When does Fitz get the time to prosecute everybody on earth? He’s on the CBC right now giving a press conference about the charges he’s laying against Conrad Black.
Oh, and I really wish he’d give some sort of a warning before appearing at a podium on my TV I almost spit out my coffee thinking he was going to tell me he was indicting Cheney, Judy, Rove and Woodward.
No kidding he should warn us. I think each time he appears he should wear a lapel button that has on it a photo of the Indictee he’s going to talk about, with maybe an X through it.
lol! Although I confess it took me a moment (or three) to get it. Do you think if they lift the lid on that teapot the Marmotdude will be peering up at them?
I didn’t tell you in the last thread, but I hope you have a wonderful Birthday. Your new home will bring about new hopes for each of your family members, even the little guy; he’ll grow to love his new digs.
And tomorrow is my sister’s b-day. But I was hearing voices of angels throughout the day today and I said “It can’t be DJ’s birthday, can it?” and I checked the Café and lo and behold! Have some virtual bottles of Petite Sirah:
“i think ASK was the instigator. i remember him saying something along the lines of, “this is one of my favorites from my days in baghdad. try it.”
ask definitely had the hookah routine down better than anyone else, since he was regularly able to generate two perfect streams of smoke whe exhaling.
(The Maven)
Hey, where are Gooserock and Puget4 today? Maybe they’re busy with Florida mom? I can’t remember when we’ve had a morning without a Gooserock photo. I don’t LIKE mornings without Gooserock photos! And I hope Kelly shows up. I’m serving tea in honor of tea drinkers like him who have to put up with us coffee hounds.
which is not to be confused with Marmotnapping. He found his way into my undie draw, smart marmotdude, and wants to “road trip out” with us. I’ll bring him back and with laid back souvenirs.
Just remember his hero is the stoner dude in Dazed and Confused.
You know, I think I recall that he said something about wanting to visit the Columbia River Gorge because he heard the food buffet there was outtasight.
Have a great trip — if any trip that involves 10 hours in a car can be called great.
Well, hey man, just have a trip. *Wait, who said that?*
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don’t do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she’s ten feet tall
And if you go chasing MARMOTS
And you know you’re going to fall
Tell’em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice
When she was just small
When men on the chessboard
get up and tell you where to go
And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice
I think she’ll know
When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said:
“Feed your Head!
Feed your Head!”
I’m not sure who the rest are but I vote that bowtie guy is rather lawyerly looking and may be expounding on batshit loopy prez so I’d say that just might be Boston Joe under that top hat.
Hi backatcha, Olivia! I figured you must be busy today. It’s been a little quiet, but we’re probably all winded from all the news. Got time for a purty picture for us?
I always gagged at cigars–until I smoked a bit of a really good one, while sipping a bit of yummy brandy. Now although I still can’t stand to smell the smoke from somebody else’s cigar, I do understand why somebody might like them.
I agree, the smell of someone’s cigar in an enclosed space is unpleasant in the extreme. I very rarely, maybe once a year, if that, smoke one…I have other, ummm…shall we say, vices.
Although I must admit, a friend of mine, on occasion, gets his hands on Real Cuban Cigars and they are exquisite, especially so with a fine cognac.
(cough) I like the smell of cigars — I just don’t like the smoke. There used to be a bookstore in Lawrence called the Town Crier that was originally a cigar shop and it always sold a lot of tobacco. It smelled delicious in that store.
Tomorrow’s going to be the same, it seems. I can be on from about 6-6:30 or 6:45 in the morning and then not until almost 6 in the evening.
I’ve got a project that has to be ready for testing on Tuesday. I know what needs to be done, but there are about a thousand tiny details to tie together.
Then, after Thanksgiving, back to that never-ending project I’ve been working on. . . .
Luckily, I’m off Wed-Sunday next week — So, I can spend 5 days straight here (HA!)
look on her face, and thinks the dress is absolutely atrocious.
