1st deferment: Cheney enrolled in Casper Community College in January 1963 — he turned 22 that month — and sought his first student deferment on March 20.
2nd deferment: (student), after transferring to the University of Wyoming on July 23, 1963.
3rd deferment: (student)on Oct. 14, 1964.
4th deferment: attended graduate school at the University of Wyoming on Nov. 1, 1965.
5th deferment: On Oct. 6, 1965, the Selective Service lifted its ban against drafting married men who had no children. Nine months and two days later, Cheney had his first daughter. Cheney applied for 3-A status, the ”hardship”exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. It was granted.
Published: May 1, 2004, New York Times
Images from Al Rodger’s DailyKos diary
The “Cheney as Chickenhawk” thing seems inexplicable to me (as do many things about him). Wyoming just is not that kind of place. People who hid from combat because their ass was too precious to be risked can’t be well thought of in Laramie or any of those little places in the American “Empty Quarter.”
“Woodsy” Pennsylvania where Murtha comes from is not friendly country for people like that either.
I used to spend a lot of time in Shenandoah County, Virginia. There are so many men there hobbling about on crutches or eating breakfast with one hand and one “claw” at the next table that the thought of Cheney’s deferments is troubling in the context of his martial zeal and ferocity. He needs to learn how to tie a bow tie properly.
Farrell [a friend of Pat’s who writes at Pat’s blog] wrote that people thought us all “stupid” when we returned from SE Asia as part of what our countrymen thought of as the “less than greatest generation.”
Well, the VP is the VP. He looks a little peaked in his ridiculous monkey suit. Maybe he really WAS the smart one, he and all the other little Cheney creatures.Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann (interview), CNN and Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room (interview), PBS’s Newshour, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” (interview), and more .
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
The “Cheney as Chickenhawk” thing seems inexplicable to me … Wyoming just is not that kind of place.
Money and power and control and not playing by “our” rules is inexplicable to you?
That’s pretty naive for a Huminit guy isn’t it?
deferments, people lose sight of the fact that his boss was a draft dodger too. Everyone who was of age in the ’60s knows that the only reason anyone of that era enlisted in the National Guard was to keep his ass out of Vietnam.
This is one of the macabre ironies of the Bush presidency . The branch of the service in which he hid from the fighting and dying is the branch he’s forcing to do most of the fighting and dying.
Chicken-hawk. cheney is a Chicken-wannabe-hawk. Or, plain chicken.
But he is definitely a dick
Chicken-hawk. cheney is a Chicken-wannabe-hawk. Or, plain chicken.
And that is precisely why I prefer to call them “neo-chickens”… It bashes both their politics and their lack of service.
Hey, now you have to pass me the Windex so I can wipe the screen.
OK. But not if you have a Windows OS… It will wipe it clean off your hard drive!
Yuo must be psycic. I have been trying to reinstal the windows, and cant do it.
What you say about Cheney not being cared for much in Wyoming is very true. They wanted to change a name of high school there to his name and the people rose up screaming. I lived about 10 miles from him when I was a teenager, he owned The Polo Ranch at the foot of the Big Horns when I lived in Sheridan WY and was not liked at all there either. Not that anybody saw much of him, once he found his way to Washington he was much too good to be troubled by pesky simpleton Wyomingites.