A reply to aden’s recent post about the mistreatment of foreign workers by US forces in Iraq, Debt Bondage, Fraud, & Coercion on US Bases in Iraq.  (And an elaboration on my previous diary, Our Beautiful Minds as well.)

Aden writes:

“Along with fraud and coercion, the authors … found on US bases in Iraq widespread de facto debt bondage coupled with the routine confiscation of foreign workers’ travel documents.”

Please tell me how this is any different, except in scale, from the way almost the entire population of the U.S. is controlled?

Fraud: DECEIT, TRICKERY; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : TRICK

The very picture of our entire advertising-based system and its extension, the advertising-based political system.

Coercion: Try to drop OUT of that system and see what happens. Try to live without insurance. Without recourse to the usury/debt system. Without paying that part of your taxes that is used in graft, inefficiency and outright criminal behavior and action.

Go on.

I dare ya.

I got yer “coercion” right HERE!!!

Read on…

“Widespread de facto debt bondage”. C’mon…why do most people work at jobs that they loathe?

Because they cannot afford to stop. They will lose their houses, their cars…NONE of which they really own…their families will suffer; they won’t be able to “afford” (read “borrow money for”) any of life’s little pleasures…

They are SCARED.

Sounds like debt bondage to ME…

Why is higher education so expensive?

So that they can get the elite in debt from the get-go. Turn them into debt slaves and then use them as overseers.

And “the routine confiscation of foreign workers’ travel documents”?

Well…we’re not exactly there yet.

But it’s coming if Homeland Security has its way.

A national ID card.


“Look, Obergruppenfuhrer Schicklegruber sir!!! THIS one’s got a bad CREDIT RATING!!!”


So what do we have here in this article?

Once again, a focus upon one little aspect of what is really going wrong here to the exclusion of the real root of the problem.

This whole system has gone rotten.

It is cancerous AT THE ROOT, and yet, in true modern American fashion, we are getting upset at the symptoms instead of the cause.

Support our troops?

OK…most of our troops are in the miliitary because of “fraud, coercion [and] widespread de facto debt bondage”. See the story of little Lynndie English…the dog leash lady from the Abu Ghraib photos…for more on THAT. From a debt-ridden West Virginia trailer to “See The World And Be All That You Can Be” in three easy steps.

1-Enlist. As a last resort because you have not been educated well enough to do much more than run a fast food restaurant cash register that uses pictographs and an automatic calculator just in case you are almost totally functionally illiterate.

2-Get “trained”.

3-Torture and humiliate in the name of Justice and the American Way.


Why are we in Iraq?

Fraud and the coercion of the American people through a massively produced propaganda effort.

Why are we the subject of widespread hostile attention from most of the Third World?

Because for 60+ years we have used fraud and coercion to steal the resources of that Third World.

Including masses of deceived, sub-minimum wage workers. Inside AND outside of the borders of the United States.

HUMAN resources…the most valuable ones of all.

What are our tools of fraud and coercion?


The media defrauds…on every level, including advertising (Institutionalized fraud), and what we laughingly refer to as “The Justice System” coerces.


The intelligence system defrauds, and the military coerces.

What was that “Shock and Awe” thing, again?

Coercion, of course.

And we are shocked that this is happening on a much smaller scale to a few hapless Asian workers?


Look in the mirror.

We have met the victims, and they are us.

Wake up.

The fuck stops here.

STARTS here, too.

Fraud and coercion?

Why…it’s the American Way!!!

Wake the fuck up.

“US military contractor Kellogg, Brown, and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton”, IS America.

Today, anyway.

As above, so below.

Sleep tight…


Wake the fuck up.

But don’t make believe that you do not know.

You’ve been told.

Now, either wake the fuck up or stop complaining and surrender.

This halfway shit just will not do.

“Waaaaah!!!! They’re mistreating foreign workers!!!”


They are MURDERING “foreign workers”.

And they are “mistreating” YOU!!!

And your families.

You children.

Your children’s children, if we do not do something soon.

Wake the fuck up.

STAND the fuck up!!!

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It is beginning to look as if nothing much less will do.


P.S. Aden…I say again. Please please PLEASE do not take offense at this post. It’s not about you.

It’s about US.