The year was 1964. The occasion, since you didn’t ask, was one of the last of the much hated (which explains the expression on my face) bar mitzvah parties I had to go to.
She doesn’t appear to be, how strange. Do you think she has a life?
You are showing far too many signs of having a life outside of the Trib, katieb. We have taken a poll and the unanimous verdict is that you have to stop all that work and spend more time here. Okay, we didn’t really take a poll, but if we did, that’s what it would declare. It’s a good thing you’ve those days off coming up!
it’s immensely dull. Tonight it has consisted of feeding the dogs, feeding the woodstove, feeding her head (reading a book) and waiting for Jim to get home from the annual Spell Bowl so I could hear how his kids did this year (really good, finished third).
Working too much! All I can say is, “It’s about time”. I’m a lazy sloth. Basically.
What I’m really looking forward to on those days off — besides torturing my friends here — is working on some of those web projects (guiltily shifting eyes).
I haven’t completely missed out this week. But, I’m learning to pack as much into a half-hour here or there. The worst thing is that by the time I see the comment, the diary is closed. Things have been moving so fast this week.
Oh, I’ve been working on it, I just wouldn’t call it progress. I got kind of hypnotized by my graphic doodling searching for the perfect backgrounds. I made a couple that I really liked (mr katiebird wasn’t so impressed). And the next day, as I was walking through that big empty room that I’ve told you about, I realized why I like it so much. . .
It’s virtually the same pattern as the carpet. I’ve been looking at it for months!
I could have left this up longer, but when these reach a certain point they no longer take some of my 4’s. (It only happens when I use “dynamic threaded.” Weird.) And a host without her 4’s is like a neo-con without her war. There’s just no reason to go on.
Guess who’s hungry?
Ew. I know clotted cream is probably something good, but after yesterday’s menopause discussion it just skeeves me out.
It’s as yummy as it’s name is ewwwy.
Well, leave it to the British to think of a gross name for something good. Liver pudding anyone?
Liver pudding? I think my face just got stuck in the permanent Ew position.
if p = kidney pie, then q = liver pudding
Where exactly do you find clotted cream around here? Can we go there sometime?
Alas, katiebird, it is a figment of my hungry midwestern imagination.
Are you kidding? They don’t sell clotted cream at Kansas City Tea Shops?
Not even at some Plaza Hotel?
When does Fitz get the time to prosecute everybody on earth? He’s on the CBC right now giving a press conference about the charges he’s laying against Conrad Black.
He’s the Uber Prosecutor. Now I have to remember who Conrad Black is. Media guy? I’ve gone blank on him.
Yup. Hollinger International.
Canadian who was forced to give up his citizenship because he was accepting the title of “Lord” from the Queen.
Oh, and I really wish he’d give some sort of a warning before appearing at a podium on my TV I almost spit out my coffee thinking he was going to tell me he was indicting Cheney, Judy, Rove and Woodward.
No kidding he should warn us. I think each time he appears he should wear a lapel button that has on it a photo of the Indictee he’s going to talk about, with maybe an X through it.
MarmotDude must be pouring it.
lol! Although I confess it took me a moment (or three) to get it. Do you think if they lift the lid on that teapot the Marmotdude will be peering up at them?
I didn’t tell you in the last thread, but I hope you have a wonderful Birthday. Your new home will bring about new hopes for each of your family members, even the little guy; he’ll grow to love his new digs.
So uh… where’s your birthday suit?
I am now a dirty OLD woman. Whoot!
You, old? Unpossible. Happy b-day from your Other Brother!
Long time no chat/see. Miss you!!!
Ironic… I just got a call from my brother. CoinkyDinky?? I thinky not.
And tomorrow is my sister’s b-day. But I was hearing voices of angels throughout the day today and I said “It can’t be DJ’s birthday, can it?” and I checked the Café and lo and behold! Have some virtual bottles of Petite Sirah:

I love Petite Sirah as well as Sirah Sirah
Happy Birthday to SisterBrotherFeldspar!
