Those who believe today that we are not safer with his capture don’t have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be president of the United States,” John Kerry, 12/16/2003
I feel safer
you better feel that way too
show some godamn judgement
better get a clue
Oh that credibility
Makes us rage and swoon
don’t ever think we’re anti-war
a second too soon.
A careful position, a nuanced debate
a pallid apology
years too late.
I’ve been thinking a lot the last few days about how almost everyone went nuts when Dean questioned whether we were safer when Sadam was captured. It doesn’t sound so crazy to question that thinking all these months later. How many times do we need to remember just how right Dean was before the conventional wisdom changes to see Bush as the crazy one and Dean as a voice of sanity?
Somehow clear talking confuses the Controlling Class.
Wasn’t it John Kerry who asked “How do you ask someone to be the last to die for a mistake?” He seems to have forgotten. So many of our young people and their parents are starting to get the picture.
The war-mongers are getting scared, they’re finding themselves in the minority here. Americans are starting to really defend their country without leaving home. I think John can redeem himself now, he made a better warrior than politician.
the DLC and DNC knew it
and, IF we weren’t SO stupid
(see, if were smart we’d been in the DNC and DLC, not just peons with only a few hours a few bucks to kick into the political campaign pot)
we woulda got him elected,
cuz he was electable.
I am going to go buy a lottery ticket, and if I win I’ll send the money to bob schrum and terry mcaulliffe for another loser campaign !!