Jerry and Steven D are unavailable this weekend. BooMan is busy, busy, busy, and I can’t even reach him on his cell phone. My mom passed away a couple hours ago. (I’m okay — just “floating” in a strange place that’s alright.)

I happened to write to Jane Hamsher of firedoglake because I’d noticed she’d filled in for John Amato at Crooks & Liars … I was worried about John, and I mentioned that I wish we could have a “sub” like her. She offered to sub! And she’ll be posting shortly. Isn’t that the nicest thing? She is, in my opinion, one of the best, most astute, and terribly funny bloggers in the entire blogosphere…. it’s an honor she is willing to pitch in here.

Update: Atrios linked Pat Lang’s incredible Curveball story. I went to check it out, and couldn’t believe what I saw. Atrios has put up the most stunning set of photos of Bush the clown, the idiot faux president. It’s embarrassing but it’s also perversely funny.