Watch out for those singing voices… (((((BF))))
Geez – we thought the petticoats at the other cafe were dorky…lace gloves??? to wear while eating???
Doesn’t work at all with my Chili Cheese Dog….
you think you look bad in petticoats and lace gloves…
What I wouldn’t give for PhotoShop talent right about now.
I renounce any claims of culpability because I was out on the back porch with the marmotdude and a hookah.
You’re getting deeper into trouble.

Maybe re-name the Cafe?
Just kidding…
it’s what I do best
I suppose it’s better than being one of these
Evidence of the hookah expert in this old kos-thread.
Don’t you think the “woman” on the left looks suspiciously like Robin Williams?
more like Alec Baldwin from Beetle Juice when he & Geena Davis start to shrivel up during the seance.
Hey, where are Gooserock and Puget4 today? Maybe they’re busy with Florida mom? I can’t remember when we’ve had a morning without a Gooserock photo. I don’t LIKE mornings without Gooserock photos! And I hope Kelly shows up. I’m serving tea in honor of tea drinkers like him who have to put up with us coffee hounds.
You all may complain about their food choices but I absolutely don’t get their hat styles.
Marmotdude, marmotdude, where are you? Damn, I just can’t keep track of him today.
which is not to be confused with Marmotnapping. He found his way into my undie draw, smart marmotdude, and wants to “road trip out” with us. I’ll bring him back and with laid back souvenirs.
Just remember his hero is the stoner dude in Dazed and Confused.
You know, I think I recall that he said something about wanting to visit the Columbia River Gorge because he heard the food buffet there was outtasight.
Have a great trip — if any trip that involves 10 hours in a car can be called great.
Well, hey man, just have a trip. *Wait, who said that?*
I’m not sure… who said that.
Sounds like something Dennis Hopper would say
except Howard Dean.. .
Very Merry UNBirthday to you!
(To me?)
To you!
It is tea time after all and we’re all MAD
An exercise for the reader: identify the four Tribbers in this picture.
you seem to have a firm grasp on my madness and demented musings, twisted meanings?
Second album, if what’s left of my memory serves…Makes this old hippie<‘s heart> smile…to quote J. Carter: I lusted in my heart…
Whooooolaaaaaaaaawwd! As the iPig says.
that’s Dammit Janet on the far left, but she just got her hair cut…
I’m not sure who the rest are but I vote that bowtie guy is rather lawyerly looking and may be expounding on batshit loopy prez so I’d say that just might be Boston Joe under that top hat.
Something to add to your tea. . .
Oh yeah!
Time to get out of this office – quaff some hops.
If we take it outside?
You’re doing a great job today. I wasn’t able to visit as much as I would have liked today … that darn work.
Looks like you all fun though!
Hi backatcha, Olivia! I figured you must be busy today. It’s been a little quiet, but we’re probably all winded from all the news. Got time for a purty picture for us?
YES! I’ll post it in a new comment so it doesn’t affect the margins. I learned well from Diane.
Ooops, lol, it’s national smoke out day!
Lol, I thought that was your point!
Let’s pretend it is.
and that of course means in my apt. that anyone who enters here gets smoked out.
with the ladies, enjoying a good Cubano:
Cuban woman w/ cigar
Love the colors in this pic…
Love the picture.
I always gagged at cigars–until I smoked a bit of a really good one, while sipping a bit of yummy brandy. Now although I still can’t stand to smell the smoke from somebody else’s cigar, I do understand why somebody might like them.
I agree, the smell of someone’s cigar in an enclosed space is unpleasant in the extreme. I very rarely, maybe once a year, if that, smoke one…I have other, ummm…shall we say, vices.
Although I must admit, a friend of mine, on occasion, gets his hands on Real Cuban Cigars and they are exquisite, especially so with a fine cognac.
I’m home from work and so happy to see everyone.
