Breaking on CNN … White House press secretary Scott McClellan, in Asia traveling with the president, has issued a response statement comparing Murtha’s expressed views today to those of “Michael Moore.”
Murtha, widely known as a “hawk” on defense, startled the nation today with his call for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. (See “Seismic Shift by Influential Hawk,” and a video at Crooks & Liars of Murtha’s speech today, or video at Also check out Raw Story‘s report.)
“‘Congressman Murtha is a respected veteran and politician who has a record of supporting a strong America,’ said White House press secretary Scott McClellan. ‘So it is baffling that he is endorsing the policy positions of Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party’.”
“‘The eve of an historic democratic election in Iraq is not the time to surrender to the terrorists,’ McClellan said. ‘After seeing his statement, we remain baffled — nowhere does he explain how retreating from Iraq makes America safer’.” (From the AP/Yahoo, thanks to Nag and numediaman.)
I was traveling in the car a good part of the day, and every AM and FM station headed its top-of-the-hour news with Murtha’s statements, and rebukes from Republicans.
It’s instantly clear — from the nasty rebukes I heard on the radio from Republicans and from this remarkably bald attack by President Bush via McClellan — that Murtha’s statement has indeed been “seismic” in its importance today.
Adds Peter Daou at Salon‘s Daou Report:
OUCH! Rep. John Murtha, former Marine, decorated Vietnam veteran and influential Democratic hawk, to Cheney: “I like guys who’ve never been there that criticize us who’ve been there. I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war, and then don’t like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done.”
Murtha’s statement today has unleashed a verbal battle the likes of which we haven’t seen yet.
Then there’s this look-how-far-they’ve-fallen story from the Times UK:
Hawkish Cheney renews attack but attracts only flak
Times Online
By David Charter. DICK CHENEY’S steely presence used to be seen as one of the great strengths of the Bush Administration. Not any more.
The 64-year-old Vice-President has re-emerged on to the public stage after weeks in the White House freezer with an attack on critics of the Iraq policy he did so much to promote.
But far from bolstering his President, Mr Cheney’s assault appeared to have merely encouraged growing criticism of his uncompromising style. …
My two cents: Well, Dick. When draft dodgers like you fuck up not just a war but the lives of people in many nations, it’s time for you to shut up and listen to real patriots like Murtha.
Above, don’t miss Steven D’s review of reactions to Murtha’s moving, yet practical, statement today: “Wingnuts Attack! What they’re saying about Rep. Murtha.”
on CSPAN. It made me literally stand up and cheer. Old John basically told Bush and Cheney to shove their war up their draft-dodging asses.
from AP:
“”U.S. Rep. Murtha is a respected veteran and politician who has a record of supporting a strong America,” said White House press secretary Scott McClellan. “So it is baffling that he is endorsing the policy positions of Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic Party.”
“The eve of an historic democratic election in Iraq is not the time to surrender to the terrorists,” McClellan said. “After seeing his statement, we remain baffled – nowhere does he explain how retreating from Iraq makes America safer.”
I also found it on Reuters UK. What I quoted is all they had from Scottie’s statement.
The republicans are getting a bit shrill. Maybe that shows a bit of panic.
Man, you beat me by 49 seconds!
THX! I’ll give you both credit.
This is what you are looking for . . .
Listening to Mutha, I find myself wishing the rest of the Dems would stand up and and start doing the same thing about the war. They might even win elections that way.
IMHO, the republicans are all hat and no cattle. They can run but they can not hide. They can say big things but they amount to little. They are simply being out flanked by many now! If I were them, I would give up the ship and go home with tail between legs….The rheteric is getting very scrowling (shrill) nowadays by the republicans..makes my heart happy to see them squirm….;o) I only wished that someone would fall on the sword and just give it all up! Can we now bring back the Downing Street Minutes??!!!BTW, I always thought Mike Moore was telling the truth in matters…and the truth is what this administraion does not like.
Then there was John “should be my president’ Kerry on Hardball today. He laid it all out and called the administration on all the “misleading” they have done. He even brought up the Downing Street Memos. He really was quite impressive.
Thank you Murtha for calling these war criminals what they are. A bunch of draft deferment cowards that send other peoples loved ones into harms way all based on lies for greed.
And someone please tell Cheney to go home quietly. The party is over, the jig is up!
