So, who was Keith Olbermann’s “worst person in the world” last night on his MSNBC show, Countdown? One of our perennial favorites — but this latest swindle by Rush Limbaugh will leave your mouth gaping!

[T]he winner, Rush Limbaugh. He is offering the gullible a special patriotic deal. They can adopt a soldier, give any U.S. serviceman a free subscription to the Web site. All they have to do is pay Rush Limbaugh $49.95. The soldier gets free access to the Web site and Rush Limbaugh gets nothing out of deal, unless you count the fact that he gets to keep the $49.95! Rush, I see we‘ve found a new doctor. You want to donate something to the troops, man, just give them the free subscriptions. You know, it‘s called charity? You don‘t make anything off of it! Rush Limbaugh, today‘s “Worst Person in the World”! (Read the transcript to learn about the runners-up.)