It’s time for you to shut the fuck up, O’Rielly – before someone does it for you. I mean it – just shut the fuck up! I have finally had it up to the tippy top of my ability to shovel bullshit over your crude, prejudice based bloviating – you are, quite simply, a turd, Bill; and I am sick unto death of being forced to smell the crap you ladle out day after day after day. So pay attention you misogynistic gay-bashing falafel molester – those of us who proudly claim the Bay Area as home could care less what you think. Those al-Qaeda terrorists you so kindly decided to direct our way? Well we’re gonna return the favor someday, asshole; paid in full complete with interest!
And listen up – how bloody dare you claim to be Irish? Huh? Do you have any idea what being Irish is all about? It’s more than ethnicity or national identity, look you – it’s about sacrifice and survival and having a three-digit IQ. Benjamin Franklin was Irish, Oscar Wilde was Irish, George Bernard Shaw was Irish and I’m Irish, you amadán – real Irish; my second cousin was Taoiseach Irish, you’ll find my family writ large in stone Irish, our name was in the Book of Lists Irish – so back off, bucko, or I’ll haul my Irish ass over there and introduce you to my shillelagh.
Now I hear you’ve got yourself an enemies list, you little squint – well put me down at the top! Right there where you can’t help but see it. Strike a line through it, if you have the balls, and when you do, I hope you’ll think about all the friends I have and people I know whom you seem to hate – gay and black and female and Muslim – and we are bigger and better and stronger then you, Billy boy. We are legion while you – honey; I’ve heard even your wife won’t give you a tumble these days – too many Andrea Mackris’ running about.
So here’s the pitch – pack up your shit and move. Now. America doesn’t want you anymore. Traitors get shown the door, and anyone who calls for the willful destruction of an American city is a traitor – plain and simple. So heave-ho, O’Reilly – its time to get the fuck out of Dodge. Personally, I don’t give a good God-damn in hell where you go, as long as it’s far away from here. Go bedevil some other poor country. Hey – I’ve got a great idea – why not move to France? You hate them, they’ll soon learn to hate you (trust me on this – one look and it’ll be as if you’d won the Tour de France). For all I care you can take up residence at the bottom of a volcano – just go. And start telling people you’re a conehead. No one really believes you’ve an ounce of humanity in you anyway.
Cross-posted at dKos and Fat Lady Sings
The guy just really pisses me off! May he go bankrupt and be forced into homelessness. Karma really needs to catch up here!
you had me at ‘turd’
After seeing way too much of his show a couple summers ago, that’s one dude I wouldn’t want for a friend any time, any where.
you’re on notice.
Next up…soldiers in the War on Christmas.
Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! Cut her mike!
Don’t even think about hauling ass to Canada either! Just as long as you get the hell out ASAP! And stay the hell away from MI too!!!
<<jumpiing up and down with glee>>> YEA!!!!! Applaud your statment x’s 5000 squared