On my recent diary regarding the real story about Bob Woodward’s LONG history as (at the very least) an intel asset (Bob Woodward. Where’s The Beef? Where Is OUR Beef?), BT contributor spiderleaf commented that (s)he wasn’t surprised at all. But then in the same comment spiderleaf said “I hadn’t heard the doubts about `All the Prez’s Men’ “.
A confusion of this sort…a kind of media hypnosis-induced doublethink, when looked at in a certain way…is the main reason that the left has remained so essentially powerless in this country over the past 40+ years. Since JFK went down in ’63 we have had exactly two Democratic presidents…not counting LBJ who was as far as I am concerned (at best post-event) a witting participant in what went down in Dallas that day.
Probably BEFORE it went down, Texas being his turf and all.
Anyway…I started a reply to that comment.
And it got large.
So now it’s a diary.
Read on…
I do not mean to be rude here…I really don’t, spiderleaf…but how the left can be so self-deluded about what has happened in this country since the coverup of JFK’s murder (especially in the media) is almost inconceivable to me.
That the incredibly successful Frank Wisner-run “Operation Mockingbird” idea (started in the late ’40s/early-’50s) has become a colossus of institutionalized deceit in this country has been thoroughly documented in print and especially on the internet. It is there for anyone with half a computer and a quarter of a brain to see. But even without the aid of well researched materials…I mean, it was evident to me at the age of 20 that there was something fundamentally rotten going on in a media and justice system that could not come up with anyone other than loner losers as suspects in the wave of assassinations that crippled the left wing leadership of this country. And Nixon’s administration (Kissinger’s, really, as it turned out…) plus the Watergate farce was the CLINCHER.
You know, it is often said that bad things sometimes happen to good people. Right? That’s a piece of common wisdom that is unchallengeably true. But of this concept’s many possible corollaries, the one that would center around “good” results…such as the impeachment of Nixon…coming to pass for bad reasons seems to elude almost everyone.
The same oligarchy that largely runs this country is ultimately responsible for both the assassinations AND the taking down of Tricky Dicky.
And the various coverups and the Iran-Contra/B.C.C.I. nexus and the crack epidemic and the Clinton investigation/impeachment foolishness and the Bush II wins in 2000 and 2004 and the Blood For Oil War in the Middle East AND the current turn of the media against BushCo.
At the very LEAST.
Did 5 or 12 or 120 men sit down in a room somewhere and vote on these things? Were there a series of Appalachia meetings on the grandest of scales?
I tend to doubt this.
It is more informal and less consciously planned than that. It almost must be, because that sort of thing would be too hard to hide. I mean, Cheney’s secret “Energy Task Force” meeting…which was just a meeting of some high level LACKEYS of the real people in power…was common knowledge the day after it happened.
But some people gave some other people some green lights. As in “Do what must be done.” And then preserved plausible deniability by keeping their hands (and information channels) largely off of the actual machinations.
As long as they worked. As long as they were ultimately “good for business”. And if they were NOT good for business, then other green lights were…and continue to be…given, and other machinations came into play.
It works the same way with the media. The dirty work is done by people like Woodward. Like Judith Miller and Robert Novak. Media buttonmen and frontmen. People who work the streets. Media footsoldiers. Up the chain of command to Bradlee, further up to the Grahams, and even FURTHER up to (and through) intel people and then on up into the stratosphere of REAL power…the Permanent Government (Permanent money, the kind that buys governorships and political parties, the kind of money that is barely affected even by such things as depressions and wars, the kind that in fact is able to profit from EVERYTHING.)…up THAT chain of command, the rule is plausible deniability squared, cubed, and then on up in a geometric progression the size and seriousness of which is almost inconceivable.
When Barbara Bush…married into that system at a middling low level, really, married to a powerful technician in that system, nothing much more…says “‘Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?’, it is a unintended little snapshot
of the ongoing truth of how this shit plays out.
SHE has plausible deniability. She’s too fucking dumb to know what’s going down.
Like the Corleone women.
And yet…over and over again the left rolls over and plays good dog when this game gets run.
Lionizing media buttonmen like Woodward.
Almost willfully turning a blind eye to what is really happening in in a paroxysm of relief that at least SOMETHING is “going right”.
And yet, in the long run…nothing has gone right.
We have lost our democracy.
