Well, here on the blogs we sign Petitions for a lot of things? I have signed a lot of them this past year. I have Boxer wanting me to sign things about one a month (I always sign my Senator Boxers petitions.) Kerry, it seems like he writes me daily with one (I’ve almost stopped opening his emails, kidding John)..even one of my hero’s John Conyers makes my day when he sends me a petition to sign (instantly..I sign it, I don’t even need to read the ones he sends me, I find the dotted line and proudly sign.) I have signed them in front of Supermarkets, at street fairs. Sometimes even at the park. Well this is my turn to put out a petition. I am very distressed. One of my favorites here at BoomanTrib has announced that she is leaving. I have spent many hours blogging with her. We all know her simply as Catnip. She started me off and introduced me to live blogging events over at Dkos and then here. I can’t even mention how many live committe meetings, Bush Nominees, Major Speechs, anouncements, whatever, Catnip was always there as my/our guide, hostess to her diaries, organizer and Hero.  
I didn’t follow Catnip over here, I believe I came a little earlier from a kind invitation from our gracious host Booman, who I believe Rocks along with Susanbohu, who’s diaries I never missed over at Dkos and here. I was forever a silent stalker of her work. This place has always had a warmer feeling. No hit and runs. Fights settled quickly, everything out in the open. Even a Cafe almost open 24hrs a day.

         Anyway…. I just wanted to write a Petition and make it be known that I would like Catnip to reconsider. Perhaps take a little time off. Maybe just write diaries and comments without pressure or whatever, from being a front pager or come back in a bit and Front page till her hearts content. We need Catnips voice here at the BoomanTribune. I don’t know how many times over the past year…I have sent a little, simple, plain, J’ Adore comment to Catnip. She has always lifted my spirits, made me think, made me laugh (hard, very, very hard sometimes.) and made me want to come back more often to the Trib just to check in with what was up in Canada or with Catnip. I was so sad when she left Dkos but I was so Happy when I found her here. Diaries, comments, whatever. I clearly don’t want this breakup to happen. No Catnip it’s not about You..It’s about ME…I have never been good with breakups. I have been in the same relationship for over 14 years..sometimes I think just because I don’t like breakups. It is very hard for me to just think that Catnip wont’ exist here anymore. BlogWorld is wierd that way. People can just go away and not really be gone, but really be gone. I just wanted to have this petition out there and in my history diary here at the BooTrib. You can sign it if you like or even make a comment. I know applause is what brought Tinkerbell back, I just thought maybe my petition might bring our Catnip back.  
[UPDATE-See Special Comment Below]