this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters

cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, and My Left Wing.

image and poem below the fold

A woman reacts as she receives medical treatment at the site of a collapsed building after two early morning explosions in central Baghdad November 18, 2005. Two suicide car bombs exploded near a hotel used by foreigners in central Baghdad on Friday and initial reports said at least six people were killed, including two children, and 40 wounded, police said.
REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudani

An injured man leaves a hospital in Baghdad where he was treated for injuries he sustained from a suicide bomb blast November 18, 2005. Two suicide car bombs exploded near a hotel used by foreigners in central Baghdad on Friday and initial reports said at least six people were killed, including two children, and 40 wounded, police said.
REUTERS/Ceerwan Aziz

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa) calls for the withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Iraq while at a news conference on Capitol Hill November 17, 2005.
(Larry Downing/Reuters)

from Poem I
by Sappho

Come to me now, too, and set me free
From bitter cares, and do everything
That my heart wishes done; and you yourself
Become my ally.

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view the pbs newshour silent honor roll (with thanks to jimstaro at booman.)

take a private moment to light one candle among many (with thanks to TXSharon)

support Veterans for Peace
support the Iraqi people
support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
support CARE
support the victims of torture
remember the fallen
support Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – TAPS
support Gold Star Families for Peace
support the fallen
support the troops
support Iraq Veterans Against the War
support Military families Speak Out
support the troops and the Iraqi people
read This is what John Kerry did today, the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
witness every day