As always, a reprint from, the official campaign blog of Bruderly for Congress, whose site is
(Thanks to the DNC website for linking to us!)
The title of this blog is to indicate that, in my opinion, Kickoff was a giant success. I am still a little tired, after driving to Jacksonville and back twice in three days, but it was well worth it. Thank you VERY much to all the people who were so nice to me, who are supporting Dave’s campaign and most importantly, who came out to support the Democratic Party, as we ready ourselves for the coming electoral battle.
First, I attended a party in downtown Jax, at the Fuel Coffee House in Five Points. For those who have not been to this place, it’s actually quite an interesting setup, with comfy couches in the front and a stage/cafe setting in the back. Very unique.
There were about 30 people there, and the meeting was led by Jacksonville-area attorney Clyde Collins. He spoke very succinctly about the importance of grassroots efforts in 2006. Obviously, this was a point near and dear to my heart. As well, he helped to inform people about what they could do to help the Florida Democratic Party, as well as the Clay and Duval Democrats.
After the meeting, it was great to meet Dan, Lisa, Deborah and Jim, who are advocates and activists in the Jacksonville area. All of them had great ideas about what Dave can do to win, and what he needs to do once he gets to Washington! I also received some financial support for the campaign, which was very nice (hint! :-D)
After the meeting, I had about 25 minutes to get all the way out to Fruit Cove, which is a 40 minute drive. Hopping in the truck, I cranked the iPod up and flew down 95. My apologies to those who believed the Navy was testing some of new, teal-colored boxy airplane.
At Julington Creek, just across the River, Rachel Latham and her husband Michael hosted about 10 people, giving us the opportunity to listen to the Howard Dean teleconference. Dr. Dean was outstanding and had a lot of goals for the upcoming campaign. The best part of his plan however was a six point platform:
- Bring back Honesty in Government
- Create a Strong National Defense and Strong National Allies
- Create a Strong Economy and New Jobs with Hybrid and Renewable Energy Research and Development
- National Health Care to Cover Everyone
- Great Public Education, to Ready Children for the World Economy
- A Balanced National Budget and National Debt Reduction
His Message? “Together, America Can Do Better!”
How great is that?
Rachel was one of the three people to ask questions of Dr. Dean on the program. She was the last one, asking about voter fraud and vote security! After talking to everyone at the meeting about Dave’s campaign, health care, alternative energy, getting rid of the culture of corruption, the importance of faith to Americans and how we can win, it was time for the long trek home. After thanking Rachel for the use of her lovely house, I pointed the truck southwest and took off down the lonely backwoods roads.
It was a great drive home. I felt uplifted by the fact that, even in one of the more conservative areas of Florida, there are people who are ready to take up the mantle of progress and help make our country a better place to live. I believe Dave is one of these people, and his staff is full of them. Now, it sounds like we’re going to have some help!
Sounds like it was a good kickoff…here on the left coast we are revving up as well for some of our red counties.
Keep us posted…