[CP @ DKos]
Documents released today by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee again confirm the reach of Jack Abramoff and his associates in the White House.
A February 21, 2001 e-mail from CREA Director Italia Federici to Eric Ruff, then-Communications Director to Gale Norton at CREA notes Abramoff associate Ralph Reed’s reach in the White House:
- Doolittle and Abramoff
John Doolittle (R-CA) received some $7,000 in campaign contributions from Abramoff from 1999 to 2001.
Doolittle also used Abramoff’s skyboxes for personal gain. From the WaPo:
Doolittle, a Mormon, is an ardent opponent of casino gambling, so it is somewhat ironic that he would invite supporters to watch the Wizards play the Sacramento Kings from an MCI Center suite paid for by casino-rich Indian tribes. But the plaque at the door to Suite 204 did not say Chitimacha or Choctaw. It said “Jack Abramoff,” a name synonymous with largesse and influence in the GOP-controlled Congress.
Doolittle still serves the 4th District of California.
Doolittle failed to mention his use of the skyboxes to the FEC, as have Reps. Hayworth, Ney and DeLay. Doolittle’s wife, Julia, and her firm, Sierra Dominion Financial Solutions (SDFS), Inc., set up fundraisers for Abramoff’s Capital Athletic Foundation. SDFS received some $28,000 for setting up the fundraisers.
His wife’s ownership of SDFS was not known to the FEC until it subpoenaed SDFS’ financial records during its investigation of Abramoff.
- Abramoff’s reach into the WH
There are several connections between the WH and Abramoff.
- Susan Ralston, former personal assistant to Karl Rove. Ralston was previously an executive assistant to Abramoff. Recently, she reinterviewed by Patrick Fitzgerald in the CIA leak case. Ralston also screened Rove’s calls through Grover Norquist, she would “take messages for Rove at the White House, then call [Grover] Norquist to tell her whether she should put the caller through.”
- Karl Rove. Abramoff bragged to then-Tyco counsel Timothy Flanigan that “he had contact with Karl Rove.”
Recently it’s been learned that in 2003 Abramoff advertised a meeting with the President for $9 million to the President of Gabon. Ten months later, the President of Gabon met with Bush though no evidence of a payment to Abramoff has come to light.
- Abramoff & DoI/CREA
Abramoff gained access to Dept. of Interior secretary Gale Norton and deputy secretary Steven Griles through Norton’s former company, the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy (CREA). In a newly-released e-mail, Abramoff states:
CREA, founded in 1998, is essentially a corporate-friendly anti-environment front which lobbies against costly environmental legislation for various industries. The Natural Resources Defense Council called CREA “a group sponsored by mining, chemical and chlorine industries.”
Abramoff also donated funds to members of Congress to send letters to Norton advocating the views of Abramoff’s tribal clients, among them Dennis Hastert, Eric Cantor, Harry Reid, John Ensign, Tom DeLay, Roy Blunt, and Deborah Pryce. (Source).
During today’s testimony to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, Federici was said to have been living in a ‘fairy tale’ in not believing there was a connection between CREA and lobbying for Abramoff’s clients.
An the e-mail batch released today, Federici also notes how essential Abramoff was in bilking tribal clients out of funds for hit pieces on Senate Democrats who were vocal in their opposition to CREA priorities:
We have transferred the video to beta for Hannity and Colmes, O’Reilley [sic], etc….and we have help distributing from interested friends whom I’m sure you can guess.
I am letting EVERYONE know that you are the only reason we have the funding to do this….THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Abramoff also picked up the tab at several CREA fundraiser/dinners at Signatures.
Federici was very close to deputy secretary Steven Griles and frequently passed along information in support of Abramoff’s tribal clients and their interests. Abramoff frequently called on Federici to ‘squelch’ pending matters which were not in the interest of Abramoff’s clients. Typically, Griles would rely on “insufficient” Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) to stall pending casino projects.
In 2003, the DoI promoted, Aurene Martin, a member of the Chippewa tribe, one of Abramoff’s clients, as Acting Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs. In 2001, the DoI hired her as Counselor to the Assistant Secretary.
In July of 2003, Abramoff’s influence in the DoI was severed. Griles, through reports in the media, had grown increasingly distant from CREA and Abramoff. An e-mail from Federici to Abramoff shows her frustration in attempts to lobby Griles:
In today’s hearing, Senator McCain told Federici:
Late today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington called on the DoJ to investigate Federici for lying to the Indian Affairs Committee earlier today.
- Abramoff & Reed
Ralph Reed is formerly the head of the Christian Coalition and is set for a run for Georgia’s Lt. Gov next year. Reed’s contact with Abramoff dates back to 1981, when he interned for Abramoff at the College Republican National Committee. Most recently, Reed was regional campaign chairman for the Bush 2004 re-election campaign. Reed lobbied for Abramoff on legislation in Texas (recently implicating then-Attorney General John Cornyn), Louisiana, Alabama and elsewhere.
Beginning in 1998, Reed lobbied on behalf of Abramoff’s tribal clients. Reed would receive $4.2 million for his efforts. Much of the money would go to Reed through Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform.
I hope everyone is prepared to defend folks like Harry Reid when he and others get dragged into this. There may be a few Dems in deep, not Reid, but the wingnuts will try to paint them to be as bad.
Dear Jack,
How are you? I am fine. Can you please send more money for another sniper workshop? We had great results from the last one and there's interest in another,
Your friend,
Those people are outrageous. I was reading that Frederici was highly combative in hearing testimony.
Why the HELL should we “proctect” Harry Reid on this… it is despicable and bring into question of he could be “paid off” to cheat the Indians… could he also be paid off to weaken the Democrats… I mean to take a penny from some one like Abramoff says you like sleaze.
This is why the Democrats are weak because they have been paid off by the GOP…
Look at the Hilliary and Bill’s DLC take shit loads of money from Koch Industries which is the front for the Republican Majority Fund… ditto Kos’s “think tank” the NDN….
It’s got to mean something when the Democratic leadership and so called “Democratic” organizations are getting DIRECTLY FUNDED BY REPUBLICANS
I never said we should protect anyone. I said prepare to defend. I’m not so sure he’s as guilty as you make him out to be here.
The GOP will try to make a small amount equivalent to a large amount or even a crime. If a crime is committed by anyone, they should be held accountable.
Most average folks don’t participate in politics because they view all of the politicians equally corrupt. The GOP has built a formidable power machine on this same premise. They have been getting away with some vile actions in part, because of this attitude.
Harry Reid is one of a few that might be able to make a difference. I don’t know all of the facts yet but I have the impression he wouldn’t purposely take that money to be “paid off” or to rip off any group. I could be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time.
My first choice is to get all of them voted out and start over fresh. That doesn’t seem possible.
Abramoff was/is pretty slick. He genuinely duped a lot of people and a lot of people were guilty in his conspiracy. I simply suggest that if anyone looks to him in this struggle that they should be prepared to defend him from the GOP attacks.
He was spreading money around and some of it was legitimate. It’ll take an accounting on an individual basis to decide what was legitimate and what wasn’t.
I think voting against gambling is the right thing to do….of course, corruption isn’t.
I think it’s obvious to people who follow politics that both parties answer to the corporations. The partisan divisions are only maintained as a way to manipulate the public.
The true answer is to get the money out of politics. It can’t be done unless it’s done in phases. The first step is to get the illegal money out of politics.
To say they are all equally guilty, at this point, will let the criminals go free and nothing will change.