What an embarrassment to America, our PresiDUNCE…
Door thwarts quick exit for Bush
“President George W Bush tried to make a quick exit from a news conference in Beijing on Sunday – only to find himself thwarted by locked doors.
The president strode away from reporters looking annoyed after one said he appeared “off his game”.”
It’s limbo time; HOW LOW CAN THE BAR GO ??????????
As long as it takes the apathetic in this country to wake up and realize what an asshole bush is!
If the ‘liberal'(wink wink) media ever did their JOB, America would wake up instantly…. ‘Liberal media’ my ass !!
Attended a conference at UM-Flint this summer. One of the speakers was John Conyers who encouraged the use of “alternative” media!
Places like Booman and alternative media, may be America’s only hope. A stronger and steadier message needs to be sent to MSM…
Definitely believe that! If I ever find my notes, will diary them…got a lot going on now….
I see he also pulled the old jet lag excuse again..he’s used that before for appearing stupid to the foreign press. Since he has almost 3 more years of aggravation and stress coming his way he’s going to be a literal drooling idiot by the time he leaves office. Not that I don’t think he basically already is but the public might just start picking up on this finally.
I’m so hoping a meltdown comes on tv at some press conference or any event where he is in public. Ronnie Raygun may have been as stupid as bush but at least he seemed to understand the importance of surface diplomacy and charm.
The meltdown has pretty much happened, it has been ignored, and suppressed by the msm… Wouldn’t be surprised if their is a time delay on his live speeches, to save his sorry-ass from himself. Kinda funny to watch his administration’s action, then fellow felons, as well as the media scramble and spin their way out of their own words. Damn funny, sad that the stakes are so high. :>(
Indicative of everything he’s going through now. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving SOB.
No wait … send his ass to Iraq with the protection that he deems worthy enough for the troops.
Now that’s getting even.
So, being born into affluence, attending the finest schools and receiving every possible advantage is apparently still not enough to make the Chimperor appear presidential. What would it take? (a lobotomy is probably out of the question.)