Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself!
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning, newbies, lurkers, visitors, & regulars! We’re all frogs here where it’s easy being green.
I haven’t read any news yet this morning. What’s happenin’ in your part of the pond?
I thought we were going to be juvenile delinquents and break in and trash the closed cafe and then you chickened out on me.
I could lock the doors again, disappear into the stock room, and you could still do it.
there’s no fun getting in trouble by yourself — the whole is to have somebody else that can snigger with you at the dumb adults.
Oh! You wanted me to break in with you! See, you forgot that on Thursdays, and Thursdays only, I am cast in the role of Responsible Adult here at the Cafe. A thankless task, god knows, what with having to keep herd on juvies and cats and dogs and soused marmots. You’ll have to get Nag to do it, but now I’ve got my eye on the two of you.
gets you off for today but still means you are a ratfink for running out on me last night, leaving me all alone when it was your idea in the first place.
Wow, I must say that was a particularly excellent vintage whine.
I wondered where all the empty wine bottles came from…
We’ll need to have Booman get extra wine ordered for the holidays in the Cafe!
Hmmm….eggnog too and won’t that help us create mischief!
I’m in deep cover! Like a NOC… I’m a NOT: Naughty Occasionally Tribber. If you blow my cover you’ll be in deep doo doo.
Before you know it, we’ll all be donating via paypal to bail her out of jail.
Squam River in New Hampsire.
Hi Kansas, Hi all! Georgous pic, Kansas. I think it’s a good day to stop and smell the flowers. This is Larry. He loves long walks in the woods, napping in the sun and an occasional mouse.
Hi, Nag. Wish I could take credit for that photo, but I can’t. Yours is very sweet. I can almost feel his soft fur.
the occasional mouse — so only Chistmas mice or Birthday mice?
Or does it mean that the mice he prefers are only mice occasionally? It could be that on alternate Tuesday they are Republicans, which would account for why he loses his taste for them.
I read your comment to Larry and he wants your address.
Be careful what you wish for.
Despite this amazing November whether my soul is moving into a winter mood…must have been all those years in snow country!
So in the mood of contemplating the dark season of winter…I’m thinking of snow and winter and the words of Infidel Pig and Ghostdancer’s Way this morning. Words that touch my soul every time I read them.
Blessed Be
On Sept 3rd I did a fund raiser ($371) for Second Harvest as a first responder at the local Saturday market. I “sold” my necklaces for donations. (“I prefer checks. If you write a check to Second Harvest then I don’t have to pay sales tax.”) I’m gearing up to do this again. I am thinking of Habitat for Humanity (New Orleans) as a cause people would be willing to write checks to. I’m specifically wanting to help in New Orleans because we’ve visited there every March for the last 4 years (not Mardi Gras) — it’s our annual “together” vacation — and I’ve been very upset & worried.
Are there other possible groups anyone can suggest for me to research? I want to be able to point to websites or news articles with how donations are being used to good effect.
Thanks for any suggestions!
We donated to Second Harvest – first to Baton Rouge for the evacuees and then New Orleans.
Locally I do a lot of stuff with ‘Adopt-a-Family’ through our homeless center. You might check out one of the charities that do holiday adopt-a-family programs.
Just working on my things to be thankful for and high on the list is that I will never own, let alone wear, anything that looks like this ever again.
[I am also thankful, however, that I displayed such talent for making disdainful, snarky looks at a youthful age.]
What was it with those ruffles? And they itched!
I’m sure that horror of dresses like this is one reason why I hate dressing up. If I never wore anything but t-shirts and short or jeans for the rest of my life, I would be so happy.
lol, that is SO the face of a girl who would abuse the definition of treyf just to amuse herself around ignorant gentiles.
because you’ve just made me realize I blew it — I should have told her the oatmeal was pareve* and I couldn’t eat it. That way I would have been telling her the complete truth since oatmeal is pareve and I couldn’t eat because it was lumpy and didn’t have raisins and brown sugar.
* for those who don’t know, pareve means neither milk nor meat. Treyf means not kosher.
As SallyCat said, what was it with the ruffles? If we didn’t have them around our necks we had them around our ankles. So to speak.
And with my generation it was the damn pom-poms. Pom-poms on ankle socks, on knee socks, attached to the ends of drawstrings on shirts, jackets, sweaters, and even sweatpants. All the girls had to be cheerleaders, so we were decorated with pom-poms and had to carry them as well, and you couldn’t turn your head without being accosted by a giant picture of the giant breasts of a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, which pictures always also included POM-POMS.
I haven’t worn that much in petticoats since square dancing about 10 years ago…
the casual look
Or….60 yds of Chiffon
I’ve ever hoped never to put on my body.
Yep – definitely dorky…but fun. We belonged to a square dance club for about 4 years…12-16 couples – lots of fun.