We have murdered millions…literally MILLIONS…in various foreign adventures over the past 60 years or so. And have created a permanent population of enemies around the world that outnumber us 5 to 1 and are rapidly acquiring the means and inventing tactics that will eventually cut us off at the knees if not destroy all of civilization and perhaps all life on the planet as well.
And we have damned near destroyed our economy and the very society and culture that created and sustained it. The working class/middle class society that prevailed over almost EVERY obstacle during the first several hundred years of the history of the United States.
Not a perfect system…but one that WORKED. One that grew, and one that learned from its errors.
Since the corporate takeover of the media…that system is over.
Color it gone.
Except on the net.
And BARELY even there.
A consistent pressing of this point is really what got me bounced from dKos, for example. But it is a proven truth, in my view.
And here we are again.
“Oh MY!!! You mean Robert Redford…errr, I mean Bob Woodward…is crooked TOO!!!??? Oh MY!!!!”
Meanwhile, right in front of our faces the institutional media has “suddenly” seen the light.
Once again.
What is this…about the fifth time in 40 years?
And then, “suddenly ” (Once it is plain that the war is bad for business…)
Same with Nixon.
Same (in reverse) with Clinton.
And now…”suddenly”…the same with Iraq and the architects of that particular debacle, BushCo.
And where were these people when the 2000 election was stolen?
When that other snapshot of how business is REALLY done surfaced?
Where were they during the runup to the invasion of Iraq?
It’s crooked up and down the line, spiderleaf. And it must be fixed AT THE SOURCE.
Not just another application of ANOTHER coat of whitewash by these crafty, tricky Tom Sawyers.
“C’MON, Huck. It’s FUN!!!”
The left…the poor, hapless Huckleberry Finn of this ongoing story.
Being huckstered once again.
“Why…the media is GOOD now!!!”
“Nothin’ personal.”
“It’s just business, George.”
“Just business.”
(Sound of a big fusillade of media multi-automatic weapon “BADA BINGS!!!” going off.)
And here we sit in the darkened movie theater…having paid our money to watch a show over which we have almost no control whatsoever and in fact do not (most of us) even realize IS a show, having surrendered our capability of disbelief at the age of three while watching the Flintstones or some OTHER mindless crap…and applaud the carnage.
“See, Mabel. I TOLDYA the bad guys would get it in the end!!!”
Just as it has been for 50 or 60 years.
Wake the fuck up.
I take my first statement back.
I DO mean to be rude here.
If it takes some rude boys to get through the thick mantle of media-induced skin that has grown over the consciousness of the so-called intellectual elite of this country, then so be it.
Wake the fuck UP!!!
You are being huckstered once again.
“Look Huck!!! It’s FUN!!!”
AG, sometimes you scare the bejeesus out of me.
Sometimes it’s when you’re commenting on my diaries, LOL.
Sometimes it’s because I think you’re frightfully close to the mark, or at least this is what I think on my dark and gloomy days (maybe today is one of them.)
I think the most probable reason for Bushco going down won’t be because of the righteous indignation of the people, as much as Ducttape Fatwa and others might try and convince me that a popular uprising is do-able. I think it will be because someone very powerful and wealthy said something to someone else of similar ilk and wheels were set in motion. Their common sense that the current regime is bad for business: “nothing personal, this is business: you can fall on your sword and leave the easy way, or you can leave the hard way.” Mafia-like is exactly the model I’d use as well, and I know a little something about that whole world (check out my user info bio). You nailed it on “Mama Bushileone.”
The Roman senate existed as an institution right up until the end in 476 AD. Of course, it hadn’t really had any real power for maybe 550 years, despite such fig leafs as putting the letters “SC” on the back of every copper Roman coin to signify “minted with the consent of the senate” (a mark that was not required on silver or gold coins, incidentally, which were minted by the emperor – prototype for the federal reserve?).
We too have kept/will keep our “democratic traditions and institutions” long after they also are nothing more than fig leafs. You might say they were infested with dry rot and became hollow when big money consolidated control of the media and corrupted the election process. Howard Zinn makes a pursuasive case it’s been like that since the founding of the country.
I don’t know. Maybe I’m having another “Eeyore day.” or maybe it makes perfect sense that you can hardly slip a sheet of loose-leaf paper between the “business wings” of the two political parties, which we put a fig-leaf over by calling “the moderate center in American politics.” I don’t see how we’re going to achieve real political reform while the folks with big money are controlling the system behind the scenes, and I don’t see that they’re going to allow themselves to be removed by “reforms.” So we’re left with the equally unpleasant options of revolution or to keep playing Charlie Brown to Lucy holding the football until the entire system collapses of internal dry rot, as all empires do eventually.
