Hey all. I have a great idea that needs input from progressive, patriotic members such as yourselves.

Here is my vision. We create a web site that is a “Republican Deprogrammer”

(I design websites for a living so I can build this puppy and host it as well)

The user is invited to answer questions, which then bring them to the next screen. We can set it up to dispel Republican talking points and myths.

Something like:

We were attacked on 9-11 (Show images)… which organization was responsible for the attack?
A list shows and if the click on the wrong one, it says no, try again. When they click Al-Qaeda, it goes to next screen: Yes. with a brief explanation of who what when where. Or we could have a page that read: Saddam and Osama have worked together in the past to undermine the U.S. True or False.

Get the idea?  We could put up a: Clinton was too “distracted” by his personal  issues to deal with the threat accordingly: True or False. Then we can bring them to a screen that details the four days of bombings Clinton authorized and the quotes from the Righties during that time. Then to comments by Clarke about how the Bush security council never took the threat seriously.

See where I’m going with this? Any one have any ideas, input? Anyone want to design this thing? I’ll build it. It’s just that I am really buys and can’t do both.

Think about it. Sleep on it.

Get back to me.