(cough) I like the smell of cigars — I just don’t like the smoke. There used to be a bookstore in Lawrence called the Town Crier that was originally a cigar shop and it always sold a lot of tobacco. It smelled delicious in that store.
Seems like we’re always missing each other! Hope you had a good day, and an even better evening now that you’re home from work!
Tomorrow’s going to be the same, it seems. I can be on from about 6-6:30 or 6:45 in the morning and then not until almost 6 in the evening.
I’ve got a project that has to be ready for testing on Tuesday. I know what needs to be done, but there are about a thousand tiny details to tie together.
Then, after Thanksgiving, back to that never-ending project I’ve been working on. . . .
Luckily, I’m off Wed-Sunday next week — So, I can spend 5 days straight here (HA!)
Did I miss seeing your picture of the day?
I haven’t uploaded any new photos since the Chrysanthemums, so I went back into my “vault” …
and I can’t remember which ones I’ve posted over here anymore…
Okay, I think I posted this one,
One of the last roses from the garden: Pink rose, taken 10.16.2005 best viewed large!
But I don’t think I posted this one,
Another view: Pink rose, taken 10.16.2005 best viewed large!
But, I was just asking about your “picture of the day”.
So, this is perfect timing! These are beautiful, beautiful. I never knew that photographs of flowers could look better than the real thing?
OMG! Maybe a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but a rose photographed by anyone but Olivia would never look so beautiful.
Thank you for those!
the top rose before. But you can post it as often as you like. It’s one of the most sensuous pictures I’ve ever seen.
I thought she looked great in that photo this morning. I loved the hair and I liked the dress. It looked fun.
What year was it taken?
And that look in her eye — very sophisticated.
look on her face, and thinks the dress is absolutely atrocious.
The year was 1964. The occasion, since you didn’t ask, was one of the last of the much hated (which explains the expression on my face) bar mitzvah parties I had to go to.
Hey! Is Andi lurking around here?
She doesn’t appear to be, how strange. Do you think she has a life?
You are showing far too many signs of having a life outside of the Trib, katieb. We have taken a poll and the unanimous verdict is that you have to stop all that work and spend more time here. Okay, we didn’t really take a poll, but if we did, that’s what it would declare. It’s a good thing you’ve those days off coming up!
(I’m really getting into this third person thing)
it’s immensely dull. Tonight it has consisted of feeding the dogs, feeding the woodstove, feeding her head (reading a book) and waiting for Jim to get home from the annual Spell Bowl so I could hear how his kids did this year (really good, finished third).
Is anyone still awake?
Cool! Did he video tape it, for you to watch? How come Jim never drops in?
for which, now that you mention the idea of his taping school events for me to watch, I am grateful.
Jim would rather watch than participate. He’s a just look at the pictures kind of guy.
Working too much! All I can say is, “It’s about time”. I’m a lazy sloth. Basically.
What I’m really looking forward to on those days off — besides torturing my friends here — is working on some of those web projects (guiltily shifting eyes).
I haven’t completely missed out this week. But, I’m learning to pack as much into a half-hour here or there. The worst thing is that by the time I see the comment, the diary is closed. Things have been moving so fast this week.
Maybe I should start stealth email attacks
Steady those eyes, Mate. Guess who else hasn’t been working on it? (Shuffles foot, looks down, whistles.)
(straightening spine, rather proudly)
Oh, I’ve been working on it, I just wouldn’t call it progress. I got kind of hypnotized by my graphic doodling searching for the perfect backgrounds. I made a couple that I really liked (mr katiebird wasn’t so impressed). And the next day, as I was walking through that big empty room that I’ve told you about, I realized why I like it so much. . .
It’s virtually the same pattern as the carpet. I’ve been looking at it for months!
I could have left this up longer, but when these reach a certain point they no longer take some of my 4’s. (It only happens when I use “dynamic threaded.” Weird.) And a host without her 4’s is like a neo-con without her war. There’s just no reason to go on.