In the interim, sometimes you get a Marcus Aurelius, sometimes a Nero.
“AG, sometimes you scare the bejeesus out of me.”
Me. too.
Imagine LIVING with this shit.
However…I save OODLES by not having to go to scary movies or read scary books.
It all evens out in the end.
P.S. In fact, not only does it all even out….as Martin Luther King Jr. so eloquently put it just before they blew his brains out all over some funky motel balcony in Memphis: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Betcha he thought something along those lines as he went down.
Keep the faith, Knoxville.
But remember…you ain’t THAT far away from Memphis yo’se’f, bro’.
Being in Knoxville and all…
In fact…see these things for what they really are and NONE of us are very far from that Memphis balcony.
“Keeping the faith” can be a very dangerous proposition.
VERY dangerous.
I’m with you. Besides a newstrike, what do you recommend one does?
And then…wake some OTHER motherfuckers up.
There are MANY possible “critical masses”. If a sufficient number of people on the left and left/center really woke up to the game instead of acting like grateful dogs every time their master ceases kicking them for even the shortest of times, then…then something would be different.
Where would it go?
What would happen?
Damned if I know.
But I DO know that it cannot continue like this, because the enemies we have made are getting better armed every day, and they ARE going to blow a big hole is this game eventually.
The formal idea of a NEWSTRIKE!!!…an organized boycott from the left of the crooked media and their advertisers/controllers (Which “left” being a largely VERY desirable demographic for the people who RUN the media…middle class and above, mostly.)…has so far in the 9 or so months that I have tried to flog it (mostly on dKos…ANOTHER reason that I was banned from there, I believe) gone over like a plutonium balloon.
People either:
1-Simply do not think it would work.
2-Are simply unable to understand the media mechanism by which this society lives.
3-Are so strung out by their media jones that they can no more conceive of stepping away from it than a heroin junkie can conceive of facing a cold turkey withdrawal.
4-Some combination of those three ideas.
Or of course…
5-Are corporate/PermaGov moles sent out to discourage ANY ideas from surfacing that might have some chance of actually changing things.
So I have essentially given up hope for the success of an organized NEWSTRIKE!!!.
The mewling, fawning, grateful-for-crumbs reaction of the left to the turning of the media against BushCo (Finally!!! TOOK the motherfuckers long enough just to see how incompetent, inefficient and counterproductive that whole buzzing hive of neo-con fools really is. And has been.) is all I need to see to be sure of my take on that NEWSTRIKE!!! subject.
Ain’t no effective NEWSTRIKE!!! happening as long as 90% of the left has its nose RIGHT up the ass of the media. (Do you know the difference between ass-kissing and brown-nosing, by the way? Depth perception.)
Well, the “left” is OUT of its depth at present.
WAY out.
Swimming in shark infested waters while under the mistaken impression that the sharks are really lifeguards.
So…I have no other plan.
Except to keep preaching good pitch to the presently execrably out of tune and badly misled choir.
“TUNE the fuck UP!!!”
Will it work?
Doubt it.
But…I’m fresh out of other ideas.
So on I go about my business.
If the question is for me I’d suggest more of the same of what we’re doing but in a more organized manner. It looks like the MSM is finally beginning to recognize the blog voices so now would be a good time to focus on a new consensus list to speak with one voice. From there, we can disagree all to hell and back. That’s what makes us unique in our diverse unity…respect for an opposing opinion.
Maybe a unified effort from many blogs to find out what people want included and then the staffs of the participating blogs can shape it with editing eloquence. Then, possibly a one or two leader team from the participating forums can combine the commonalities in a unified message.
It would have to be addressed in some way to the MSM and distributed to those outlets and to political leaders of choice or all of them. We need to call them on their bullshit with one voice. The ones who are on the right track need to hear that from us too.
A new Bill of Rights or Declaration of Awareness or even a stern list of demands…:)
Never happen.
Not from dKos anyway, and dKos IS “the blogoshpere”.
By the numbers.
And in the eyes of the media as well.
When I floatwd it on dKos, it was SERIOUSLY dissed by several of the more important movers and shakers there.
