Congressman Murtha’s comments are welcome, and are long overdue for my tastes. However, I also have voted against the thugs since my first presidential election, Carter V. Raygun in 1980, so anything that takes some air outta the klepto-theocracy is fine with me.
I’ll explain the warped “logic” from which I am able to respect the Thugs smear campaign, how the Reid Pelosi DC Dem run away from message heaven really pisses me out, and, finally, why I am dismayed by all the Dems who are dismayed by the smear.
There are 3 parts to my “logic” of Thug respect.
First, here are the facts about who the Thugs are. They don’t care about anyone or anything other than power, they never have and they never will. Their perfect world has 25 to 60% unemployment, cuz then the Bechtel’s and Haliburtons and the Wal-Marts are free to crap on everyone. In this perfect world, people who grew up on welfare, like me, are so busy fighting over who is gonna get to drink outta the nearest dirty puddle that we can never do anything with our lives to threaten them economically, hence politically. People like this have existed since before the Pharoahs, and will till the end of time. Period.
Second, here are the facts about politics with the Thugs. You and I may be participating in the community to make it a nicer place, but being nice to Thugs = we lose. Politics is hockey, and if you play hockey bring skates, a stick, and kick ass. If you want to play hockey wearing flip flops and carrying cupcakes, you are going to get your ass kicked. Bambi’s mother is dead. Period.
Third, here are the facts about the Thug smear. It is a perfectly logical smear for people who don’t care about anyone or anything other than power. Duh. If it works to keep power, do it. Period.
Why Pelosi and Reid piss me off.
Let’s try leftvet’s post, The Morning After, for one.
I also read yesterday how Pelosi and Reid bobbed and weaved from Murtha’s statements.
Here is some more harsh reality. The best spin wins. Thugs have proven that you don’t even need facts with your spin to win. The only reason Thug spin is struggling is that the facts are so freaking bad. Murtha provided the BEST opportunity to take some facts, and make some spin, and really start to take this theo-kleptocracy down and out.
I EXPECT thugs to screw me.
I also EXPECT the people who are my “leaders” against thugs to do something to NOT lose, to NOT f##k up chances to win (gore, kerry, hillarycare … Murtha’s statement), and to NOT give me a bunch of crap reasons for losing.
Murtha’s statement has the potential to be a huge turning point, but it won’t as we get the usual Dem “message” of finger waving at the untruthful meanies.
It didn’t beat Raygun and Ailes, or Bush 1 and Atewater, or Bush 2 and Rove, and it ever gonna. I guess it makes drippy lib dems feel superior, smarter, more selfless, more noble … whooppee !!
Finally, I am SOOOOOOOOOOO tired of reading about how unethical and unscrupulous and unsavory and unnice and un-democratic the Thugs are… with their thieving, their smears, their duplicitiy … Duh.
Are you in politics and are you dismayed that aristocrats are acting like aristocrats — that they want to, that they are going to, that they have – pissed on your head and told you it was lemonade?
Uh … go open a nursery school and play with the finger paint.
What are we gonna do to win, and, in particular, how are we gonna get rid of these f##king worthless Pelosi’s and Reids so we can win?
I am so dismayed that so many on “my side” are so clueless.
being bitter, angry, negative, cycnical …
what are the other usual names liberals use whenever someone goes against the happy happy happy upper middle class don’t-be-negative ethic?
the affluent don’t need to look for the root of problems cuz they got the money to deal with the problems.
the rich don’t want anyone figuring out the roots of the problems cuz … well, they are usually the root of the problems.
I have always been fascinated by the lib dem happy happy don’t criticize / be negative / be bitter / be angry ethic.
have anyone heard of south and central america? hundreds of millions of people living in almost slavery to little cliques of super rich people, and for much of that history part of the reason the rich got away with it was the catholic church helped create the culture of
— don’t criticize – just fix it !! or, pray for a savior!
of course, don’t ask why it needs to be fixed, or, who causes it to be broken.
the upper middle class lib dem don’t criticize ethic means that for 2.5 decades the Dem party is stuck with noble, selfless losers as “leaders”,
and tens of millions of us are getting screwed by the rich while our “leaders” lose, and our “leaders” and their clueless lackeys attack anyone who criticizes the status quo.
do you like wasting your time? spending time and or money on the gores, kerrys and hillarys is a waste of time –
supporting a party that can’t take this Murtha statement and beat the thugs they way they deserve to be beat is a waste of time
but, don’t tell anyone, cuz then you’ll be negative, critical, angry and bitter, and you won’t be invited to the lib dem parties at the nice houses.
Grassroots Organizing Should Be for The Community, By The Community – NOT for “Leaders”