’t working or participating in any commerce that day?
And what if these actions were repeated each day of the Alito’s hearings?
What are we willing to give up in order to stand up? Sick days or vacation days? Days without pay? Days without doing business? Days of missing classes?
Would this hurt? Is it time to do the things that might hurt personally?
Could it make a difference?
Alito threatens not only Roe v Wade, but our foundation – read Paul Rosenberg’s diary, “Alito Against Democracy.”
Alito’s appointment to the Supreme court needs to be stopped. I need to walk my talk – will you walk with me?
I’m in. I’ve already started my pre-Alito defeat work with strong letters to all my Rep and Sens. Time to rise up. Or we aren’t going to recognize this country when the Roberts-Alito Court gets through with our old Constitution.
The only way the Dem leadership will listen is if we start feeding Casey and Ritter et al to the DOGS… otherwise they are going to roll over again…
I only stood in the ditch in Crawford and today Hagel is telling the GOP to shut the hell up about Americans who criticize the Administration on Iraq!
That is my fear! And we live and our chidren and grandchildren live out Bush’s legacy.
Whatever it takes….what could we boycott or opt out of that would make the most obvious impression? Not going to work? Since I don’t work right now that isn’t much of an impact from me…..something else that other people could participate in?
ideal time to do this. According to the Washington Times and the Drudge Report, Bush has totally isolated himself now and won’t even speak with his father. He talks to his mother, and Laura, and Condi, and Karen Hughes right now. I doubt he would have much of a counter response at this point since he is beginning to meltdown and the GOP is scared poopless right now about the upcoming 2006 elections. LIKE CRAWFORD HAD ITS PERFECT TIME AND STARTED A BALL ROLLING…….THIS IS THE TIME TO DO THIS ON ALITO!
Oh MT – thank you for your response!
I am just so weary of REACTING to what has been done instead of working to prevent it in the first place.
Bush’s polls are in the tank; there are challenges to many of the key players in his administration; and yet we cannot rely on the Dems in congress to step in and stop this.
Feinstein is one of my Senator’s – I’ll call and email her office today and every day.
Alito claims he said whatever was necessary to get he job then. If Alito would say anything to get a job then, he’ll do the same to get the job now. Leopards don’t change spots.
We can’t sit by. I’ve already written letters to my two Senators, but I’ll follow BostonJoe’s example and write more, and call again.
I think the impact of a strike or walkout protest could be powerful, but I’m concerned there are multiple efforts along the same lines, and that a multi-day walkout with no definite end might not draw much participation. I am hoping that people converge on the “Strike 7” plan to walkout at least on December 7th, so we can maximize numbers at least on one day.
and get the word out…..some type of “walk out” on that day could just have a staggering affect and be a monstrous wake up call to the Senate! We have chalked up a lot of light shedding and man has it been wonderful. Some of us like me have been worried struggling to find my way against these people for a couple of years now, it is hard to not just want to call it good and step back now. We still have Alito to contend with though and what we choose to do now could be the difference between us having to contend with him for the rest of his life or just for these next few months. I really believe that Tampopo has hit on something that we the little boomaners and little Americans every place can REALLY DO THAT WILL HAVE BIG BIG IMPACT ON THE WORLD WE ALL WANT TO LIVE IN.
I’ve had a “Hands Off the Supreme Court” placard on my desk for months thanks to MoveOn PAC. The best way to stop this nomination is to talk to our friends and family (the sane ones, I have a few KoolAide drinkers in mine) and ask them to contact their reps too. We have to spark a fire of activism by showing everyone how detrimental scAlito would be on the court.
Thanks for a great diary tampopo!
along the lines of the Cindy Sheehan co-vigil, where people were standing outside in groups, visible to all. Just imagine: at a pre-arranged time on a particlar day, people gathered together in public spaces on their day off from work.
Yes, great diary. We really need to brainstorm though as to exactly what would have the most impact. How about “striking” work for a day but use that day off to protest in front of every tv station, local and national. Every newspaper big or small. If we do not get press it won’t make a difference will it? Am I crazy?
got back from a protest at my Reps office. The Internet is a wonderful tool for planning and organizing efforts like these. We had 20 people in the freezing cold. Ultimately, you need boots on the ground, but there is no harm in trying to plan here.
We need a leader or two. And a plan. And I am not volunteering. Got my plate full. But I would participate to be sure. I nominate Tampopo and Tracy. If they’ll except. To come up with some type of plan that let’s us use the communication tool that the Booman Tribune is, to organize an effective protest to try to stop Alito (and those like him).
I’m in! Sort of “Accidental Organizer?”
How do we connect?
yahoo Booman group tomorrow about this we can sketch out some goals and set some time frames for diaries and brainstorm forms of demonstration for that day for the many that make up America. I really do think that you have the right idea at the right time and I see a super strong possibility that this will really take off.
Thank you so very much!
Now I will confess that my internet skills are very limited. This is my first diary – writing and posting it have taken me into new places.
So, forgive me please, but how do I get to “yahoo Booman group?”
I am finding my fear of this administration is growing so great that other concerns, like confessing online I don’t know a lot, are becoming insignificant.
Thanks again.
PS – an additional note – if the number of comments happen to increase, I will be unable to respond as my computer freezes. But I can still read.
Found it – and yes.
I like the idea of a show of strength. And I agree that it isn’t writing letters (though I’ve done that). Nor is it candle light vigils. It’s got to be something that can’t be ignored.
Are there any union organizers here? Such folks would probably have some good insights. You don’t see them having marches in parks that can cordially be ignored by the media. They figure out how to make a splash.
I kind of don’t think it’s skipping work. That just doesn’t seem related to the issue. Also, it’s a huge hardship for too many people, without inconveniencing the people we want to vex. We want to affect the other side, not ourselves.
Is there a way to seriusly inconvenience the press? Or better yet Congress?
Is there a way to seriusly inconvenience the press? Or better yet Congress?
oy, the only thing that can inconvenience Congress is moving National Airport. That’s the only thing that makes them bitch & moan.
Workplace discrimnation? Harrassment in the workplace? Privacy of information given to employers? Safety and exposure to toxins in the workplace? Benefits? Family leave? Supreme Court decisions will affect our working lives.
The point of not working is to remind our congress who is keeping the economic system functioning. Money talks.
And I agree there are people living so close to financial disaster that a day without pay is too much to ask. They really need each day’s pay to keep body and soul together. This kind of action may not be for them.