It’s time for you to shut the fuck up, O’Rielly – before someone does it for you.  I mean it – just shut the fuck up!  I have finally had it up to the tippy top of my ability to shovel bullshit over your crude, prejudice based bloviating – you are, quite simply, a turd, Bill; and I am sick unto death of being forced to smell the crap you ladle out day after day after day.  So pay attention you misogynistic gay-bashing falafel molester – those of us who proudly claim the Bay Area as home could care less what you think.  Those al-Qaeda terrorists you so kindly decided to direct our way?  Well we’re gonna return the favor someday, asshole; paid in full complete with interest!  
And listen up – how bloody dare you claim to be Irish?  Huh?  Do you have any idea what being Irish is all about?  It’s more than ethnicity or national identity, look you – it’s about sacrifice and survival and having a three-digit IQ.  Benjamin Franklin was Irish, Oscar Wilde was Irish, George Bernard Shaw was Irish and I’m Irish, you amadán – real Irish; my second cousin was Taoiseach Irish, you’ll find my family writ large in stone Irish, our name was in the Book of Lists Irish – so back off, bucko, or I’ll haul my Irish ass over there and introduce you to my shillelagh.

Now I hear you’ve got yourself an enemies list, you little squint – well put me down at the top!  Right there where you can’t help but see it.  Strike a line through it, if you have the balls, and when you do, I hope you’ll think about all the friends I have and people I know whom you seem to hate – gay and black and female and Muslim – and we are bigger and better and stronger then you, Billy boy.  We are legion while you – honey; I’ve heard even your wife won’t give you a tumble these days – too many Andrea Mackris’ running about.  

So here’s the pitch – pack up your shit and move.  Now.  America doesn’t want you anymore.  Traitors get shown the door, and anyone who calls for the willful destruction of an American city is a traitor – plain and simple.  So heave-ho, O’Reilly – its time to get the fuck out of Dodge.  Personally, I don’t give a good God-damn in hell where you go, as long as it’s far away from here.  Go bedevil some other poor country.  Hey – I’ve got a great idea – why not move to France?  You hate them, they’ll soon learn to hate you (trust me on this – one look and it’ll be as if you’d won the Tour de France).  For all I care you can take up residence at the bottom of a volcano – just go.  And start telling people you’re a conehead.  No one really believes you’ve an ounce of humanity in you anyway.

Cross-posted at dKos and Fat Lady Sings