Paul is calling Sen. DeWine out.  Check out his statement and this great background quote from Schmidt on her first day in Congress, then please recommend this diary so others will have a chance to see it.

UPDATE: Paul with be on Air America’s Majority Report at 7:50pm


CINCINNATI, OH – Paul Hackett, candidate for U.S. Senate, today called on Sen. Mike DeWine, Ohio’s senior Republican in Washington, to join him in demanding that Rep. Jean Schmidt apologize to Rep. John Murtha (PA-12), a Viet Nam veteran, for calling him a coward on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“Congressman Murtha is a hero and deserves the respect he earned on the battlefield. This country is free because of men and women like him,” said Hackett.

He continued, “As Ohio’s senior Republican official in Washington, Sen. Mike DeWine should join me in calling on Jean Scmidt to apologize for ever questioning John Murtha’s honor.”

“It’s time for Sen. DeWine to show some leadership and help hold his colleagues in Washington accountable for their actions AND their words,” Hackett concluded.


From Schmidt’s First Speech in Congress 09/06/05:

“This House has much work to do. On that we can all agree. We will not always agree on the details of that work. Honorable people can certainly agree to disagree. However, here today I accept a second oath. I pledge to walk in the shoes of my colleagues and refrain from name-calling or the questioning of character. It is easy to quickly sink to the lowest form of political debate. Harsh words often lead to headlines, but walking this path is not a victimless crime. This great House pays the price.”