In France Pyrenean Mountain Dogs (aka Great Pyrenees) are called “mat dogs,” because of their tendancy to lie in front of doors.
That way they can keep track of who is coming or going, while otherwise napping.
Dogs, the ultimate time management experts.
Here she is “guarding” the pantry and the cupboard.
leaf sweepers.
Andi, you may have misinterpreted your pups. I think they just may be deep in meditation, pondering the meaning of life. (I know that’s the way I do it, but usually on a couch.) 😉
I think they are in serious training because they want to to try to take away the “most relaxed BooTrib critter” crown away from the marmot.
OK, then answer this: how much wood DOES a woodchuck chuck?
I don’t know, Andi, Punxatauny Phil isn’t too laid back: here he is going out for a pizza.
The BooTrib marmot points out that he is not some east coast overachiever but a laid back westerner and has this to say to you and Phil: “Chill, baby.”

needs a name. How about Marmotduke?
Very clever but I’m worried about the allusion since I think of that dog as a big, dumb, slobbery kind of beast and our marmot boy is very cool and blissed out like the stoner dude in Dazed and Confused — so maybe Marmotdude?
Man, that training looks gruelling, is the prize worth it?
but they’re so exhausted by their rigors that they are taking a well deserved break and napping.
I love the smile on the white dog. This is a great shot. (Nice fence!)
Here’s the “Smile” Close up.
Can you send that puppy to the White House?
Oops. that was of course supposed to go with the — what is it, a white German shephard — anyway, the growling guy. I would just so much like to see him (her? even better) sink those teeth into that pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
Here’s a better look.
He’s a nine year old White German Shepard (purebred we think, rescued him out of a garage 2yrs ago)
He looke exactly like my very first dog. I had to get married before I got a dog. Duke was 1.5 years old when I got him and had had 4 owners. Quite a handsome fellow….both of them.
when dogs fly!
Okay, I’m never humble, but thanks….