The usual line was something in the neighborhood of “Well, what do you EXPECT us to do? Simply ignore the media? The really important stuff!!!???”
Can’t get past THAT…
When the very point you are making is that the media really ISN’T that important if no one believes what it has to say.
Can’t get PAST that.
So it’s a no-go from the very git-go.
my excuse is that a) I was 4 in 1977 and b) I’m Canadian… I think I have pretty good knowledge about it considering the above 😉
Good post Arthur, I’m going to take some time to read it more in depth now that I’ve finished making excuses for my ignorance 🙂
okay, now on to the rest of it.
Just because I hadn’t heard the stuff about “all the prez’s men” DOES NOT mean I have no clue about the rest of the power structure… it just means I really didn’t care that much about Woodstein to go looking for info on it… but if you want to talk about Panama, or Columbia, or Vietnam, or Cambodia, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, or the CIA or Skull and Bones, the IMF, or the Kennedy(s), or whatever, I’m game.
Which is why I said I appreciated your post on Woodward and that it didn’t surprise me even if I didn’t know the specifics about the book… 😉
You are dead on tho’ that to these people we are all expendable in their quest to continue to manipulate and keep absolute power.
I had no intention of being rude to you, spiderleaf.
Any more than does the diver to the diving board from which he springs.
But these things need saying.
WHENEVER an essential contradiction in thought such as the one I read from you appears.
For whatever reasons.
So I posted my post.
Glad you are on board with the rest of it.
And now…
I’ve been avoiding the blogs for awhile for several reasons, but the main one is my extreme disillusionment with what’s going on in our dying democracy and the futile attempts in trying to convince people it’s worth saving. Your diary made me sign in for the first time in weeks just because I HAD to recommend it. It’s brilliant. So so sad, but sooooo true. I only hope that Diebold (or those that control the machines) will see it’s better for business to let the Democrats win instead of the Republicans.
keep trying.
There is no other hope.
As has been attributed to Winston Churchill regarding old age:
“The alternative is totally unacceptable”.
Didn’t Robert Ludlum write a novel that posited a similar scenario? Can’t remember the title…damn!
Oh, no…
THAT would be the one where a novel is published by the very media it pretends to unmask so that the very idea of “unmasking” itself becomes the subject of popular fiction.
Remember…the Devil’s greatest trick was to convince people that he did not exist.
He’s just the subject of a dimestore novel.
CAN’T be real…
Political power in this country is driven by the plutocrats through the mechanism of inter-locking Boards of Directors of the major corporations they control. That’s where the money is and in an industrialized society money = wealth production = power as in agrarian society land = wealth production = power.
And it’s been that way since the Union threw massive amounts of bucks at the Northern Industrialists to produce the military supplies to fight the Civil War. The Rise and Fall of the Railroads is instructive, here as well a point below.
I’m not agreeing with the Marxist (and Conservative, oddly enough) claim of Economic Determinism but I am saying the plutocrats have amassed enough control to easily establish their ‘Talking Points’ – or ‘frame’ or ‘spin’ – as a major, perhaps the majority, position in any Public Debate. Plus their campaign contributions force public officials to heed, not necessarily obey, their wishes. (It ain’t that simple.)
While the various industries rise and fall, e.g., Railroads, the plutocrats can shift their control from the falling industries to rising industries by shifting capital input – investment. The specific means change but the control continues and the monies generated from those wealth creating industries increases as the wealth increases. This allows diffuse family “dynasties” to maintain control through time.
It doesn’t matter to Barbara Bush or any other plutocrat if a few thousand, or tens of thousands, of American troops die in Iraq. The industries they depend on for her income will profit from the goods and services purchased by the goverment needed for the war. As Barbara depends on oil extraction for her income control of the Iraqi oil wells is langiappe but restricting market supply of oil drives up oil prices so she wins either way. She doesn’t have to worry her “beautiful mind” and she don’t.
The monopolistic media companies are controlled through the same inter-locking Corporate Boards and they aren’t about to push stories that would worry our “beautiful minds” either.
If the American People really grapsed how the game is played the whole rotten structure would come crashing down.
(Romantically optimistic? Perhaps.)
Ignoring the DC ‘in-crowd,’ building the local and state Democratic Parties, and building a financial network of lots of small donations Gov. Dean is doing exactly what is necessary to break the grip of K-Street over the American political process.