And the most amazing aerobic workouts with friends. At the intermediate and advanced levels this stuff is really serious stuff.
Cool memory – a bunch of clubs got together and did a half-time exhibition of square dancing at a SF 49er game…the whole football field full of dancers! AND while waiting to go on the field, we almost got to catch Jerry Rice as he flew into the end zone and scored a touchdown….
You never know what dorky will get you!
to put on a dress is not one I will ever volunteer for. I’ll stick to hiking and biking for my exercise.
But I do know what dorky got me — I’ve been married to him for 34 years π
Oh, oh — I’m girl again, hanging out in the cafe after hours.
Good morning! I hope this day passes quickly because I will be here at midnight! I CAN’T WAIT!
We won’t be seeing this until early December – cause we are taking the grandkidlets for the 9 year old’s birthday party! Take 9 9year olds to a matinee…lots of fun!
Promise us no spoiler comments….
9… is a magick number π
number nine number nine number nine π
((((((((((((((Sally)))))))))))) have I told you how much I adore you!!!!???? xoxoxo
Ooo, jealous!! I didn’t like the last movie, but I have hopes for this one.
The last movie was the only good one so far. The first two were entirely forgettable Hollywood treatments, but the most recent had a compelling and grittier visual style, plus actual performances from the cast members (and is the best of the books, IMHO).
The new one sounds good, but I’m highly disappointed they lost the director of the third movie. He was not a big-budget type–his most recent previous movie was Y Tu Mama Tambien. I thought he was great, and they wanted him to sign up for the rest, but he declared early in shooting that he hated the Hollywood approach and would never do another mass-market movie.
I loved Y Tu Mama Tambien, but just didn’t find his Harry movie engaging. Blame it on the popcorn. And on the fact that I miss Richard Harris as Dumbledore.
Richard Harris–good point. The new Dumbledore didn’t bring much gravitas or twinkle to the role. Bad popcorn can definitely ruin a movie. I hope this one is as good as the NYT review thought it was!
I love Harry Potter. It’s not literature, but it really meets a niche in my family. We’ve read all six books aloud–twice! Good stuff.
Have you seen Cuaron’s version of “A Little Princess” — I love it (I liked his Harry Potter better than the other two, though) — in fact, I like it better than either Tambien or HP.
But that’s enough of a recommendation for me. I’m sure our mighty Video Station has it…I’ll find out tonight. Thanks!
I loved the first one, was very disappointed in the second, and loved the third. I really loved the dark, ominous style of the third. I just found out they got yet another director, so I am wary.
At any rate, we’ve got tickets for Friday evening! My daughter and I always go to opening night (no midnight showings for us on a school and work night) at a wonderful historic theater.
Been busy lately folks. Missed you these past few days. My son hasn’t been too thrilled and rather upset at the thought of change.
Today after school, we’re driving up to Oregon for a lookssee.
Yesterday I went to the DMV for a new license and registration. Wore my codepink t for the picture LOL have to go back today to get the registration because instead of having cigs thrown at me for wearing a pink shirt, I got the star treatment as the lady LOVED CodePink and… so did her TWO MARINE SONS. Reason I got sidetracked and forgot to get my registration crap.
I won’t be in for a few days… It’s gonna suck. π
we’ll miss you. I hope once he sees the place and it has some fixed reference for him, the move will be easier.
Take care.
Right now I cant stop the tears. My life right now seems to be bubblewrap, boxes and goodbyes.
My hockey friends are being so… wonderful to me – they’re making me bawl.
My son had a hard time ocming home yesterday and he threatened to run away. Wayne had to run after him. We had to sit in the middle of the fucking road and just sit there with him. My friend drove up and .. no one’s seen Wes like this for a long time.
Driving up for loking at short term housing… but also so that the kids can see this new place. So it doesn’t seem so scary.
Sorry, I’m bawling and bloaty today. And I have to go back to the DMV so I’ll been in and out.
Safe journey to you, DJ. Dealing with your kids’ emotions about a move has to make it tougher. We’re all thinking of you.
Danni is warming up to the idea of the move. But she has the ability to talk to her friends and such. She has their address/email.
Wesley – we pre-ordered a yearbook and the teachers will pass it around and then mail it to us. We have also a journal for his aide to pass around so kids can write their email/addresses and memories to him.
We’re going to look at “cool sights” in the town too. Danni wants to stop by the aquatic center and drive by the library and schools. Wesley wants to see a pizza place.
Glad to hear the Code Pink news! Peace is gaining steam nationwide. Yeah!
Hey you didn’t think I’d forget did you????
Give Wesley and Danni hugs for us….foam stomp rockets have been ordered – should be here in time for the move!
