This is the final stage of the first phase of “Operation Yellow Feather.”  You can recommend this so it gets better visibility if you would like to.  I’m going to be taking it down shortly.

At this point, all that is left is to try to launch “Operation Yellow Feather” onto the dKos rec’d list.  Sally Cat will be posting a diary at 6:00 p.m. EST / 3:00 p.m. PST titled “Operation Yellow Feather.”

If you can go there and recommend it.  Talk it up.  That’s about all we can do.  We’ve gotten pretty broad Internet coverage today.  Now let’s launch it on Kos, and hope that it takes root.

Of course, send your own protest feathers.  And continue to spread it to your favorite corners of the Internet.

Thanks for all the help from all the Boo Trib bloggers.  Too many to mention by name.  But you are a good group.  Bronze star to Internet Activism on this project, if I was handing them out.