A brilliant diary but that could be only because I agree with you.
There’s more for consideration at this link Manipulation and Control , but here are a few highlights of a few family lines involved.
The true battle ground is between the people and the plutocrats. The real battle is whether this is a nation of by and for the people or of by and for the elite few. This crosses party lines.
That’s the dirty secret the MSM and politicians are scared to death we’ll discover.
I think the JFK assassination was the awakening for me. Although not quite old enough at the time of his murder to grasp the implications, while in high school I heard the discussions of the Warren report, the “magic” bullet (that’s you Arlen Specter), and the commie lone gun man. Later I realized that the political assassinations of the 1960s were, 1) a coup d’etat – JFK, 2) preventative coups for RFK (and MLK -a potential VP for RFK), 3) reinforcement of the status quo by silencing radical change; i.e., this much and no further, for Malcolm and MLK.
Then there is the whole issue of the CIA – Murder, Inc. – that is being run abroad.
And Deep Throat(s) brought down Nixon, not our system of checks and balances. And it seems that the power structure now feels that W/Cheney/Rove is expendable – they have done their job, or are bungling their job too grossly to be tolerated.
A few years ago I was in Dealey Plaza. There is a very small marker in the sidewalk noting the spot where JFK was shot; less recognition than for Millard Fillmore’s cabin in upstate New York, although the marker did explain the political decision that led to Fillmore’s one term presidency.
about Arlen Spectre…errr, Spookster…ahhhh….rather…I mean, Specter.
THAT’s it!!!
Quick definitions (specter)
#1 noun: a mental representation of some haunting experience (Example: “It aroused specters from his past”)
#2 noun: a ghostly appearing figure
#3 name: A surname (very rare: popularity rank in the U.S.: #67649)
1605, from Fr. spectre “an image, figure, ghost” (16c.), from L. spectrum “appearance, vision, apparition” (see spectrum). Spectral is attested from 1815 in the sense of “ghostly” (first recorded in Shelley); 1832 in sense of “of or pertaining to a spectrum.”
Just don’t get me started.
Arlen Specter.
HEAVILY involved in Senate “oversight” of intel affairs, including serving as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for ssveral years in the ’90s
A specter overseeing spooks? Overseeing the whole spectrum of intelligence work?
Who is writing this stuff?
Even Dickens would have drawn the line at THAT one.
Spectres, spirits, spooks and boo’s.
I thoroughly enjoy your rants but you might consider really letting loose on what you feel about these issues.,…don’t hold back.
I am holding back.
It’s probably wiser to hold back somewhat so as not to alienate or overwhelm those who are still open to consideration.
I often wonder why some of us can see patterns of behavior that others have difficulty accepting. To me, not considering the ‘conspiracy theories’ leaves explanations riddled with inconsistencies that are only explained by truer conspiracy theory.
The suspension of disbelief.
Did you see where Scanlon signed for immunity in virtually any pending/coming criminal case against Abramoff? That’s huge and going to be tugging at the roots of family trees.
Scanlon is expected to enter a guilty plea at a hearing Monday as a part of a plea deal, agreeing to testify against Abramoff in any upcoming court proceedings.
You write:
‘t’s probably wiser to hold back somewhat so as not to alienate or overwhelm those who are still open to consideration.”
BEEN holding back.
For too many years.
Too many of us have been holding back.
It hasn’t worked.
I hold back no more.
(It can’t work any WORSE. Look at the state of the U.S. for more on that subject.)
I’m still self-censoring in trying to find what the levels of acceptability are. I have to admit that little by little, people believe more of the same things I’ve been saying for the past 4 years. I haven’t changed nor has the message.
I still can’t believe our unelected leaders would base a war on information supplied by a guy named Curveball
“I still can’t believe our unelected leaders would base a war on information supplied by a guy named Curveball.”
Well…DON’T believe it.
They didn’t “base” their actions on his info…they chose his info over that of many others because it supported what they had already decided to do 4 or 5 or even 10 or 12 years earlier.
If indeed he wasn’t a total plant in the FIRST place.
You have to get it out of your head that there is a SHRED of honesty in place regarding the tactical decision making of these people.
Certainly they believe that they are “right”. Strategically. (Almost certainly, anyway…truly conscious evil is VERY rare.)
I mean…even the Nazis believed that they were “right”, most of them. That the Jews and the Slavs and all the other races were meant to be subservient to the Aryan race. That Aryan supremacy was a God-given right.