Another reason I probably can’t quite crying today. Bittersweetness…
It’s my birthday, but it doesn’t really feel like it. I’m focused on so much right now… the move, the war, my kids, the move – oh I said that already. We’ll be in the car today/night. It’s aten hours drive. Maybe we’ll do something Friday evening(?) I dunno.
Yesterday I did do something for me though. I got my hair cut. Totally new way. Jaw length and all long/blockyblunt layers. Looks …. it’s different. Sassy sexy. I hope. LOL
A list of your presents!
-Leaving the red neck a$$holes behind
-A really strong progressive area
-A solid school system for Wesley
-A progressive school system for Danni
-A cool job for Wayne
-Back to school for you
And we’ll still be here and see you in February instead of this month…definitely President’s Day weekend we’ll be in Medford / Grants Pass area. We’ll pick a place and meet up there!
I hadn’t cut my hair since before the march. It was depressing the hell out of me LOL.
so I told the lady about the move, new life, college… she said our county might as well be in Texas. And she gave me a really “cute” haircut. Reminds me of JDog a bit. Cause it’s just a tad bit longer than the cut in “something about Mary”. He’d love it al least LOL
But.. damn I have bedhead from hell. It’s all over!
Happy Birthday, hon! Sorry it’s not a more celebratory occasion for you, but I hope the next year is a terrific one for you and your family. Oh, and make sure your man doesn’t forget to give you your birthday spanking — there’s always enough time for birthday spanking. π
one room hotel. ACK
I suppose we could make the kids sit out in the hallway? LOL
Nope, mother nature gave me a present this morning… so unless I want crime scene sex… it ain’t happening. another reason I’m weepy probably. Crappers.
I’m okay. Reall! F.I.N.E. π Just last night was hard cause Wesley is totally upset… been saying goodbye all week to friends… We’ll make this a grand adventure. I’m okay during a “storm”… it’s the pre-storm stuff that gets me all emotional. During… I’m good. Before… I’m a fucking mess. LOL
I’m just popping in between deadlines and exam studying…hope you get to relax and have a little fun!
I know it’s hard getting everything together to move, but after it’s over, you’ll all be so much happier…less rednecks, more fun!
Great taste
Less Rednecks
π Smooches to you!
Happy birthday, DJ!
This place seems to be crawling with Scorpios (mine was a couple of weeks ago, and there have been a few more references lately). Today is also the birthday of a good old friend back in Norway.
Swedish Scorpio at that π Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr π
Swedish? It almost counts..;)
Good luck with the move and hope you’re able to retain some sense of normality. I thoroghly dislike the chaos of moving.
Marmotdude (manee and I just named him over at Thursday dog blogging) wanted to give you his own sendoff. (He’s all over the place today.) He also points out that you are always “Sassy sexy” — no new haircut needed for that (he admits that he has a slight crush on you).
So that’s what that smell is! I thought one of the rowdy after dark patrons had spilled Dirty Marmotini all over the Cafe last night.
Marmotdude! I love it. He’s the marmotdude with the marmotude.
I LOVE Marmotdude!!!
Super-duper big hugs from me. We’ll all be thinking of you on your road trip, and sending good thoughts.
Oh, man, what a day for you to have your birthday! Let’s fast forward to a year from now when you’re all settled and the kids are used to it and maybe even loving it. Fingers crossed for everything.
Today I was expecting to be arrested – alone and on my birthday…. something about mice and men and best laid pans… or is that “plans”? Or is there something more to the “laid” part
Speaking of laid, I so laughed at your “crime scene sex.” Never heard that one before.
Do you know today is Howard Dean’s birthday, too?
Janet, good luck with your move! Your son will come around, I’m sure.
Maybe the new place will have an area for me to store all my “crap” aka “painting crap” π
Man I’ve been trying to think of something cool and snappy to write about your birthday, your trip, cool use of Code Pink t-shirt and can’t think of one freaken witty remark today..although I did hone in on the neverending woman’s problem(no not the crime scene sex)of women and their hair..the haircut sounds cool so we want pictures.
And I now have the birthday song from 16 Candles sung by the Geek stuck in my head.
One thing I forgot (because the spouse didn’t tell me); local alternative paper is called “The Willamette Week” — that’s the Portland equivalent of the SF Bay Guardian. You might want to look for it while you’re up there…
Thank you so much (((CaliScribe and Mr. CS)))) I will look into the paper thanks for the heads up. It’ll be so great living near…. so many opportunities and events.
I feel like I’m being PAROLED π Let out due to “sorta good behavior” π
You have email, too! I can’t bare to leave without seeing my best friend… Mrs. Ski… who is down in San Jose. The thought of it just kills me. But I know I’ll see her, hockey games expeditions and she’s coming up to OR for family stuff.