…and I think, personally that Mr. Kerry is a year and a few days late on this impression.
McClellan, is toast!!!!!!! He has served his term of lying and it is time for a new liar to come oboard…..
We need a candidate who’s been clearly anti-war all along. The Democrats who voted for the authorization deserve the crap they’re getting from the GOP.
Greeat minds think alike, right? Check out the story I just posted above you.
Oh well . . .
I’m so grateful you posted so much of his speech, which I didn’t get to hear yet. The Repug reactions are low. Shame on them.
Let me make something clear here. I am not endorsing Kerry for Prez in ’08. All I am saying is lets give credit to anyone that is finally standing up to the cabal.
Something else I hope we can all try to remember…the Senate was NOT given the intelligence the WH had. Kerry made this clear in his interview. I am not condoning anyone’s vote for the war. Please remeber that they voted for the authority to use forse IF ALL OTHER OPTIONS HAD BEEN RENDERED. Sorry for shouting but this gets my dander up.
Alohaeezy (did I spell that right?) – what you said!!!! I think I’m going to print this out and put it on a handy wallet-sized card that I can pull out whenever I need it.
Oh, I’d vote for my cat if he ran as a Democrat against any Repug in ’08, but a girl has to bitch once in a while, eh?
We’re not policy wonks, or D.C. insiders, but even we could figure out that Bush’s intel was crap and that he was hellbent on going to war no matter what. And the Democrats who voted for the authorization did so out of cowardice — they feared being on the minority side of a patriotism issue.
It was fear. The same goes for the media’s reaction. Of course with them, there was the added titillation factor of getting to broadcast the big booms of Shock&Awe and boost their ratings.
Your cat, I mean. What’s his stand on health care? Maybe I’ll vote for him too.
Quite photogenic…. this was taken with my daughter’s cell phone:
He has a very low opinion of health care insofar as it pertains to him. The last time he went to the vet, they had to sedate him just to take blood for a test and to give him an immunization shot.
But he thinks that it’s okay if humans go to the doctor, just as long as they get treated like cats, and have to be put in cages all day long too, and then be wobbly from the anesthesia for a day after they get home, but also get to lie as close to their companion (that’s me) and wrap their arms and paws as tight as possible around my head — holding me tight like he’d never let me go — so grateful was he to be home again.
that must be Bear!
He’s beautiful! I’d gladly volunteer to either be his campaign manager or his bodyguard on the campaign trail.
No vets allowed… not military vets, the other kind.
like Murtha to Michael Moore is, um, like, disparate. Bwa-ha-Ha-ha-ha!
Unlike Kos, I wouldn’t mind one bit if the Repubs along with some Dems impeach Bush/Cheney BEFORE the ’06 elections. If the Repubs want to survive they’ve got to jettison the chaff now. Loyalty to Bush is now officially a loser’s game.
hand combat. The neocons have slandered some serious vets of both parties – McCain, Kerry, Cleland…. when the hell is the public going to cry foul? I hope this sticks, I really hope Murtha’s words stick. I think this is going to be it.
McCain is also toast. He is hanging onto the tail of the bushes and this will kill any aspiration he should want to run as candidate for prez. He is not likes for his hugging and a$$ kissing of the now so called prez!
This image will haunt McCain to his political death.
I just lost my breakfast…blecch.
the day that they compare a war hawk Congressman, even if a Democrat, to Michael Moore.
I run into many people who will not read anything written by Michael Moore; to them, he is their Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter (persons who I will never trust or believe.) By comparing a statement based in reality (gee, they hate that) by a reasonable Congressman (this isn’t a Kennedy or that French-looking Kerry) to Moore, I think it elevates Moore’s standing, and hopefully will open people’s eyes to some of what Moore has been trying to say for years, but what has been dismissed out-of-hand because of the author.
In other words, I think the non-Kool Aid drinkers are above 60% now, and by taking this statement which the majority of Americans agree with, and by trying to create credibility problems by comparing it with Moore, the Bush Administration has allowed the majority of Americans to reconsider their previous dismissal of all-things-Moore.
If anyone has NOT watched the clip from C&L of his speech, I strongly recommend you do. His comments were excellent.
I was very impressed by his general demeanor and I was also impressed in how his statements were straightforward and to the point and how he backed up his comments with basic facts.
Very refereshing…