But their TACTICS were necessarily “dishonest”. Because they were outnumbered.
The ends justified the means.
The “good” strategic ends justified the “bad” tactical means in their little rat minds.
Same here.
These neo-cons really believe that the superior cultures of America, Western Europe and the other developed nations are supposed to dominate the Third World in every way. Take it over, essentially. Turn the Middle East into Middle AmericaEast, complete with sham elections, sham media and Burger Kings. The way God MEANT things to be.
So they decided to take down the opposition to that aim whenever and wherever possible.
By any means necessary.
They needed “justification” to scam the sleeple, to stampede the masses into war, so they chose a witness that agrees with them.
Just as it always was.
But…they failed to WIN that war in good time…after all, they are also incredibly and crudely stupid.
And ugly, too.
So they are going down.
Do not mistake their tactics for honest effort.
The fix is ALWAYS in when trillions of dollars are at stake.
Bet on it.
All we can really ask for is fixers who understand the stakes and the realties of the world situation.
Which the neo-cons do not.
On the evidence.
Which is why they are now being dismantled.
They failed.
Off with their (political) heads, and on with business.
Just as it always was.
Just as it always WIILL be.
Business without end.
All I meant was that they should have come up with a more believable name. I think it’s a conspiracy of ideology and global criminal racketeering that’s been building for decades. There are no accidents.
sets in the west…
Anyone else feel like recommending it?
(Nine is not enough, apparently.)
I would LOVE to reach a few more people…
Thanks in advance…
Great piece .
What pisses me off is : the stupid shit these ass hole plutocrats are doing doesn’t even serve their long term interest ; that assumes that they at least care about the world they make for their own offspring .
The plutocrats nearly pushed the country off a cliff back in the 30’s . As John Kenneth Galbraith discussed in ” Culture of Contentment ” the hoi polloi and we who know better are generally to self absorbed to fuss much before the onset of hunger pains . The provision Bread and circus have always been an effective opiate.
Most of us have no real understanding of the despair and poverty that breathed the present degree of reality
into America’s Ideals . We are not the first people to have notions of ” individual freedom for all ” but we were among the first to live on this scale .What we have is no accident it grew out of the material reality of our activist predecessors .
We’ve glamorized how we got here to such an extent – we now take it as granted, ordained or an article of faith and I mean that literally for some of our more lemming like hoi polloi .
Sometimes I think that : In addition to waking up and getting off our asses , we need is a gigantic ” Museum of American Reality ” which shows the strife , death , wars , slave rebellions , armed labor conflicts other, domestic insurgencies won and lost and compromise that got us to this point ; something vivid like the Holocaust Museum or given our current stupor we’d better make a theme park or reality show .
and not just recently, but for literally thousands of years, if you read the various religious myths and writings correctly…that the only POSSIBLE explanation for the continuation of what we might describe as “the stupid shit these ass hole plutocrats are doing” (Freely substitute the terms “aristocrats”, “rulers”, “evil people”, “criminals”, “barbarians”, etc. for “plutocrats” in that phrase…) is that they do NOT “care about the world they make for their own offspring” because they are not human. Or are under the CONTROL of someone/something that is not human. Thus their “ofdspring” do not much enter INTO the equation.
This is not a …fashionable approach these days. But it makes as much sense as any other approach, when you get right down to it.
Go take a look at the blog Rigorous Intuition sometime if you have a moment.
Knoxville Progressive wrote on this thread “AG, sometimes you scare the bejeesus out of me.”
Well, Rigorous Intuition scares the bejesus out of ME.
Good as any OTHER set of explanations for the constantly negative actions of these people.
These creatures.
BETTER than most…
Scared yet?
Check it out.
P.S. BOO!!!
and I think he likes me, even though I scare the bejesus out of him. 😉
To sum up RI in a word..
(I was the first to recommend it)
And I just want to tell you how much I’m enjoying this discussion. I had to run off to work too soon to be able to post a comment here yesterday. And I was getting prepared for hosting the Cafe this morning (which is now open by-the-way).
But, the ideas that are being discussed here are very important to me. And I just had to sneak over to tell you that. (And I’ll try to find time to draft a longer comment, more politically appropriate comment)
Thank you.
There’s more.
Debt Bondage!!!??? (Our Beautiful Minds, Pt. II)