I had hair therapy yesterday LOL π
Ha! I can’t wait to get my CA DL π It’ll be a keepah regardless of how goofy it is. I only wishy they allowed me to flip the bird, too π
Potential cause of guest hostess global warming!
In preparing to guest hostess I had to surf through web sites looking for wine, food, fireplaces, and well stuff….! Oh my yes…stuff!
Oh, my! If only Dorothy Parker were alive today.
I’m really starting to get worried about my guest hosting. You put up all those lovely pictures in your cafes and now I find you have ones to spare. I am starting to suffer severe performance anxiety.
You can have the “FBC — Getting Away From It All Edition” or some such…
Slow day in the household; got to bed late again so decided to sleep in. Got the spouse to finally help me change the fitted sheet on the bed, so need to go finish making the rest of it. Checked with the place we’re getting our new bed from and it takes 10-14 days for delivery (they custom make them at the factory), so we’re going to have to go order the bed tomorrow so hopefully it’ll arrive when the spouse is still on vacation which starts tomorrow. π We’re upgrading from a double to a queen — I’m looking forward to a bigger playground, if you catch my drift… π
No major plans for the vacation; Thanksgiving at my sister’s, probably some assorted day trips, and getting this disaster area in shape. (Actually will probably do some work today while the spouse is at work…)
Okay, off to get the bed made…back in a bit…
We have a comforter which we put flannel comforter covers — no top sheet, no blanket, no bedspread. To make the bed, give the comforter a shake and smooth it out.
re: woods pictures — yeah, I’m doing this the day before thanksgiving so it isn’t like anyone will be thinking about food π
I forgot what tomorrow’s theme is for pre-Thanksgiving food….
I’ll need to look for recipes tonight…
turkey talk? Won’t really be able to contribute much since I’ve never baked a turkey — thinking of doing Cornish game hens for me and the spouse as a mini-Thanksgiving either this Sunday or next (probably next since I want the dining table cleared first)…
How much time do you have to kill? Do you speak French? no I don’t speak French – I just guess or surf!
http://www.lexode.com – click on: galerie d’images and if you really want to kill time click on Animaux
[evil laugh…knowing how many pics are there – let’s see 14 Marmots, 537 dogs, 778 cats, 20 frogs….]
This is more evil than you think — I’m on dial-up.
As for French, you must have missed by post from Quebec which demonstrated the height of my fluency (which I variously call billboard or kindergarten level French).
When we travel and I’m desperate for rational information (read: end of the world locations) we stop by the local libraries…saved my sanity from dial-up many times. although how much is left to save is open for discussion
I do take my laptop to the library when I feel desparate for broadband — unfortunately the library is 15 miles away so it isn’t a spur of the moment activity.
So pokey connections and avoiding graphic intensive sites are a price I pay for living out in the woods. And I really oughtn’t to gripe because it’s not like I would even consider trading my place for one with broadband, even if they offered up a free T1 line.
My wife and I were pleasantly surprised to see our humble environs, Colorado’s “Fighting Second” Congressional District (they’ve all been “Fighting [Number]” so far), featured on Stephen Colbert’s series “Better Know a District” last night.
My Representative, Mark Udall, came off pretty stiff and dorky until Colbert settled on asking only mountaineering-related questions. Mark’s a pretty good Democrat who has been responsive to meetings with citizens’ groups. He opposes the war and generally stands for progressive principles, so we’ve been crying for him to take more of a leadership role in pushing these issues, but sadly he’s been more muted since he’s planning a run for Senate in a couple years. Nonetheless, he’s a real Coloradan by any standard, and I think he weathered the trademark Colbert bombast pretty well.
And the skiing emphasis was right on. It’s dumping today, and Eldora and some other bigger resorts open tomorrow. I feel a “cold” coming on…yeeha!
Yes, I’m positive that was a sniffle I heard. Your voice definitely sounds raspy. Is your forehead warm? If it isn’t, it will be when you pull your ski cap down over it, har har.
My favorite part of the Colber Repor is his ‘The Word’ bit.
Is that a direct parody of some shtick on The O’Reilly Factor? I think it’s hilarious, too, but I’m realizing more than just Colbert’s attitude was borrowed from Falafel Bill, so I’m just curious if “The Word” is mocking a similar segment on some winger show…
The proprietors regret to inform their clientele that this cafe has been closed due to over crowding. A new cafe just down the street has recently opened, however, and as an introductory inducement they are serving tea and scones. Best to hurry before certain parties we could name rush in and clean them out!
Mind your head on the door as you exit, please.
I have Harry Potter Hangover. [yawn] I hate spoilers so all I will say is: you MUST go see Goblet of Fire. It was FANTASTIC, by far [yawn] the best of the series. I am going to have a rough time staying away at work since I only got a couple hours of sl…zzzzzzzzzzzzz
oops, wrong cafe. I’m really tired, can you tell?